Hi, everybody, this is Debbie dash finger. And welcome. It's here, our final class number six. And today is about putting it all together. So every week we've been breaking down idea being interviewed, if you don't mind to mute yourself, that would be great. Thank you.
Thanks. Thanks, thanks. We've been breaking down the process from the beginning, which was technical and halfway through it became more about the skills during the actual interview and what happens afterwards. And now we've got the entire process to put together. So let's see from beginning to end what's possible. And I also want to celebrate wins.
I know some of you have had wins because I've been speaking to you through the week. So I want you to have a voice to the things you've been doing and finding are moving you ahead and making that needle shift. And also this is the great time to bring any question whether it's a fourth thought you have about potentially being interviewed and what might happen, how to approach somebody not approach somebody etiquette, something you've done and how it turned out. Anything at all is legitness space. So let's make sure that you feel really taken care of today. And it is my intention that when you leave, it will never be goodbye for us.
The door is always open, of course, to continue to work together, it will be my honor and pleasure, because I think I attract the most extraordinary people. This I know. So you are you have a an open invitation no matter what, please know that. And it truly is my intention that with the end of this chapter of the ultimate visibility formula that you really feel like you understand Do and like with everything that we learn that's new. There's two components. One is learning the other is doing.
So we can learn anything, anytime, any class, any technique. And if we don't go out and start implementing it, it means nothing. And slowly Of course, the skills go away. I'll never forget I once took a class in Photoshop. And I was really good. I loved it.
I was very skilled and I could have created a lot of things. didn't use it. And if you put me today on Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop I'd be lost. Because none of that is retained, however, had I taken that class learned a ton and gone out and started using it. In my world, in my business, I would be so proficient at it right now. So I'm asking you to be proficient for yourself, because nobody's going to be there to prod you except you.
But this is your opportunity to exponential eyes, who you are and what you do out to the world in a really big way. I know the world is waiting for you, I need I know you came here with great purpose. And I know you came here with a message and a mission. But if you hold your light back, nobody's gonna know about it. media outlets and being interviewed opens that world for you. entire careers have been created just by being interviewed.
So use it. It is free. It is a free tool for you. So I I'm going to tell you that with everything you've learned thus far and with how we're going to wrap this up today. Don't wait this week, before Monday rolls around before Sunday, even ends If you take off the weekend, then definitely buy before Friday ends, do major pieces. And the most important thing actually is I set you with 17 pages, which is pretty Grand 17 front back pages of shows and hosts, you know shows don't last forever.
I forgot the retention, actually of shows. It's pretty sparse. Maybe 20% of podcasts and radio shows last. And there's a reason people get into it and they don't even realize it's a tremendous amount of work. You have to love it to do it. The other thing is a lot of people get into the business as a host of their own show thinking, Oh, this will be great for my business.
But I think it's different to do something for your business that you consider a business card. And there's something different between that and really loving. Doing that having a real passion to host a show, whether it's just your own voice, you would have co host or you bring people on to have a conversation with. However you play it if you don't love it, it's not going to sustain. And I think that's why the numbers are so paltry. So right now you've got 17 pages, those pages will change over time, not tomorrow, but they'll change certainly over the next year and years.
Find the shows that are right and lie to you. And I beseech you. In fact, I'm going to ask for your commitment to write in the chat box right now. I want a number of how many shows you will send out for yourself this week, and here's some of you that I had private calls with. I want to reiterate one of the things that I shared with them so you understand how easy this is you actually have all the components. There's nothing for you to worry or wonder about.
Find one show Go ahead, open an email, put in that email address that you're sending to in the subject line, potential guests for your show your name and kind of cool title that you might consider. Not long, right short title, then you know the body D or x. I've been listening to your ex show and I really enjoy and the vibe is x. I think I'd be a really good fit. Here's what I bring. Here's a little about me. And here's three topics I can address. I look forward to hearing back your name, how to get in touch with you.
Right You can attach your media one sheet and hit send. Then go back into your email send box, pull up that same email. Hit forward, find the next person you want to mail to tech, take that email address. Take that new name and plug it in that new show. and plug it in. The one thing I suggest, if you've ever sent out one of those emails that you're like, Oh, I wish I could get it back and you can't.
This is where that comes in. So don't be so send happy that you're just setting them off. I can tell you rarely but I have received one address to somebody else and someone else's show they didn't get on. So if you're going to look like you're doing something that's personal, make it personal. Take a breath. Before you hit the send button, make sure you've got the right name associated with the right show associated with the right email address.
Once that's happening, hits said if you will do that, three, four or five times before the end of the week, you will have this and as things start coming in, you can start scheduling can be out to the end of the year. If you will commit to doing at least two every Monday or Tuesday to many If you want to do more, do more, you'll change the landscape of your world. You will start attracting clients, you will start filling workshops, you will start selling books or products, the right people will connect with you because you will start to be in front of 1000 or 10s of thousands of brand new people who like what you have to do and will probably want to know more about you. And this is the way to do it. And the rest of the rest of it, of course is showing up and doing a great interview.
So let's move quickly over to our PowerPoint. This go back to share we've got And I see people are writing. He said I will send out five emails this week. Excellent. I have done two. So three to go, Renee.
I will send out four emails this week. Laurie, I'm working on three local ones. Great. I'll add three more. Look at you. Go, go go.
Wonderful. So Rozelle if you can type in what your commitment is, and then I'm pretty sure that's Jennifer and she may be driving so we don't want her to type. But you can vibrationally send to us what you're willing to commit to. There's something there's just something inherent when you put it out there and you're accountable. And that's the other thing I want to offer to you. You know, the Facebook group is there for you.
It is private, nobody sees it but us. So this is a great place for you to be accountable. You're welcome to go in from now on and just say I'm committing to Doing whatever it is showing up for an interview, submitting myself for two interviews, sending something to somebody, I've done an interview, I'm going to commit to my follow up afterwards with the person. However that manifests for you book it. And book editing means you tell us here, what the commitment is. And we've all read it.
So now you're accountable right to yourself, of course. And then the last piece of that is the last piece of the book end is, then let us know how it turned out. Right? So we'll have a little cliffhanger in there, but we want to support you. So use the group going forward. So we know how you're doing, and then we can be there for you.
So you can really manifest these things. You definitely took this program for a reason. There was something inside of you that said, I see the light of why this skill is important. And I want the skill. I want to be able to do this on my own The majority of you whether you've been interviewed before or not, we're certain that if you were to launch something, you couldn't act as your own publicist, you couldn't just say, great. I want to be booked on at least three shows a week or one show a week or 10 shows a week.
Or I'm opening my business to bigger things, or whatever it is you're doing. And you want support about maybe just dipping your toe in there and starting to be interviewed to message yourself and get to know your tribe better and invite them aboard. The bottom line is, this is your springboard you heard the calling. So complete that put your voice out into the world at a time when your voice is really needed when you're really needed. So before we get into the entire system, of what this last ultimate visibility formula is about and putting the entire system being interviewed together. If anybody's got a win from this week, I'd love you to chime in here and just let us know.
