Session One - UVF

Ultimate Visibility Formula UVF: Session One (1) - Your Message and Your Pitch
1 hour 29 minutes
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Welcome, everybody to the ultimate visibility formula. I am so excited to be with you and I'm so excited for who has been attracted to this no accident. And I would just ask if you're out there if you can mute yourself. I hear some chatter chatter in the background. So just hit your mute button. It's in the upper right corner.

Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And the first session, which is tonight. I'm assuming the mute button.

Got it. The first session, which is tonight is really about you. It's about who you are, and about how you present yourself out into the world. And I'm just going to do a little bit more muting Julie and is muted, you're muted. You're muted, muted, muted. Thank you.

Beautiful. Okay, so how many of you out there who are here right now want more exposure for your business, your book, your being whatever it is you're putting out to the world, just raise your hand. And how many of you would like to become known as a go to expert in your field? How many of you would like both? Yeah, high five. So it's perfect because you're in the right place.

That's exactly what this is going to be about and exactly how I hope to position you before and by week six. So you're in the right place. I'm Debbie dash finger. I known out in the world as a media visibility strategist or sometimes as immediate visibility authority. And I love what I do and I feel really blessed to work with people like you. It's Your time to get your message out.

So this class is going to be a lot of interesting things that will all culminate in one result. And I'm a very inside outside person. So for me, it's all about strategy and technique 100%. But giving you the tools you need to show up as confident, savvy, and be able to do this have this skill out in the world with a lot of ease. It also means that I'm very aware of what visibility brings up for people. And it's different for everybody, but stuff comes up for people.

And we're going to do a little bit around that too. So it's going to be managed in a way that it is my intention to elevate you and encourage you to know that you got this. It's really easy when we do new things to be really excited, but also have a lot of stuff come up that can manifest and feel like fear. It can manifest like overwhelm, overwhelm can be a big default for people who say, Oh my god, I really want to do this, but I already know it's going to be too much and they're galloping off into the future. But they're just manifestations really of the same thing. And the same thing is twofold.

The one fold is I'm going to be visible, and there's some discomfort there. And that's okay, we can all breathe through that together. And the other piece is, I don't know what I don't know. And guess what, you don't need to figure it out because that's why you're here and that's what I am with you. I definitely plan to guide you through this process. So I really appreciate each of you so much for showing up.

Because it tells me that you are committed. It shows me your feeling about yourself. You know, last night I spoke. I spoke at a function. I did a a one hour presentation on this subject on visibility. And how to build a radical platform around it.

And it was a beautiful thing. And when I was done, people had so many questions that literally, the person running the meeting was saying, we have to end the meeting, we have to end the meeting. But people kept having questions about visibility. That's great. It just shows me how much entrepreneurs really need this, and small business people and coaches and authors and speakers. Right.

What was very interesting was there were certain people who are willing to take action. And then there was the person who raised their hand and said, Thank you for everything you gave tonight. And and like, how can I start finding those shows? I want to do this right away. And I felt like she missed a big piece about what I said in the way that she asked the question. So I reiterated, honestly, if you want to do what I'm talking about the level I'm talking about, I can give you two options and one is, you can hire a publicist for five grand and more A month, do it, you have that money, please.

Because they will get you positioned a good one, we'll get you positioned on media and get you interviewed. That's the best route. But if you don't have that kind of money and more monthly at your disposal yet, then learn the entire system for me. And you can be your own publicist, you will have all the skills necessary to do it. So it's interesting to me because there's so many people out in the world who just want to jump on and do it. They feel it, they feel the call, but they're not willing to take the time to learn how to do it.

And part of it is the tools that you'll get the templates and how to put all of that together. So you submit yourself properly and then the other part of it is what happens then how do you show up and I'm going to take you through how to show up and how to be great at an interview because you don't want to blow an opportunity. We all get opportunities and we want to use Use them the most that we can. In fact, we would love to be invited back or recommended and have other things unfold. The great thing about being interviewed is it absolutely will position you as a go to expert you will start to get recognized. And I can tell you from my story that I started to be invited to be part of anthology books to speak on panels to speak on stage to be part of TELUS summit.

