Session 3: Student Questions and Testimonies

Ultimate Visibility Formula UVF Session Three (3) - Once You are Scheduled to be Interviewed - Then What?
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Effective for me for sure. Wonderful gosh thank you for making the choice to show up I'm really glad to hear an interesting theme evolving here but yes, the only way out is through so belief for you Keith We know you're going to change your your grandfather clock, right? list hilarious or Cuckoo Cuckoo cool cafe, Rene anything before we end? No just I'm so blessed to be you know everything. The universe just had everything all fall into place. You know from looking at your emails back in Christmas time and I sign up for the book launch.

Just everything's just falling into place. You know, there is a message that I need to share out there. So I appreciate how it all blended together. And I like how you reviewed everything, you know, you talk about every day and then you just simply says you got to do this, this, this, this this. This is your homework. Bang.

So I appreciate that. And Keith, I want to just reflect back to you. You're a yes person. It's your gift. I don't know if you know it. But you say yes.

To some amazing people because I know some of your coaches and amazing experiences and I don't think you get too caught up in how am I going to make this happen? And yes, no good, bad pro con. You say yes, and you really step into things. And all I can say is I am so excited to continue to watch your journey because when somebody is a hellion Like you and I've known just a handful of people like you, I've been blessed to have come my way. You're usually the Rockets like the trajectory because of what you're willing to do and have indeed greatest gift besides your message and wisdom, greatest gift, just saying yes opportunity opportunity opportunity so know that Thank you. It means a lot to me it's true Debbie, it's her night I just want to thank you for doing that little exercise at the end of the breathing I you know, was running in couldn't connect through zoom at the hospital and I was freaking out and I got here and I was off still crazy freaking out and you know, breathing crazy and I couldn't and you know, I'm coming in not knowing where you guys were.

And it just sort of like, Okay, you know what he's gonna be okay. Just Sort of like, settles everything down. And I can't wait to watch the replay to find out what actually went up. So I thank you so much. And I'm so sorry that you're not in head. I thought about it.

When I saw somebody on the call with the phone, I was like, Oh my god, had I put that number into my phone I would have had because I had no idea I was going to bring my mother in law to the hospital. That just, she just went crazy and something happened. So you know, I didn't know. But now I'm like, Okay, now I'm going to put that number in my phone. So I could have at least been there. I'm so pissed that I didn't do that.

But thank you so much for being here and for always giving us great content and just being the amazing you that you are. Wow. Thank you so much, Renee. I'm so glad actually shared that because that's a beautiful reminder. I've had to do that myself in the program. I'm in and had to do something on a cell phone while the coach was talking and like what I'm driving is just lose my puppy.

There's me, but I'm showing up so yes, every week when you get Your reminder, there is always the zoom link. And then there's also a telephone link. I think there's various ways. There's another way, but I don't want to quote it. case i misquoted, but it does give you options. So really good reminder for everybody, if you ever need to, maybe, of course show up live, because that's sort of everything.

But still, like, this is the next best thing. You can still listen and receive and engage. So no worries, you know, you and your mother in law, and I'm really glad you were here when you were. Thank you. Cool. And remember, Kathy posted her two interviews.

If you get a chance, listen to it. I thought it was Kathy I just want to say won't take too much time and there's so much I could say. He's a really interesting interviewer. I thought he was kind of intense, in the sense like he doesn't stop right john Lee Dumas was sort of like well Well, what's the takeaway? And then you'd answer him. It's like, Yeah, but let's really get to the heart of this.

Like, what what is what is the one thing people can really do that will make a difference? I mean, he was just, that was interesting. And you was there, honey? Well, thank you. Thank you. He was actually that intense.

When he said he initially interview me. He said, You know, I just want you to know that you need to show up. You need to have no difficulty with your microphone, right? You need to have no difficulty with anything, because we will not do this interview. And it was like, so he was very intense from the very beginning. Yeah, it was.

It was good practice for me, because of him showing up that way. But I find the podcasts that I enjoy the most are the ones that are super conversational. I love those. Me too. Yeah. Yeah, me too.

I get I get how fast Thing is, by the way, people were talking about a big podcaster. Right? Like one of the top out there one of the beginning people, and he teaches this stuff. I actually never heard his show. Isn't that interesting, but I haven't. Anyway, I have not heard a show.

It's very fast. I understand why he built it. Obviously his personality, like bullet points, he just wants to talk about sound bites, he wants your information to get out. The reason why I think it's great to listen to Kathy's interview is so you do have a sense of what she's saying. There are many different hosts out there who operate many different ways. You may end up with somebody like that.

I love that she showed us her microphone. That is such an important point because many people who are podcasters and professional, if you don't have good sound, if you don't have good equipment, if you're not in a quiet room. They will say goodbye and not record the show and never invite you back. So It's so important to have that stuff in place and then have your being in place. So you're good to go. And like Kathy said, there are also so many people out there, something I want to talk about and one in the next weeks, because it came up a lot in the market research, who do like to have conversation, but I also want to explore and please ask me the question, if I failed to bring this back up.

I do want to explore the idea of what about a completely unstructured interview? Because any of us who have been out there can tell you, you're gonna from time to time, be on a show. And like oh, yeah, I was just I mean, I've been on shows where people like, yeah, we wanted to buy a house my husband and I and it came through today. We got the house. And this conversation is like, like worth Starbucks lying to people just hanging out having this very Organic conversation. What do you do?

Because there is a solution. And it's pretty important. You could hang out for 20 3040 minutes and do one of those. But man, it's your time. Time is money, right? Time is intention.

So what do you do in a situation like that? So we, you know, we should talk about that that should come back up. Because the more you get out there, you're going to have such an experience of so many different kinds of people. And you want to be able to handle that. Yeah. I love the fact that you're mentioning that because I actually had you know, an interview you so you have john Lee Dumas, you have people in between and then I had an interview all the way the other way where, you know, the guy's baby kept coming in and screaming and, and he's going, Oh, I only do this on weekends.

And he told me he cut a piece out because I made a mistake. I didn't make a mistake, but he now asked me a question and I answered it, honestly. And then I didn't really want that to be out there. So I even said to him, because he told me at the beginning, he cut things out. And I stopped at that point. And I said, I, I'd like to not discuss this further.

He left that in the podcast. It was the worst. Oh, it was just, you know, and what do you do about that? Like, I don't even own that podcast today. I hope it's not out there. And I'm sure it is.

But I'd love to know more about that. Because it's extremes of people. extremes. Amazing point. Please, yes, this must come back up. This stuff is so important.

This will help everybody and they'll be so prepared when they come to something like that. Great example. So yeah, the baby. I can't even but um, yes, let's have that conversation about what you could have done besides crying like a baby yourself. Okay. Everybody have an amazing week, you've got everything you need to rock and roll, connect with each other Rene, in case you missed it.

He posted here, you can exchange phone numbers, emails, do it. pm, Facebook or on the Facebook group doesn't matter even here in the chat. But go ahead, people wanted to work with each other to do the mock interviews and record them have at it have a great time. You don't have to give each other feedback By the way, just unless something's really outstanding. You don't have to worry about coaching or anything like that. But really, the coaching comes when you listen back to yourself in privacy, you'll hear a ton when you're by yourself listening to that mock interview to as many of them as you can.

It's gonna be a fun week for you because your materials are basically ready. So this is just about submitting and cruising and seeing who starts to respond so you can play. Alright, thank you, everybody. It's been extraordinary as always Have a great, great week and I appreciate you all.

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