I'm ready to celebrate some wins. And while you're thinking about whether you're going to press the unmute, I just want to give a bunch of high fives here. To all of you who put in the chat room, what your commitments are. Thank you for fiving too, and what your commitments are and how many you're going to send out this week. It's going to make such a difference that you wrote it here and follow up with us and Facebook and say, I did it. And then when you get results, let us know what that is, too.
Okay, so what kind of wins Do we have out there? What kind of things we have going on? Yes, key. So one of the wins, I have to have two wins, you know, I'm sharing. So one of the wins I reached out to a local radio station CBC which is the Canada broadcast station and I found a link to this pitch person that talks about specific authors. Right?
I reached out to her I sent out a email. So hopefully I can hear something back. So I feel good that way. And the second one I finally got an is universe. I got the draft copy of my book. Let's see.
Hold it up. Say something. So you take center screen here. Say something. Okay, how about this? So this is the front.
It's just as dropped Of course. And this is the back. I'm very, very impressed. I can physically hold my story. I feel so good. Oh my god.
That's super exciting. I'm very freakin happy for you. Keep working on this book. So dedicated and man, I I really feel you it is something because you know a book that's a whole nother class. But a book is giving birth. It really is an essence.
And for so long, it's just here, right? It's just an energy or it's on pages or in the computer. But when it suddenly takes form and it's a book, The baby is here and has arrived. You, it's the beginning of another beautiful journey. So I'm so proud of you. It's so awesome.
And those are big wins. And good on you for being so, you know, confident that you could look at a local station. I actually know the station that you reached out to. It's a good station and put yourself out there. So that's wonderful. Absolutely.
Wonderful. Thank you. Yeah, good with anybody else. I have a couple of wins that I want to share. So first of all, thank you for being understanding. Last week I had some family stuff come up with Was Sydney and that's part of my win is that I never stopped thinking about the class and I never gave up and I kept going with stuff even as I was managing some things at home, which is like so awesome that I have that confidence to know that I can, I can do that.
So that's super exciting. Let's see, I'm almost done my media sheet and I've been gathering testimonials from people that I've been been working with and talking with and I'm was surprised. I was surprised at what they're sharing and what they how they believe in me and what they see in me. And so that has added to my confidence like crazy. And then I want to say I did a podcast last Monday. And I know I had shared it on the page.
Boat how she worded it. And she was so receptive to changing the wording. And after our conversation after the podcast, she asked me to become the local director of a chapter of women talk, which is a organization that has 13 chapters all over Canada. And so I know now I get to every single month, be in front of the mic and support three women who are sharing their stories and all from doing a podcast. So yeah, it's huge in such an exciting thing because the alignment of women talk and how they are in connection and caring for women is so powerful with see uniqueness and what we're doing and then I collaborated with our Local Business called tribal connections where my daughter works, and we've moved the venue there. And they're all about connecting and being in the community consciousness and just huge just from from doing a podcast.
So thank you so much for helping me build my confidence and belief and I can't wait to do more. Laurie, what city are you located in? I'm in okotoks, which is just outside of Calgary, Alberta. Okay, good to know. And do is this group specifically for women only. Yes, women talk.
The speakers are all women. Men are welcome to come. And actually she's been wanting to create men talk. And I introduced her to somebody else in our community and they're going to be launching the first men talk out of our community in the fall. So yeah, it's curious because two reasons some people in our group may be interested depending on how How local they are. And of course, if any of us visit Calgary, yes, which I've done many times, we may just want to pop in and see your growth, you know?
Absolutely. It's every month, the third Tuesday of the month. So I'm really excited. And it's a huge opportunity to, you know, just bring in all the people that I know and give them space to talk, and to give space to local women who want to share their story. And it's that part of the story that, you know, we're all wanting to talk about within ourselves. So exciting.
Well, definitely high five. Thank you. Thank you. That's such a great example. And that's what I'm talking about. We really do get rich doing this.
I'm telling you, it's changed my life and people I know who do this. At that level, it has changed their lives. That's exactly what happens. Big surprise, the big treasure chest is you show up and extensively It looks like you're doing this. And it's just a one minute podcast. And suddenly you're aligned with somebody, and it's opening another door because they see something wonderful in you, which is really great feedback.
And it changes the trajectory. And here's what's awesome. The journey is not over. Yes, you'll do many more podcasts. And you'll have many more surprises. But this journey alone has a life force.
So you'll go on to be the director of women talk. And this will open up doors for other people who may say come speak here or come do this book or come travel or come teach us or you don't know. Yeah, exactly. It feels so expensive. And one of my coaches asked me right away, you know, is it volunteer? And that's the other thing it's not I it's a commission based It's commission based so I get 80% of the door.
And like, you know, just all of it just opening up on this program like with you in this program to believe in exactly that. This one thing leads to a whole bunch of other things. And yeah, he's very happy. Showing up and saying yes, it's amazing what it creates. Very, very cool. All right, these are great wins.
Anybody else have a win? I was trying to figure out how to unmute myself. Hi, everybody. Hi, Lisa. Like you can't you don't know how to use zoom. Use it every day.
Anyway, congratulations, you guys. That's amazing. Absolutely amazing stuff. I have a couple of wins. First of all, I wasn't able to join you because we had a sick relative who is now well which was really to me that It's a win, like, for real. And also, I've been on a couple of podcasts, which is really good as well.
And mostly today I feel I had a nice call with me before. And it's the first time probably ever that I feel clear about how to express myself without confusion and clutter. So, for me, I already have a speaker she knows all this stuff, but we it was I was just did not know how to put it in a beautiful package with a bow that Lisa likes. Some very fuzzy. So that was great, honestly. And it's been because of being here and I've listened to all the recordings and I've like tried to stay in touch with everybody.
So I'm just really To me, that's a big thing because it's years and years of struggles. Debbie, thank you. It's been really great. And watching you guys celebrate has been great also. So thanks a lot, huh? Awesome.
High five. I know that's really a 10 but you know I'm exponential Ising out there. And I love the idea of the Private calls, I think it takes this and it just gives us time together for so for those of you who are able to use that hour with me, I really do think it's treasured time it is for me to to get to know you like everything you've been implementing what's working, where there might be hitches. And much like Lisa said, you know, for all of us like to sit on top of who we are and then try to verbalize it. It can be difficult when you have someone who has outside ears, right? And who does this for a living to take it and make it into something that's cohesive and also resonates by the way.
I don't know that it's so much my genius, I would say more I really hear what you say. I really hear what you say. So I can say back to you. Maybe in a little bit different words, but it is what you say. So that can be really a door opener. And so this is something I am going to continue to employ, which is the connection back and forth.