So much opened up and then the next level, I started being invited to do red carpet interviews, which was fantastic and I continue to do to this day, so more and more surprising and beautiful, yummy places open up. That will happen for you as well when you do this right. So some housekeeping, this is being recorded, you will get the replay you do have a Dropbox, anyone who watched their email today saw the dropbox link come through and if you Have a question. The chat box may not get my attention. Although you guys can write to yourself, there are a post things there. I can't pay attention to that just because I want to pay attention to you, and what's happening next.

But you can raise your hand. And once you get comfortable with muting and unmuting yourself, which I recommend you have a question you can always unmute yourself and just, you know, wait till I finish a sentence or a thought and ask. And the other thing to know is I will just end this by not asking you questions. So there will be a point where you can also ask questions, if you want to hold on to something and wait to hear it. What's happening. What else I would ask that you not coach each other.

I would ask that as this is unfolding, support each other, be accountable to each other love on each other. Anything but as far as direct visibility, media coaching, it's best to not go there because I want people to feel really really, really special. Safe in this space and seen and special. We do have a private Facebook group, everybody here has been invited. I cannot invite you once I invite you, however it still sits in your box in Facebook is called the ultimate visibility program. Just check around.

And if you don't understand you can always Google it. How I'm invited to a closed Facebook group, how can I get in something like that? It's amazing what's out there. It's very easy. And once you're there, I want you to use that space. Between each session.

You can write things there, you can talk about wins. You can ask questions, it's the best place rather than emailing me. It's better to just use that one spot for all of us and I highly recommend you engage there. Don't sell there, please. But do engage about what we're learning here and what you do. out in the world, you will get weekly zoom reminders with the link.

As I said, You've got to Dropbox and that will have these replays the templates, course material, everything from the third first week, pre week pre homework about messaging is already there, the video, the audio, and all the templates. So it's there it will only each week be disseminated. They don't need to go in and suddenly see a million things. So just as it's taught, will you receive it? How many of you want to get booked on radio and podcast? And are you clear about what you want to talk about when you're interviewed?

And does it appeal to you to become known as an authority or go to expert in your field? I can promise you it makes your life very simple to have that moniker at because it affords you the luxury When things happen and somebody is needed that people automatically say, oh, we're cell can do that. Just Just email her cell call her cell or if you don't have her information here it is that each of us is thought of in our own space as that go to person, first person they want to go to. And if you already being interviewed Would you like to be interviewed more than you currently are? And a different values than you currently are. And do you desire ultimately to be seen as credible and to feel really confident and comfortable during your interviews?

So I am going to start a PowerPoint that I put together for you. And every week we'll take a look at these slides. And but we'll also take a look at each other quite a bit. So I'm just going to do a share screen here. necessitate glasses. Okay.

So, ultimate visibility formula. This is our first session, and we will spend six sessions together plus I will send you a date for a private q&a. I really would like to wait until around week four to five before week six. To offer that to you. I want you to be deep into the process. So these questions are important.

You'll have time during a recession to ask, but I want to make sure that you deep in it so that these are deep questions like things you really want to know before this class ends. logistics, 90 minutes, six weeks same zoom link it will be auto sent to you if you accepted the Google Calendar notice bonus q&a private Facebook group that is our you see if I can copy paste this to you know I can do it as soon as I get out of this as soon as I escape it, I'll do a copy paste and you will receive the replays. I recommend if you can, and I feel that each of us made this commitment, attend live. Definitely do the homework between if you want the best results. And I hold the intention for each of you that by weeks three to four. You're going to have submitted yourself for an interview at the very least you will book and schedule an interview.

The very least some of you will be being interviewed while the class is taking place. That's how much information you're going to have by week four, and I want you to be interviewed. So you have the group support. And you can bring things back and talk about your wins. Or if you have questions during that interview, you have a place in the space to talk about that. And also because I wanted to be in your being, that you can do this, that you got this and that you experienced the process.

You know, I just did a class. I just did a program. Somebody else's program was a technical program. And we were supposed to learn something. So I did eight weeks of three hour classes every week on zoom, then 20 hours of homework, but she won't get but I did 20 hours of homework as did the rest of the class. Then I flew to Vancouver for a weekend and I was supposed to receive a finished product.

