Identifying paths. Many times we feel that we have to outline the specific actions that employee has to take in order to reach the stated goal. While this may make you feel better, the likelihood of this action becoming meaningful to your employee is close to nil. Let us quickly review what we have done so far. You establish what the goal is, there is usually very little wiggle room when it comes to a performance goal. It is the plain unchangeable business reality.
Next, we established the current state of affairs with respect to your employees performance. This historical and factual reality is also unchangeable. Now, let us take it from the employees perspective. How in control do they feel what they shut down if we as their coach solely determined the action steps they're going to take? They might, it is imperative to keep this employee engaged. If not the rest of the coaching session is just a one way discussion, leaving your employee powerless in his or her own development.
When you allow your employees to participate in the development of their options, you get big results. Big results stand for the following benefits buy in by your employee because the options develop as a collaborative effort. Innovation because more creativity is possible when to work at it. Growth because the options developed will have more meaning and lasting commitment.