So outside of the actual class, we'll also have that one on one time, because I think it's a game changer. And I think that personal attention is really important. So cool. Name. Anybody else? Okay.
All right, beautiful. So I'm going to go ahead and let's share our PowerPoint, our final PowerPoint. So today is session six of the ultimate visibility formula. And we've just celebrated our wins and I Really think this is so important. I hope you'll continue to do this for yourself with Facebook, but also with yourself like what have I done? That's right, what have I done that's move something How did I show up in a way that I felt I couldn't before.
Seeing those things and appreciating those things in yourself is everything. Building the confidence inside, like I said, One part is the technical, you've got your pitch letter, you've got your media, one sheet, you now know how to reach out to people and what to do. You have an idea of how to show up what to do before, during and after the interview, how to create relationship and all of that. The other pieces doing it and we're doing it makes a difference is it builds your confidence and then you start to know oh, this wasn't just a concept or theory this is so I can do this. I am doing this. This is creating results.
And the rest of it is understanding a script system to interviews, you all your information will be totally different because you're also different. How you talk about what your topics are all of that, which is a beautiful thing, the kind of shows you'll go after will be completely different. But still, the recipe, if you will, is the recipe, and it's pretty simple start to finish. Once you have those pieces in place, like the pitch letter, and the media, one sheet, everything else is golden. It's just about getting on email and sending something out. If you have any trouble and you want to reach somebody, you could also use LinkedIn.
You can find people's addresses there. It is just my particular preference that you don't reach out on social media. I know people do it and I know more and more millennials don't mind that. They don't like email. Actually, they don't like phone calls. Fine.
But in the professional world, I can promise you it won't fly, the more higher up mainstream well known show, they will appreciate it. we're inundated inundated with so many personal and professional social media things that to then try to also sift through it with someone asking to come on the show and thinking we can schedule them on social media is just not the way it's done. So, you know, honor somebody's time and yourself because you really want to get on the show. So that's important. Okay, so I'm going to pause the share or stop that share and come back here and moving forward. Let's talk about what you would do in an unstructured interview.
This the reason why I'm addressing this this came up during somebody share and she was asking what would you do if you remember couple of classes ago, Cathy told us a story about a guy and the dog. And he said he would edit and he didn't edit and he put something and she didn't feel comfortable. I just want to talk about that a little bit because everybody has a totally different show. Totally different vibe, totally different way of interviewing. You'll see the more you're out there. There's some hosts who will just listen and listen and chime in every now and then there's some hosts who will interrupt you.
And it can be kind of fun back and forth conversation. There are some who will have levity and laugh some who want to share a little about themselves when you say something that makes them resonate about their own life or wisdom. So they're going to be all over the place there are some you may not feel as great about it doesn't matter. All that matters is how you show up and that you still show up and deliver the best possible interview that is your job no matter what. So let's say it is unstructured. And I do think this is really important because I've certainly run into it myself.
And I've had the occasion of being surprised at the level of person that does that. So, I believe that I'm there for a reason, right? If I'm going to give somebody my time and ask for their time and their attention and audience, I want to give something of value. So the way they like to do it is just to hang out and have a conversation and kind of anything that bubbles up comes up. That's great. I'll always play along.
However, I'll have a heightened awareness in the back of my mind every so often, to add something of value. Maybe I'll be talking to something they said, and I'll choose to tell a story. That story pushes my conversation forward. So that can manifest many different ways. I might tell a story about a client or group that I'm working with. I may tell a personal story, I may tell about something that I wrote about in a book and bringing To light because it really resonates with the conversation.
I may talk about a time I was on stage and something that happened to a person who spoke up or someone I met, that is really conducive to the conversation going on. I will make sure every so often to weave back in, really why I'm there. So I'll have some fun a volley, whatever the conversation is if they want to keep it fluid, but I'll be really mindful to add something that is, frankly meaningful. So, I mean, I'd love to hear from listeners, how they really feel about that. I think about shows that are very conversational. So for instance, if any of you listen to Joe Rogan's podcasts, I mean, he makes 30 $30,000 every podcast, his podcast is on five days a week you do the math.
That's not included. The stuff he does as a fighter that's not including the flight when he speaks on stage as a comedian and all the other business things he does out there. There's a reason. I think why his show is so phenomenal. Is he conversational? You bet he is.
That's not all that happens though. Joe is really interested in his guest. He's funny. He's real. Right? He's got that going on, too.
So there is that element. And the driving force is he's curious. How does that work? What happens here? What happens there? Through his own real personality?
He deeply connects with his guests. So I think to me, that's the best way that fluidity works. It's clear he doesn't come prepared. Yes. He's probably researched as person without a doubt. But he just plays when somebody comes on and really just talks but in a way, he's talking to that.
Subject, he's not talking about the weather, he's not talking about things in general. And that is a very unstructured interview, you may come across that from time to time. So that is my recommendation that, you know, it's not up to us to control somebody else's show. It's definitely their show. But it is incumbent on us that we add our own value. And the value is why are you there, right?
You're there as a business person, you're there. Maybe you have a cause or a nonprofit, find ways to weave it in, that's graceful and keeps the conversation going. Okay, so that's a way to handle that. And I really wanted to make sure we addressed it fully, because there's so many shows out there. So there are seven steps based on what people who want to be interviewed have been asking for, right so this is going to be the entire Kahuna here, and how it all fits together. So the first step, and this is everything we've learned here, excuse me, the first step is we want to search for the top shows in our industry.
And that's gonna be different for all of you. Some of you who can cross pollinate a little bit, and some of you will be just one subject only, and that's fine. You want to find out where the shows are. And there are more than 1 billion podcasts, subscriptions based across more than 250,000 podcasts. These numbers every week, there's 2000 more podcasts. Every year podcast numbers are doubling.
Then you add to that radio shows and as you keep getting out there, you're going to start to see your magazine. There are TV shows, there are TV, radio shows, TV podcast shows, meaning most of them are filmed on video and run on a station or network that's online. There are more and more opportunities. So you research them and you find what's right for you and what you're doing. You can go to iTunes, when your podcast hunting, it's so easy I tunes has a you could search under category or subcategory for your subject. You can search under keyword for your subject.
Or if you happen to know the name of the host for you can look there. The other thing is there may be somebody who's in your industry and you say gosh, they have the career I'd really love. They have the visibility I'd really love. So search under their name. And you'll see this industry expert you'll see the podcasts that they've been on and you can target those podcasts because you are a fit if they have already appeared on the podcast, and you have the same subject and field ish. Go ahead, and those will be the right shows for you to target.
You can also use Google Google is fantastic for this. I'm guessing that's what Keith needs to get booked on the radio show. And if not, maybe you could tell us. Google is a great search for podcasts, for your industry or something related to your expertise. So that's step one. If you're starting out cold outside of the 17 page sheet that I gave you, once you have the podcast, it's important to research it.