I didn't. And I get to tell you, this teacher is known and amazing. He didn't get a finished product. And that was very interesting for me. So no, I want You to experience this because I want the finished product to be taking place and that you know you have this what else every week, I'm gonna recommend that you set a goal that's scary for you. The best place to do it is the safest place to do it.

And then post about it on the Facebook group Be proud about how you're stepping out on a limb because that's where the fruit is. So go there, I highly recommend you go there. So I'm going to I'm going to do this very quickly and go back to this so I could do a copy paste in our chat. And I'm going to pause the share for a minute and come back here find our chat box. So you Have to link for your private Facebook group. So back quickly to the share on the PowerPoint.

This is the best decision you've ever made. And that's not about me that's about you. That just tells me how ready you are. Even if you don't feel capable right now it tells me how ready you are, to make a difference. to step out, to be willing to try something new, and to risk whatever may be between your ears to have actually a different experience and create amazing opportunities. There's nothing you go through that I don't go through, no matter how brave you are, or no matter how overwhelmed or fearful, I have all of that too.

But the one thing that happened for me around media, and I'll tell you my story at some point during the sessions, the one thing that happened for me is I got really tired of this ruling me, because it was really good at talking me out of things. And I looked out in the world incredibly confident. I got this, oh, you know, she shines here and there. Nobody knew what was really going on, and how many things I actually talked myself out of how many opportunities I didn't take, and I just got tired. It's like, I like I'm healed enough. It's time just to say yes, and let the cards fall within me.

No one's gonna die. If I say yes, I'm not gonna die if I step out and every time for me it's been an amazing experience. There's nothing that this told me that was even remotely connected to the reality that I experienced. So this is what I really want for you to that this program is going to open the doors to amazing opportunities. The strategy will be laid out I'm really big on architecture. So what I mean is I want to go slowly and surely, we're going to build a foundation.

And when the foundation is solid, then we're going to build a wall. And then we're going to build you know something else to hold up the center and then level by level piece by piece until we're down to the accessories and the wainscotting and the windows and the beautiful roof and chimney. We're going to build this together. I want to start with what your messages and even though this class this program is really not about messaging. It is what I heard you guys and way more out there. Say over and over.

Again, I don't know what my messages. So I wanted to start so that there's some ease for you around that. And we're not going to spend a lot of time because again, that's not what the class is about this very marketing branding stuff. However, Trey important thing, yes. Because all of us need to be able to say in a sentence, whether we go to networking, whether we go speak on stage, whether we're being interviewed, what is it, who we are, who we serve, what problem we solve, and what's the outcome, that's basically the whole recipe to a message. And the other piece that is the secret sauce is if you're a chiropractor, for instance, you're not just a chiropractor.

There's something you do that is different than anybody else, because of who you are, your particular DNA and how you came, you're gifted. And you know, because that's the thing you have a proclivity for, you know, because that's what your patients often say, you know, because it's the pattern of what you see as it results. So whatever it is you do and B, there's something different about how you offer it, or the result that's achieved. That's what you want to go after. That's going to be your tribe. We are going to build your pitch letter and media press kit, we're going to get your speaking points down.

We're going to practice some mock interviews, we're going to know where the shows are, because at some point, in the sessions, I'm going to hand off to you a sheet that has radio and podcasts, shows, posts, and their contact. You are going to book real interviews, and during the interview, you will learn how to stay present calm and confident. And for people who made it very clear to me that being quote unquote, woowoo out there, which basically means a very spiritual, I have no frickin idea how I'm going to be received. We're going to talk about that. I have a lot of clients who are really Well received on mainstream. And I want you to know that you can be to.

Also what if you're vulnerable? People have questions about that, like what's too vulnerable? What is exposing myself too much, but what is rightful number? We'll talk about that. And if anybody's an introvert and would like that to be addressed, happy to do so, what do you do after an interview, there actually is an afterlife after an interview, we'll have the opportunity when you're doing some real interviews about coaching, tweaking, or you can bring in questions around that. And I'm a big, big proponent of celebrations.

