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Ultimate Visibility Formula UVF: Session Two (2) - How to Get Shows to Say Yes to an Interview with You
8 minutes
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Comment. Wonderful. Thanks, Lily. Is that the first time you did an interview? No. No.

I like I like interviews. And I like I like being asked the questions that allow me to think about something I haven't thought about before. Yes, your reflective person. Thank you. Awesome, beautiful feedback. Anyone else?

And Julie, Renee Kathy. I know this feedback is to be constructive and tell you good as well as what you can change. And you know, that's why I signed up for this course Debbie, because you are truly brilliant. The last class was amazing. I feel like this was even more. And I'm searching right for negative, not negative feedback, but feedback that you can take back and make changes with.

And you're so good at holding the space for us and seeing our light when when we can't necessarily see it. Right, and letting it be okay to say things in this group. And you're, you're the one building that, and I just deeply, deeply appreciate it. That's part of your genius, right. I do think one fun thing would be at some point, I don't know if it'd be during the q&a call because I don't know where it fits in with your schedule. But in zoom, you can do the breakout sessions.

So maybe through the, I don't know the q&a or whatever. We could do the breakout sessions with each other Parris up into two or three people, and then we could all do our mock because people have So much fun in the breakout sessions. It's fun fun thing. So, you know that might be kind of cool. Is it possible to I've been on somebody else's program where they did breakouts, I can't record it right? No, you can come though.

But what you can do is you being the moderator, you can come into all the breakout sessions and listen and critique Yeah. And listen and critique, but so I did a year long mastermind on zoom with with the breakout sessions and people loved it. Because it you know, it's you with your peers, right and clink cool. Will I have such a puppy person? So, but you're really brilliant and thank you so much. Thank you.

That's an amazing suggestion. I love it. And yeah, that can be worked in either through breakout or because this is intimate enough. That Y'all could actually do it. And I could sit back and just watch post interviewee but yeah, I'll check out time and see where this would fit in. Thank you.

Brilliant idea. You're welcome. Awesome. Renee who switched outfits? Anything? If not, we can close.

I just wanted to say another thing about if we have time just quickly. I was expecting it to be very content heavy. And it's so powerful to have the way you're doing it with content and then I don't know what to call it like the interaction. It's seeming to me that I'm getting more out of this than I'm getting out of some of the other training that I do. Doing this so content heavy, that by the end of it, my brain is completely overloaded. And I, I don't even want to go do the homework because I just spent like two hours doing the homework and the thing and then.

So I like that balance. I don't you know, I don't know about everybody else that it seemed to be very powerful so far. Excellent. Thank you. I've been there. I've taught this courses.

Yeah, I think we learn on a lot of different levels. But I, it's so important to me, you don't just come and I give you here's how to do an interview. Let me know how it goes. Because I don't know that people would really be successful, maybe one person out of every 50 maybe. Yeah, you really know like, I got this. And not only that, but I'm already kind of doing it out there and having a support system to come back in and check.

Check in with that's really the way to do it. And this is You know, like he said, like, this is scary. It is a big deal. So to get over that hump I think you need to know confidently. I've done this already. Even without this class, however I proceed with, you know, this work.

I got this. So that's super important. Thank you great feedback. Okay, everybody, well have an amazing week. Have a lot of fun without homework or the play, work and create some great things. Same thing with your press media kit, your one sheet just know when you drag and drop.

I don't know about you, but will works really well for me, I do stuff. And then it's really good for me to even go away for 15 minutes or an hour, and then come back and look at something I have fresh eyes and I could see Oh, that works. And maybe Want to change that? That's simpler. It could be full steam ahead or could be a little tweaking, tinkering. trust it.

And yeah, you'll have something. That's, it'll certainly be amazing enough and compared to what you have now, it will be tremendous, because you'll have the professional package, right? When that's all that matters. And really, thank you. Thank you so much for posting and thank you everybody Bless you, too. Yeah, amazing stories.

Amazing Stories. Like you guys have no idea. It is my, it's my dream to pull back the curtain. It's so big for me, that when I start doing she knows, she knows her daddy is home so I'm gonna let her go. Go crazy. Just so you know.

It's my dream that when I shift into live events, mastermind work that I know so many magnificent people. Right? And you're here that you get to shine to in that space, that it's not just everybody sitting back learning, but that you have an opportunity to stand in front of us to like, I could get so emotional. Because y'all are so gifted. And the contribution that's possible is, right, we have a lot to learn from each other. So that's my big vision, a big dream.

And it's always been clear what I'm here to do. And that I'm so lucky to know so many amazing people, and your Paramount's amongst them. So thank you for saying yes to play. Thank you for saying yes to being visible, and letting the world know you're here you have a gift. And what's possible when they come connect and work with you. I look forward to next week and have a great one.

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