Here's what's great. It may sound like work but I'm going to tell you the more you are familiar with the podcast, the more comfortable you beyond being on especially in the beginning because shows are so incredibly different. So you've got a list of potential podcasts and you want to find out is this really a good fit for me before I even contact the host? So read the show's description, it takes a minute. on iTunes, they've got a show description. What does it say?
Does it relate to you? Listen to a few of its episodes, right? At the very least listen to one. And you'll know, you can visit the website or maybe they've got a blog. And when you do that the goal is always to answer three questions. Is the podcast active?
Right? Is it still viable? Like I said, they come and go. Sad, but true. So you may want to check the date of the most recent episode. I've done that before.
And I'm sometimes surprised. I've had lists of shows and contacts and I've gone back and it's amazing. You know, there's maybe one or two that are still operational. So check if the podcast is still active by looking at its most recent date of the show. To is the podcast relevant to your topic? confirm that this show is serves your target market.
And three, do they accept interviews? There are some shows that are just talking heads. It's that person show, they just show up and talk. Maybe they have a co host. There could be many ways they run the show, and it may not involve interview guests. So if it doesn't, obviously, you want to move on.
And if you can't answer yes to these questions, one, two, and three, then you can pretty much be sure that contacting the host of the show about an interview is not going to be beneficial to either of you. So just let it go. It will be a waste of your time. But when you get a yes to all three, go ahead and submit yourself. The third step is to pitch the host. And we've definitely been through this.
So let's reiterate some of this. podcast hosts schedule their interviews through emails, mostly. But that doesn't mean that it'll cold email is the only way to reach them. So I've already told you that things people who are younger will tend to like social media. And people who have a newer show I have found don't so much mine because most of them so want a guest. So you can occasionally do well there.
It's not my preference. I don't like to be pitched that way at all. But there are people who don't mind. So you can play that one by ear. It is almost always going to be my suggested preference that you connect with them through email as much as you possibly can. You want to pitch the code post.
You never want to. This idea is giving you this little trick about sending the same email to podcast host. Here's the deal. You're not going to send Say send one email as a blast out to a bunch of hosts, you will never get booked. Because we know, right? We know.
And you have to always remember in the back of your mind, you've got competition. There's so many people pitching so many publicity people and agents, team submitting for people. So you want to stand out, make sure it's personalized, personalized to the host, personalized to the specific show that you're contacting. And the things you want to always include in your picture this your name, your title, your company, and any links you have for credibility, some of you that for instance, Kathy was on john Lee Dumas a show that's something you want to capitalize on. That is an extremely well known name and show, so she might give a link. I was once on john Lee Dumas to show here's a link if you To listen, guess what, I don't even know 50% of the hosts will even have the time to listen.
But reading that, it's going to make a difference. It's going to open more doors. So if there's somebody you feel, has a platform that you feel very comfortable about, include a link. There's a lot of different ways you could do it maybe on a TV show, maybe have a press media site, on your website. And you can link them back to that. Just No, you can't stand on that alone because no one most no one is going to take the time to do it.
You have to talk also about what it is you do. So your name, title organization, and also if there's a link to credibility, you always want a list of topics that you are prepared, qualified and excited to talk about, like what floats your boat, focus on value you would provide to their audience. also include any links to other interviews you've done like it said for connections that you have in common. I do this sometimes for people, I've clients who will sometimes say to me, I want to particular who often she's smart. She'll say to me, Dad, I need and she's a mover and a shaker. So she's, boy, the things she asked me for, but it just so happens that I happen to know people in these spaces, whether it's been a really big newspaper she wants to start writing for or particular shows she wants to get on or somebody she wants to meet.
I've been able to connect her, right. So it also works in your behalf. If you're associated with some big people going forward. You want to exponential eyes on them. Keep your book, you're going to want to use the names because you've got some really nice names who've written endorsements for you. I am I don't have the book right here.
But it's a Have you know Dr. Bradley Nelson? He's somebody coming on my show his work is amazing healing work, really believe in this guy and what he does. And he's just released his book, who wrote the foreword Tony Robbins. Why did Tony Robbins write the foreword to his book? Because someone was doing a wink wink nudge nudge to Tony Robbins saying, you gotta check out this guy's work. Dr. Bradley Nelson.
He's incredible. I'm giving you such a plug, Brad. I get 10% of everything. But this is a true story. So Tony and his wife saved said all right, little bite. They reach out to Dr. Bradley Nelson and his wife and say, we'd like to invite you to our home in Florida.
And come stay as our guest and we'd like to learn more about your work. Dr. Nelson was on the plane with his wife and arrived the next day. Right? We probably all would for Tony Robbins that would be that excited. They do. The work, things happens, the healing work happened.
Tony had an amazing result. And he wrote the foreword to his book, is that going to change the landscape? You bet. And if Bradley was just starting out, and he could speak to the fact that his common association was, Tony Robbins wrote the foreword to my book, it will open doors and on interviews, so you may not have someone at that level, but you have other recognizable names that you do hobnob with, or have somehow collaborated with it on stages with work with, however that manifests. Use those names. And if it's someone we know in common, it really helps.
The last thing you want to make sure to do in your pitch letter is any additional links to your website, social media profiles, relevant projects or products that you have services, so that you can easily be researched. If anybody does choose to go that far, they can find out more about you. There's something else you may find this is not something I do or have the time to do. But there are people and there's plenty of people out there who say, I really like to have a qualifying phone call with you. Do you have 15 minutes, we can jump on the phone, do it. They just want to feel yet they want to get to know you.
We know anyway. Right? When you have a lovely connection with somebody, even without all the Yiddish word mishegoss even without all the mishegoss of knowing all of what you do B have accomplished a connection is a connection that can go a long way. So just show up, you know, be lovely. Connect with them. Have a lovely conversation like you would with anybody else and they may ask specific questions and answer them and be confident about yourself.
You're there for a reason. They're asking you for a reason they're interested. Fourth step in the process is schedule the actual interview. Some people can take you right away. Some people you have to get scheduled months out. And it's just the way it is because that's how popular their show is.
They're all different. We want to actually put something on both our calendars, you're going to find there's an amalgam of ways that people do this host do it through online scheduling. Some of them use schedule once or calendly or acuity. There's a lot of different systems out there. It's really nice. Because a it eliminates timezone confusion, which is a really important, you don't have to figure out where they were, by what time is this compared to theirs.
It'll figure it out for you. And it'll send you an auto reminder auto reminders, often ask us, would you like me to put this on your calendar for you? Hell yeah. And it puts it for me, it would be Google Calendar, it's automatically on my calendar. The other thing that's beautiful is that these systems give you all the information. It's already populated in there.
So it's on your calendar. And in addition, it will say, just in case, you need to reschedule for any reason, there is the links, you can always click on that reschedule. Don't make a habit of it. But occasionally something big comes up. And there's a reason why you need to do that. So it's built in, you don't have to keep contacting the host.