So I really would love to go through what were your wins the past week. And we can even start tonight, by the way, because you might have had some wins around even messaging yourself. So I'm going to start with your core message. So we can talk about this. You all receive the template. And this is the basic you've got a few templates that you could fill in, but I Want to give you one?

So it's super simple. And this is all the Philippine stuff I help ideal clients who struggle with what is their pain to what is the solution so that they can what is the promise. And the bonus points. You know, you get the Ginsu knives and the washer dryer, if you can make it rhyme, if you can make it funny, if you can make it memorable. Why? If you've ever been in a networking meeting, it happened last night.

I'm going to tell you that uh, that a woman got up and said, All I remember she's a chiropractor acupuncturist I don't really remember anything else. Except she made a comment at the end and was something like, Ah, this is what she said. It's a very tagline, no bone Unturned and I'm always to the point. Like how good is that? I never going to be able to forget that. If I look at this one man, go chiropractor acupuncturist.

She's kind of funny, she must be good at what she does. It's something that makes people lean in. So I want to talk a little bit about this and we can review some of the homework that you can think of your message like it's a movie movies have formula. They're almost all the same. There's a main character books do too, by the way, main character, main character has something that has befallen them. It is a big hill to climb.

If you're familiar with Joseph Campbell. This is the hero's journey. This is the heroines journey, and that's exactly every movie script and, and really well written book. And so the hero heroine has something they desperately need, and they don't know how they're going to get it. There's all sorts of obstacles in their place, they go through heck And finally, by the end of the book or the movie, something happens it usually pulls them back down again before they can hopefully rise to be triumphant. That's a lot of what your message is all about.

So you want to think about that, because that's kind of your client and your client is kind of you, you've probably been through something very similar. So to identify what they want, what is the problem and what needs to be resolved. I want you to know, like a little bit of secret sauce is how to change your business. Some of you already know this. And if you don't, then this will be great. You will have a paradigm shift in business.

When you choose to be a guide to your customer, and a guide and a customer story, instead of the hero, right? Have you ever heard somebody get up and speak and it's like, I did this I did that I have, you know, I met this person. I hang out with these celebrities and it's like, click because what are they going to offer you? It's not the way you want to remove yourself from that. And the stakes are enormous with that. When, if you continue to talk about your customers problems, they will work with you.

They will do business with you. So when you're being interviewed your message when you're speaking your message, it's basically you saying I'm here, because we have a serious problem. Entrepreneurs want to be interviewed on radio and podcasts and it's not getting done. And they don't know how to do it. Now, how are we going to resolve that? I don't even have to mention my name.

People are going to lean in, because that's their problem. That's what they want so much. When you identify the client that you work with, it is not just any client, it's not just people. And it's not just women. It's not just men. It's your ideal client.

You've probably all had people you work with you like ah, never again, please And then you've had people you work with, like you guys here, which is just like, oh my god, this is heaven on earth. These are hungry people. There's a people who will take suggestions. They want this to happen. And they're really showing up for themselves. And the engagement is amazing.

That's your ideal client, right? And there may be a lot more details that you can add to that. Your offer to people is the problem you solve period. So you determine what your niche market is, and your solution. So here it is. I'm going to save this, not as an example, because you've got lots of examples in the video that you received in the templates.

But I want to break down the background of what the bubble is over an expert's head when they do a message and Okay, so I'll break down what this is. And when you're doing a message, right, you've got the word you're going out who you help. who's struggling, what is their pain? What is the solution? What is your promise like, you know, you deliver this you're good at this. It's gonna happen.

So the bubble over your head while you're saying your message. This is euphemistically like, this isn't for real, but this is what I want you to understand. You understand better how to build your message, you're basically saying, look, look, ultimate visibility formula class. I'm here because we have a serious problem. So entrepreneurs, I okay. Hi.

Rob, I know you're with us. Can you mute yourself? Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Okay.

If you look up to the right corner everybody get comfortable with this before next time, I'll mute you right now, but it's up in the right corner. And if you just put your cursor there, a little blue box will pop up suddenly it's not there right now, but like, it says mute. You can click on that. And then if you want to speak or ask a question, go right back up to the upper right corner. And you'll see unmute. Okay, so thank you.

