Hey, it's any van here with heartfelt awakening day five, you made it to day five. Now five is the number of transformation. So let's, I'm going to share my screen with you. day five, welcome, welcome to day five, you're halfway done with day five. And it's flying by isn't it? It's time is just who if you don't schedule, the things you want to do, the world will take the time from you and do the things it wants to do.
So becoming more and more aware of your time and how five is the number of transformation. So you're starting to really develop this habit and making a ritual of it and doing it for you. And this is a wonderful place to be however, there With it, stay with it. You might even be thinking, I don't know, am I doing this right? I don't know if it's anything is really happening. You may have some doubts come in, stay with it.
You're right there. You're right where you're supposed to be. Because day five can be really tough for a lot of people. It's like do I keep going? Am I doing it right? All these doubts all these questions, sometimes the mind starts coming even stronger and sometimes not able to stay with the awareness and the mind starts.
It starts doing its thing. So this is normal. Just be aware that it is normal, but stay with it. Alright, so congratulations on making it today. Five, you are doing fan plastic. Keep going.
And yes, the mind is going to come In, yes, doubts are going to come in. Just be aware of them and then withdraw your attention. This is key, your awareness and your attention are starting to grow your awareness and your attention. I'm just going to come out and say this is a hot commodity. And this is what marketing and social media news and everything else knows that if they can get your attention from you, we're bringing this attention back to you. precious, precious attention.
All right. So I will see you tomorrow. Have a day full of lessons.