It's very easy. And both parties will receive that confirmation. So it's on their calendar, it's on your calendar. The one thing you want to do when you schedule the interview is have a confirmation unless it's clear in the information from the scheduling system, if it is not clear, absolutely confirm. How is the call going to be made? Is it going to be made on phone, landline?
Never cell phone, don't ever use your cell phone always landline? Is it going to be a Skype? Is it going to be on zoom and then what happens? is a producer going to reach out and contact you? Are you going to call him somewhere? How does that work?
And the other piece of it is, and this is so important, and a lot of people don't do this. If it's on zoom. Is it video? Is it audio? Is it both? For some reason people don't do that they will send out, you know, see you and they'll give you a zoom link.
And that's a little confusing. I always, because I could show up if it's audio with my hair and a ponytail and no makeup. And do it like that on zoom, if it's just audio. If I showed up like that, and it turns out to be video, I'm going to be embarrassed, right? Because I'm not going to look like I want to look or be presented how I would choose to be presented. So I make make it abundantly clear to my guests because I do use zoom.
And then I asked when I'm on somebody else's show so I'm very clear how they're going to be using In this material and how I need to show up, your fifth step is prepare. So how do you actually prepare for the interview? Well, this pieces, I want to remind you that on the website, Debbie D dotnet, D, BB i d, remember there's no EBD ID dotnet. Slash tools. All the tools of what you need to be interviewed are there. I give you pictures specifics.
And I actually go beyond the interview because I want you to have anything you need, frankly, even to run your business to create your own webinars so you can start making some money and getting more clients. But it's everything from lighting to microphone to the HD camera to Webinar Jam, two if you need a graphic designer for anything, books t shirt If you're going to do live events or you want to get gifts for clients, graphic designers if you want a logo for your business and more, so there are links there for everything. So you can use that. And this is great equipment I can stand by. Make sure you use an external microphone during your interview. Never use the built in microphone in your laptop.
It shipped quality like don't even because people will not want to do the interview with you they'll cancel and again worse to even consider using your cell phone. Don't even no bueno. no bueno. Yeah, the sound quality is terrible. It's in and out and you will be delivering a very inconsistent, probably very scratchy white noise kind of interview. They will not be happy with you remember, it's their audience.
Have nurtured these people and they're saying to you, Hey, I trust you enough to come deliver something of great value. Here's my audience. Here's my 10,000 people or more. And If that's so, like, show up professionally show up early, right? always show up early this way you can do a soundcheck this way, even if they're not there yet, you can really calm down and feel really at peace when it starts. Remember the exercise that I gave you, right about the 21 breaths?
And then using the words, I'm happy with who I am, I'm happy with what I have. I'm happy with what I received. Say that three times. Picture then your interview exactly how you want it to go. How do you want to feel? How do you want to sound?
What do you want the connection with the host to be like? What would you like the outcome to be? How do you want to feel what's going on? Just have that vision for yourself. And then let it go and come back and experience that as your reality. Always wear a pair of headphones to listen to so you hear the host as they interview you we call these cans in the business have really good headphones and they're not expensive at all.
If you use headphones, the host will not hear their voice echo back. Because if you're doing it through your computer, it's so funky, you're speaking in a mic, the mic is picking you up picking up the host and again bad quality. But if you've got this, it's lovely. Always shut things off before you start. First of all, you'll have better internet quality because there won't be so much being pulled. shut down all your social media, shut down your email.
Anything that could interrupt the show your phone, mute or off always, always There's nothing worse than being in the middle of an interview and you hear somebody crazy rock and roll, ringtone go off. It's really obvious what's going on. You hear the dog barking in the background, people ringing the doorbell children running back and forth or people at work coming in and out behind you. No way, you've got to be in a quiet space to do a professional interview. The other thing about shutting off all the social media and the email for many people, it makes a ding noise. Every time something new happens and God help us.
I've always got over 5000 friends on my just my one Facebook page. Can you imagine if I even I don't use anything that alerts me I don't even want to know. But if it did, it would be constant through the computer, and it would be heard throughout the interview, please shut that off. First very important and always do soundcheck make sure you know if you're using zoom or Skype. No, Jesus helped me. I have had people It has been shocking.
I've actually podcasters talk by the way, we have our own community, we talk. And I've got a group of podcast friends, we do things together and we do videos together and we go places together and do wine together and brunch together and a got a together. We talk. And sometimes we'll share these stories. But it is amazing to me that you've said euphemistically, I have sent something out months in advance to a guest. And I said, Oh, it's going to be done.
I'm just going to use this. I don't use it, but for the heck of it. When I was the when I went right through live show with the radio station and the producer calling people he preferred to use Skype. So this person knew they had their radio station Skype and they gave us their Skype. They never bothered to connect with the station way before the interview, even though they had it months in advance. So they waited to like a minute before the interview trying to scramble and connect It's madness.
And the other thing that's just as bad, maybe worse, they had no Skype experience. So they had no frickin idea what they're doing. If you don't know zoom, if you don't know Skype, if you don't know a landline, do it ahead of time, you have friends who are tech savvy, and this isn't even big time tech, they will talk you through it or you have kids, whatever, but you'll understand how to use this equipment. So by the time the interview comes, and you show up early, you're good to go. You know exactly how it's going to go down and what to expect. That's incumbent on you to take care of.
And then you're ready to give the show and the host your undivided attention when the show starts and that's really important. So that was number five number six on the list of this is entire system of being interviewed and having great visibility out to the world is give a great interview, right? You want to show up and feel really good about what you're doing out in the world. And every time you do an interview, it's gonna get better and better and better. And you're gonna feel more and more confident and comfortable, know what to expect and how to play. Most of the people who eventually listen to your interview mostly are going to be hearing you for the very first time you get one first impression, you get one chance to make that impression.
So let it be a good impression. I really want to reiterate this to you because this is something I've noticed while working with you guys. When you get with me, some of you are one way, which means we just hang out and have this conversation. You're going to hear this a lot in the podcast world, just act like you're going to Starbucks, just act like he came over my house and we're hanging out and talking. And when we get together, we actually just had out and talk. And I could feel your excitement, your passion and you're, you're very articulate about what you do.
And then sometimes when it is the mock interview time, like, you know, welcome to the show and tell me all about yourself. Something freezes up in your space. Here's what I want you to know more than anything. It is literally no different being interviewed than having that conversation with me. There may be some things you would share with me on a personal level to pull back the curtain on because we have that level of relationship or trust that you will not go to on the show that I understand. I think we all understand.
They always say you don't want to share, you don't have wisdom. When you're still in the hallway, living through a hellish situation until you're completely on the other side of the situation. Don't try to share wisdom about it. Don't go there. Don't even bring it up. Before Be yourself.
That's the point. Let your own self Shine, you have an expertise for a reason, you know, something none of us know. And that's why we're showing up to listen to you. So just really trust that. And if you feel that rising up for you, connect, that's all you need to do connect energetically with the host really be present. really listen, really synergize really serve.