All right. So the bubble over your head, you have identified the client, it's not just any client, it's your ideal client. You've got your offer, you know what you solve, and here it is. What you're really saying is, I really care about you. I identify with you. I've had those problems too.

I don't have those troubles anymore because I got smart, and I can help you. Get out of those troubles too. If you'll Trust me. Anyone has Ever been an actor and knows about intention? That's the intention. That's really what's going on.

So I want to open this up to see if anybody had a win around creating a message for themselves using the homework and the template. And, and I really want to preface this by saying, Please don't look for perfection. If you got something that's awesome. I'm thrilled because you can go out and test it. You could actually go out to Starbucks and be waiting in line for your coffee and just tap the person shoulder in front of you and say, Excuse me, I Debbie. I'm actually taking a class right now.

And I was asked to put together a message for what my business is out in the world. I've been doing business for 310 years, whatever your story is, do you mind to listen, just tell me what you think. And lean in and say it People will be very honest. Also, if you're going to be going to a networking meeting very soon, or like he said, He's going to call and tell us it. And you will see how people react. Somebody leans in and says, I'd like to know more.

Where's your store? Where's your shop? How can I get more information? How can I work with you has questions, that's a good sign, your message is working. And if you have something that's workable, keep tinkering. We all keep tinkering.

So it's not a static thing. It's fluid. You'll have something good enough. And then you'll keep working on it. The more you learn and the more you start to see how your business is working. So if anybody wants to go up to the upper right corner and unmute yourself, and share with your messages, please feel free and we can talk about whatever that when is.

Can I go first? Yeah. Hey, Keith. Thank you. Okay. So I help high level executives.

Small business owners struggle with physical, emotional and mental anguishes to provide clarity and increase energy on their healing journey. So that they can live their life ultimately, where their five F's family, finance, faith, fitness and fun, are flown easily and gracefully. Okay, I love that you did that example. So we're going to take that. And thank you so much. We're going to take that and make it simpler.

Because what happened was it was so much information I got lost in actually knowing what you do or provide. And by the way, this is actually what's typical. So we're all hyphens, right worlds super multitalented, there's a lot of things underneath the umbrella of what we do. And if I were to stand out, stand up at and try to message myself. Just experience this for a minute. Hey, I'm Debbie finger.

Well, I'm um, I'm a media personality. I'm a red carpet carpet correspondent. I'm a coach. I'm a three time best selling author. I help people write their book, I help them become a best seller. I teach them how to be interviewed, sometimes I actually book people on interviews.

Oh, I've been on 900 media outlets myself. You know what I mean? Like people going, WTF woman like you didn't even so we want to take it and distill it to the most important thing that you are and the crux of what you provide. So do you mind to say that again, so I can actually write a little bit as you say that. Okay. Yeah.

We read it again. I hope, high level executives and small business owners who struggle with physical, emotional and mental anguishes to provide clarity and increase energy on the healing journey. So they live their life ultimately, where the five apps, which is finally finance, a fitness and fun, are flowing easily and gracefully. Awesome. chat to sorry. I'm gonna copy it into the chat so you can see it.

Great. Thank you. Yeah, so there's a couple of places where you can take what you have, which is really good. And just simplify it so it can be digested. So when you say physical, emotional and mental, we actually don't need that breakdown. I would actually call personal anguish.

So it encompasses everything. And then at the very end those five apps That's where like it was so good. And then it's like, last. So family flow, fitness. What if you called it the most their most important core values? Yeah, no more.

And then the other thing was around the words clarity and energy. Yeah, that needs to be something different again. One word that actually encompasses that. And you know what, Keith, I'm going to make a recommendation to you to and to everybody. So this is great as you watch this all unfold, because see how this all is in your space, too. So Keith, because you've had a very particular journey.

I would find a word that describes who you are because you made it out to the other side. So, because of what you've gone through, you know, that side of people being unhealthy being an addict, being on the streets, like, you know, something pretty other side of the spectrum, and what it took you to have done what you did and get where you are and become who you are so successfully today. That really feels a lot to me like your message packaged in this. That is the healing journey, right? You took your anguish and something much deeper than clarity and energy happened that created your healing journey so you can ultimately live The greatest life of your core values, I just think it's a great place to start for you. And to keep tinkering with this is as tight as you can get it.

