The third section is probably the most comprehensive, the most detailed one is where actually you define what the project will do. I call it the what the how and the one when the project will be done. What will be done is more about the technical parts is the definition, the design, the plans, the milestones, the cost, the risk, the resources that you're going to take. So the technical, we can call it the heart aspects of projects, the technical aspects, as I told you before, defining what the project will do, how the workshop is going to look like or how this strategy is going, that usually takes quite some time. But that's where you use project management techniques. The second part of this section is about the people.
You don't do projects without people. So how can you engage stakeholders? How can you engage the community? How can you make sure that people like Mark as well Working in the NASA fields engaged in part of the project, absolutely important, you also need to have the capability so, training the people to bring them at the same level of understanding and then communication, communication about the progress communication about the benefits. This is what you will all define in this section is absolutely very important. For this one, one project, which I really see as, as one of the best one is when Europe decided to convert to the euro.
Imagine this is 300 people 1350 nations different languages, but they were so specific on how and what and when that that helped a lot to everything because the Euro was affecting everybody was affecting small business, public sector, individuals, kids, but that project was so well defined. smoothly. It has never happened before that you remove 12 currencies, you move into one and then everything was remotely saw the euro and you can see more details on the screen for me is one of these projects we said, well, this was very well done very well plan. Very well executed.