That's simple. That's a shift that will create. Don't ever turn your interview into one big sales pitch, right? Because we don't really care about your latest product or service. So what I recommend instead is to focus on providing as much value as much entertainment as much actionable advice to the listeners as possible. They will love you based on that.
They will want to know more about you based on that. That actually is the greatest sales pitch is to give right to offer that lets us know really how much you know and can help us with. So I want to make a little suggestion here to illustrate something so in the health industry some of you may bridge this gap I know Keith does certainly resell you might I'm going through you in my head resell you might renew my Lisa, you might. Julie you might Yeah, for sure. You here's here's something I want to talk to about health because you might get booked on a health show. I want you to know that people don't buy health or somebody out there as a trainer people to buy health.
Isn't that interesting? Because They should, right? But they don't. We should all want to be healthy. We should all want to be at a proper weight, we should all want to have good blood pressure, we should all know that we should be doing something to move our bodies are drinking water. I mean, these are really pedestrian things at this point in our lives.
Everybody knows this. But people don't buy health. So if you're going to go on a show and start talking about health and all the things people should do it, you're not going to win us over. We've heard it, we're still not doing it. But instead, when you're being interviewed, instead, when you're sharing, here's what you focus on. The pain that people experience, the pain that they go to bed with, and the pain that they wake up with every day.
Truthfully, this is true for everybody's different businesses. I'm focusing on health right now because it's very easy to see this. But this is true for all of us when we're being interviewed, what is the pain and you know, because you work with these people and these people come to you and it's a pattern you see all the time, focus on the pain, people experience, focus on the pain they go to bed with focus on the pain that they wake up with. When you address and talk about specific pain, not pain in general, but specific pain that the people have that you treat. It changes your results, it changes everything. And I'm telling you this about interviewing.
I'm going to say you can use this everywhere in your life, speaking from stage or otherwise, it's going to make the difference. If you're in a networking meeting, you have a chance to get up and share a little bit about yourself if you have a little more time. Speak to the pain. And what you solve. Last unless you when the host agree ahead of time that the purpose specific purpose of your interview is to promote something. Then podcasts generally are pitch free zones.
So there is an exception there are shows and hosts who like to do affiliate things. So, I've certainly had this when I've had big names come up, come on, and they say, look, you know, if you'll promote my book, I'm going to give you this percentage of the sales you know, they've got a really big engine behind them big publicity, Big Kahuna is running this thing. Or maybe they're doing a big product launch or a big workshop and they're saying, hey, if you help sell tickets, and fill seats, I'm going to give you 50% 50% is pretty standard of everything. thing that I make. And there's lots of shows and people who will do that, or the even though the entire interview, well, there's a really particular way to do it. So it's savvy, because no, still, nobody's ever going to show up and do a full interview, that sales, sales, sales, but they could speak to the pain and the information.
And every so often, maybe a couple of times throughout the show three times throughout the show, they'll speak to a particular event or product service, and give out that URL that has an affiliate link with it. So that's something though that is agreed to ahead of time, right? We both know going in, and not everybody's going to want to do it. Always Be honest. Always be generous with your responses to the questions that you're asked us stories. Don't just speak about stuff, use stories.
It's amazing when you listen to stories, use examples. They support, your advice, they support whatever it is You're saying or whatever is you do out in the world. Respect the time limit. Every show is a time limit. I make it clear to people, I've got an hour show, but we do our show in 55 minutes. So you got to know that at least at minute 52 or 53, I got to shut down this conversation.
Because I have to tell my audience about the next guest coming on. I have to tell my audience, you could find me@youtube.com slash dev on the radio, I have to tell them when you go to iTunes and search, dare to dream, you can subscribe to my show box or comes right in your email box and leave me a five star review because guess what people just like you can also find the show. Then I always end with a quote. And then I end with a sentence about something about daring to dream and then I'm out. I need those minutes to finish my show. Other shows have an outro which is basically an intro and an outro is basically something we have pre taped that runs before our show.
And at the end of Our show, it can include music. It can include a voiceover, whether it's our voice or someone we've hired to say, who we are the name of our show and what a listener can expect. So it's important that you respect the time of the show and the host. Don't hijack the conversation. Don't ramble for too long. Always let the host take the lead.
And there's nothing wrong with if you know the time limit limit of the show. Certainly on our computers, we've got a little clock or maybe you could put a little something here especially if you're not on video. It's a little easier if you're not being seen. And you know, okay, we've got a 20 minute show. I know I know at around this time, I need to be mindful of the back and forth so that we can end the show on time and gracefully and the love you for it. It makes our job so much easier.
The final thing number seven, the magic seven in the system of owning Ultimate visibility formula, and how to be interviewed and your interview with a call to action. Right, we want to drive people some place. So the host is wrapping up the interview. They're thanking you so much for being a guest on their podcast, and you end with a CTA or call to action. So just because you're not pitching anything during the interview, and you're not, it doesn't mean you can't leverage your exposure to attract new clients for your business, we'll do it. You're going to let the listeners know how they can be in touch with you.
And you can do this several ways. You can offer them a free gift. And in exchange for the gift, they'll receive it, whatever the URL is, you get their email, and name. Of course, you're not going to say that you just drive them to the URL, but that's what happens and we all know to expect that So in exchange for joining your email list, you're going to give them something have some kind of a great gift you feel good about the people will probably want need. So here's the bonus. In the number seven of doing the interview and the ultimate visibility formula, stay in touch with the host.
When you're interviewed on podcasts, a really great first step is to create long term beneficial relationships with influencers in your industry. Over time, these relationships can lead to a number of opportunities, including introductions to other podcast hosts, including referrals to prospective clients. I have had this happen so many times where people have said, Oh my goodness, I have a friend who's writing a book. I didn't know you coached book writing. I'm gonna make a warm introduction and tell her about you and also tell her to hear this interview. Or people who've said, I didn't know that you have a company that launches books to international bestseller.
I've even had hosts say, I'm launching a book, this is Kismet. Awesome, when can we talk? Or I didn't know that you helped people understand that how to be interviewed, and that you've got advanced programs or that you actually work with people to get booked on specific media. So this is great, you know, how can we collaborate, that has happened, and more. So this will happen for you as well. They get excited about what you're doing.
You're both in the same industry. You may have hosts who talk about collaborations or maybe you have an idea for collaboration with them. Maybe they want to talk about joint ventures with your jayvees as we call them, perhaps speaking engagements and much more panels. There are so many ways that surprises show up. from creating a relationship with somebody. So even though it may feel right now at this point in the game, that it takes a lot of work right now to prepare for to record to edit.
It does. So every host understand that behind the scenes, not just you showing up and interacting. It's not just at this point of the game. The truth is, it takes so much to be a host. That's why only 20% remained after the years. I mean, I've been doing this for 12 years, I am an anomaly to still be on radio and podcasts.
