Danny van here with heartfelt awakening It is day eight, if you can believe it, time is just flying. So let's get right into it. So I'm going to share my screen with you. Let's talk about day eight. should be really quick. Basically an encouragement to keep going.
Keep going every day, twice a day for 10 minutes. Make it a ritual, make it a habit. Keep going, don't stop. This is something that is going to become who you are and you make time for this. So think about over the last eight days. What have you noticed?
What have you become more aware of? Have you noticed an increase of the Inner Space. Have you noticed an increase in the space outside of you in the material world in the five sensory world? What are you noticing? Have you had any aha moments? I was just recently talking to someone and she was saying, you know, when I'm in this space, it's just expansive Nirvana.
And then I come back to reality. And I can see how irrelevance so many things are, this is a wonderful space to be, because this increases more of this internal space that we're also desperately seeking. So whatever it is, you're noticing, let me know. And I would love to know what it is you're going through what you're experiencing any aha moments, let me know and what benefits Are you beginning to see? Because with meditation, so many of the benefits It's really hard to name. So if you can notice a few of the benefits, you'll start to notice more and more and more of the benefits.
And then don't forget within our social learning group, we have a lot of resources in there. We've got our three day course on beginning courses, just the basics, on EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, and it's just tapping on the energy centers of the body, and aligning body breath and spirit. So I highly encourage you to take advantage of the resources that we have within our group. So thank you, thank you, thank you, and blessings on day eight of our 10 day meditation challenge and you're probably noticing the meditation is really not the challenge isn't it staying consistent and staying true to yourself and taking the time out for yourself? I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Blessings