And there are definite reasons why I do what I do. I love it. I do love it and I can give you much more backup as to all of what I get out of it. And besides the level of conversation with people I've only dreamed of connecting with people I looked at from afar coordinate now, people I know, and come on my show, like, and guess what, even for me as a host, I now have relationships with those people. Like I could gush about the people who have either said, I want to come back on or you know what, I'm coming to town and doing this will you come play or I've got some amazing swag from people and relationships, and they know I'm there for them, and we just symbiotically help each other going forward. It's extraordinary.
So this host is showing up, the show is showing up and they're saying, I'm going to record it. I may edit it, or maybe it's live. We don't know. I'm going to promote this interview. And I'm essentially giving you free exposure to a very highly targeted and engaged audience. So then what are you going to bring to the party right?
So when your interview is over offer Offer to support the host. And you know, sometimes we say is there any way I can support you and they may have an idea, but maybe you have an idea. Come with something prepared. Hey, I'd love to, you know, do you need guests? Do you need what is in your wheelhouse that's really easy and fun for you to do and you can offer right? as a gift back so you know to do that help promote the interview.
It's huge when we see and we there's another thing podcasters talk about, we see who promotes us why because you put our handle on it in our show. And if you're not doing that, no bueno. Really not good that I did all this work targeting for you and you're not doing targeting for me. So it creates magic. When we both cross promote, make sure you cross promote, give their podcast, a high five star rating and a review on iTunes. You can offer to introduce them to somebody Maybe they want to know somebody that you know, anything that you can do to help support their success goes so appreciated goes really far.
And as always send them a thank you wrap it up and say thank you so much and why it's meaningful. And if for some reason they do bring you money clients fill workshops, something that's noteworthy. Send them a thank you, Anna, you fill in the blank, whatever feels right and light. And I've gotten everything from like this to like, and, you know, again, you do what's in your means and what feels good. They will love you for the thought alone. Trust me.
So thank you, is big. So I'm going to open this up and see with all of what you've learned thus far and what all of what we've gone through and cover the recovered today. I want to find out what questions might you have, this is your time and What what is it that you'd like to know that would help you going forward or clear something up about any part of the process thus far? So just unmute yourself and jump in. Just more of a technical question for you, Debbie. Um, so I have a Yeti mic now.
Great. But what I wanted to know is because I've been trying to play around with and I'm trying to figure it out, does the headphone directly to here versus, or, or to my microphone jack? Or my speaker? jack? my headset jack in Alaska? Yeah, totally.
So I would have to see more of your setup and know what people want but it's a great question. And as you can see in the Yeti, beside the Yeti to that there is that little place for the mic. Yeah, with the, no, the has the stereo headphones. Thank you so much the stereo headphones. Exactly. That's how I use them.
So I plug them right in, and then they're right here. So that would be the way but again, I would play with it. So if you know that someone's going to interview you, however, you know, just, you can do this, even with Helen just say go in the other room and your laptop. Let's open up Skype. And let's just practice, you know, practice with the Yeti. hear how it sounds with the cans.
Also, you'll be able to do what's great about both, you can alter the volume, there's something called a game. There's all these things you can have. It's so beautifully set. So by the time you do an actual interview, you're really good to go. There will be no adjustment needed. But just yeah, listen to what it's like hear what she sounds like what you sound like or do with one of your kids whatever feels good, but play around with it ahead of time.
But typically, you would plug it into the microphone. And you know if the show is going to be run a little different than Yes, we all know we've got that little outlet here. And we could use that instead. Okay. Second question is the lighting. So as you can see, this is my office, and you can see the window.
So how do I look right down on the monitor, I look dark to you or, or the right. So the light that I get should be light in space in the kind of thing or behind me. Right? So and this is true for photographs to light behind us, washes us out. And all we can focus on is the light and then this is pretty much in shadow. Yeah.
So it should be the opposite. Although like, honestly, what's behind you is very attractive, the green the light that you've got that night, nice page painting on the wall. So it's all very new. Nice, it's clean. So what I would recommend is on the tools that I gave out Debbie t dotnet, slash tools, or Debbie D dotnet slash team, either one of those goes to that. It's a URL.
It's all clickable. But I talked about a lightning. I think it's only maybe it was $17. I don't know it was so cheap, but you'll see it's called newer and ewe our light and there's different types. One can hold your cell phone that could be kind of cool in case you want to record a video on social media or do a webinar or something, you can have it with the light and it grabs your cell phone and puts it on a stand all at once. Or you could attach it to something which is how I've done it here.
And here's a little trick. Something I did and it works really well. I wanted to before I had this set up, I had a different setup. I literally went to a department store and I'm going to keep it generic because we all live in different places so we won't have the same stores. I went to one of those discount department stores. And in here it's called Ross and I literally bought a lamp that was on a stand and this thing moved and this thing moved there was sort of a big spotlight.
It was like nothing I don't remember what I paid eight $9 put the light bulb in it and turned it on I can put it behind my computer on me. And the light is spectacular. So if you want to really go lowball for for now, it created a brilliant result. And there's something else I want to say about lighting. For anybody who used to watch the Oprah show. She would always thank the lighting designers as Lighting is everything.
If you think I look great and young is the lighting Trust me. Oh, so it's hilarious. But there's so much truth to it. Great lighting is huge for how we look and how we show up. I do not have my light on right now I'm using outside light to come in to me. So were you to turn around Keith and face that you would have the most amazing natural light on your face.
And you could use that. But if you're going to stay seated the way you are, you're either going to want the newer light ring that I talked about or to buy something or you may have something in your house right now. Play around with it, and record yourself and then look back, but we must have good lighting. Absolutely. Thank you. Yeah, good question.
All right. You want yourself if you have a question, I just want to reiterate testimonies. If you have a testimony about the class, I would be very grateful if you would be willing to do one for me the testimonies can be written, they can be a video, if you do write me, once you mind, please do send me your headshot, because I want to reference you, right? And you'll basically be helping people to find their way here. I also posted on our Facebook group, the correct way to do a testimony. And there there is a correct way.
So I think it's helpful to know so you know, in advance what to say. You basically say your name you introduce yourself, I'm whatever your name is, if you only want to say your first name, that's beautiful, how you felt before the course the program, what you achieved, and how you felt after the course. So anything that occurred because of working with me, or because of taking the ultimate visibility program That's perfect. So your name, how you felt before what you achieved and anything that occurred by virtue of being here with us for these six weeks. So okay, so testimonies Yes, please if you don't mind, email them or Dropbox or whatever it is, that's easy. I would be so grateful to receive the feedback from you.
It's very, it is very meaningful and I think we all know, you know, it can change the landscape of what we do when others know someone's come before them. And and this worked. So if it did work for you, and the needle got shifted, I would love to hear from you. I want you to know that going forward, there is I'm actually going to need to open something quickly here that going forward. There is a way for us to play together and it is available to you You. So again on that same website, and that's the Debbie de.net.
And that's where I have all my landing pages. There is an advanced program. And this may not be right for all of you. But if it is right for you and calls to you, I do want you to know about it, because we were able to accomplish a lot in six weeks. Pretty cool. And because there's so much more to this, right, we created the architecture of you being able to do this and function doing this.
The advanced visibility mastery is an advanced program, the only people who are invited Are you guys, anyone who's attended the ultimate visibility formula and knows this like, you guys know this now you've got this now, then you are welcome into the advanced visibility mastery program if you haven't, I couldn't possibly invite you there because, you know, others would hold people back. When we do the advanced work, it is a way more extensive range of professional interview skills. And this is fun stuff. It really up levels, media interviews, and it creates such a savvy and knowledge. These are things you already know you want need. And they get specifically addressed.
How do you do sound bites? How do you tell stories so they're effective, and you get the results you want? How do you use statistics? What stories should you be telling? And what about your media page? How do you build it out?
So you actually have to do a lot less work, even though what you learned here. And deepening your work? How do you deepen and develop the message that you started creating here, so that there's even more even more articulate as to who it is you are, what it is you do and how to get people to lean in. What if you're launching something, a workshop, a book or anything in between, and it is time for you to bump it up or just in your everyday business. We're really ready to be interviewed, and outside of the 17 page document I gave you which that's clearly got a lot of great contacts on it. What if you or someone in your team wants to book you anytime you desire to be booked?
Can you function as your own publicist? can you avoid paying that $5,000 or more a month retainer fee hundred percent and I will show you exactly what to do exactly where to go. So any day of any week, you can do this for your team can. What about visibility issues that are stopping you? Because that's an inside job. And it shows up differently for everybody and it manifests differently.
So when those issues show up, we're going to be talking about how to heal those so they no longer get in your way. When you're in the advanced class, you have the opportunity to email to me. After your interview, your interview, I will listen to it and I will give you feedback. So as you're deepening, really getting out there, you will have the ability to get the consistent feedback for coaching. And the bonuses are, you'll get personal one on one coaching call. I think that's become abundantly clear the level that that works when we actually get together.
And I really know what's going on for you so I can assist you on a personal private level. The Facebook private community group is there for us. If you've got a big event and you require some support and prep, I'm there for you work at a time. So We can get together like I said, bookending. So you don't just go out there raw, but you've got something big. We'll work together before it and find out how you did after it.
And once you register for the advanced program, you are automatically brought into ultimate visibility formula in order. In other words, the course you just did is open to you forevermore on then it is a gift. If you decide in the future, you want to bone up on your skills Hold up, you can re attend this course live any time. You'll also have access to the replays the templates, and I will be sharing my level of expertise with you. I've made this incredibly fair and purposely so because I really want people to feel that support. I've also made sure that there's a lot of breaths in here.
So this will not be a weekly class. It doesn't need to be a weekly class. It's going to be Bi weekly and it's going to be over a couple of months. So we'll have a lot of space in there, Tuesdays 11am it's going to be a June start. So we've also got a nice month to wait till it starts. As always, there's the one price payment, and I've taken off $1,796 savings.
And it doesn't even include the extra coaching that I'm offering outside of class. So it's 1099 for one payment, two payments 577. If you want to break it up more, we know each other, all you ever need to do is reach out and ask and we will set this up for you. So you can go to this website, Debbie de dotnet slash services and sign up there. So coming towards The end of the class and our sixth sixth session. Yes, please.
What do you expect start time for that in June, like right in the first week of June. I, you know, here's the truth. I was going to start at the first week of June, but I just had July unexpectedly. Good way. I thought I was going to have to travel out of country. So I would be very happy to take a pulse on that.
Depending on what week of June people want to start, I definitely trust the group energy. I do want to start it in June without a doubt. So we've got the fourth the 11th, the 18th. See the 25th. And we have the 25th. So yeah, we've got a lot of places To space this is good space to play.
So feel free if you have a particular if you want to be in let me know that's the most important thing and if you feel like this is what I want to do this like this would work best give me a first 123 so I can accommodate people in the general energy. And yeah, absolutely. I'm starting teaching another class. So sometimes I have well known coaches hire me to teach their mastermind group so you're alone mastermind groups. So I'm actually starting another class with somebody and their year long program. I'm only doing it for about three or four months but I am teaching them how to write a book.
So I will need to appropriate that but we should be fine because I put Tuesday's aside, knowing this was coming. I hope that answered your question. Okay. Cool. Yes, just say you're in and then let me know your preference. These this Date first that Tuesday next and the next Tuesday.
So I know all you know tomorrow. So here's what I want you to know as you're going out into the world. And that is this. I want you to remember, as a human and as a wise person who came here with a very particular gift that you're going to be offering to the world through visibility and through interviews, that comparison is a threat to your joy. A lot of people have a tendency to move through life comparing themselves to others. You may be working in a field and looking at other people and saying, Wow, like they've been on Dr. Oz and they've been on this show and they've been on that podcast and the look at them.
They're all over the place in that magazine cover and I want you to let that go. And that is my suggestion and my wish for you. Because it's really pointless, because it actually shows complete disregard for the magnificence that you are right here right now. Right? I would ask you to choose to honor your unique being and honor your unique voice. That's what this whole class is about, that you have a voice, and it's time to use it.
Celebrate yourself with appreciation and joy. If you can live there, even if you find yourself off your truenorth just recognize it. Oh, wow, I'm comparing myself to others. This actually really doesn't work. And I'm not feeling so good. So remind yourself about all of who you are.
And all of what you've been through and how you got here and how unique you are. What it is you have to say and the way you have to say, and if you weren't meant to be here, right? You wouldn't. You still have a mission, your brain During this I know. So let go of the comparison. And I think that'll really help you show up and know.
It's time for you to be interviewed. It's time for the world to shine a spotlight on you. It's not about us. It's about what we came here to know and teach and share. And to just trust that, and there will be people who resonate with you, and you'll hear from them after an interview, and you'll hear from the host. And it will really start to develop your confidence that Oh, something I say matters.
People want to hear more of it. This is so good. So relish those times and moments when we get that kind of feedback. I did. I would ask you to stay just an extra couple of minutes when we're done. And I really want to end the show, how I had intended to start with it.
And specifically, that is With the lovely Emily Sunday, and her song Read all about it. This time we're actually going to enjoy it together is just a couple of minutes, but I really think it is so worthwhile because this video has her lyrics on it. And I couldn't think of a better way to express to you what I see in you and what I wish you will remember all the time, about going out into the world and sharing. You've got to change your body. You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence Now we're going to come on you've got a view from this. You've got to find the shadow some stuff hiding it all away.
Oh, oh, thank you. Come on, come on. Let's get on again. Come on Oh oh oh some take a chance Fighting boys oh oh