And one descriptive word for each piece as much as you can, will be really easy for us to digest. So I'd say go back with that, and then come back and try to say it. We say it at another time or posted in the Facebook group when you brought it in, so we can take a look and give you feedback. Okay, thank you. Yeah, thanks a lot. Anybody else?

Can I go? It's Renee. Hey, Renee. Hi. Hi, everyone. I'm Renee.

So I help women 35 and over who struggle with not feeling heard and being worthy of good things in their life, regain their power and confidence so that they can be heard and live a happy, balanced life attracting nothing but fabulousness to them selves to themselves. Okay, okay, so Tell me the first part again. You help What? Women 35 and older? Okay. Is that middle aged?

Do similes like is that? Is that offensive to some people? I don't? I don't know. That's a good question. So let's say with 35 and over and then what was the next part?

Who struggle with not feeling heard? That's huge. Yep. Yeah, I don't or be worthy of good things in their lives. I would just say and feeling unworthy. Okay.

I didn't I wasn't sure if people recognize it as unworthy. Tuna meat, like, you know, some people out there keep it real. Does anybody out there recognize unworthy or have would you resonate with that or know people who would? Okay, great. Thank you. All right.

Unworthy. Yeah, cuz we'll give you the truth. If it doesn't, yes, it Okay, or so. It's already Fear Okay, not feeling heard or unworthy, right. Have good things in the lives. Mm hmm.

Okay, regain their power and confidence. Second, so far so that they can be heard and live a happy, balanced life, attracting nothing but fabulousness to themselves. So good to watch. The whole ending has to be changed because you're, it's so good. And then all of a sudden again, same thing, right? Well, yeah, words.

And and so here's a great learning point. When we use words, and a lot of people use these words like what are you I'm a happiness coach. Like, I'm a joy coach. I'm, you know, I help people enjoy being who they are. You guys have heard this stuff. Like I'm not making this up.

And you're like, what does that mean? Like you, you have to be really clear. So, again, I'm going to say you are your ideal client. There's probably something you went Through and had to find to become the amazing human you are right now. And also look at the people. And I know, I know you've said that people have told you that happiness is what they get from you.

And that's great. But there's actually something much deeper, they may get a sustainable life of self worth of self love, self worth. I mean, and that's even a pedestrian place to start. But it's a place to start with means something. We all know what it means to feel or not feel self worth feel or not feel self love. So just tighten up that whole end about the results.

And keep looking as you're working with people and working on people. Like what's really happening here. Like in the matrix of this what is really happening for each one of these people. That's making the difference because you'll know something they won't know they know They walk out happy, which is awesome, right? But something else is shifting in their space. And so that might be a word for you too is that they are making a permanent shift.

And the outcome is x. Okay, great. Thank you, everyone. Yeah, I post in the Facebook group any of these weeks anytime you have it. Okay. Thank you.

Anybody else want to go? Hey, Kathy. Awesome. Um, I help business owners who struggle with their employees to hire the right person for the position and develop them to their full potential. So they can elevate their clients experience and increase profits. Okay, that was really good.

I was really good. There was one thing about elevating them to their full potential that I would change. Mm hmm. So there's something else you actually really do for people. Right? And it's much deeper than that.

I know I feel it from here. There's something else you do that's much deeper than that. Yeah. Do you have any sense of what it is even if it's too many words? Yeah. So what I do is not only hire the right person, but I really get a feel for the like the entire energy.

So you say right, of the team. And from there, it just goes to understanding them so well, that I get with not only the customer needs, but what they really want. And somehow I build that bridge, but I don't know how to say that. Okay, you just did Thank you. And it was awesome. It is called clear.

Hundred percent clear. The only thing is you and I know because I'm going to bridge you guys. So it's not just this world. So anybody who's metaphysical slash woowoo that also the mainstream and it's so easy, because all you need to do is take out the word energy. That's it. I want you to go back and listen to this because you can just set it you can tighten it up, and the only thing you need to do is add the problem in the beginning.

Okay, perfect. And you know the problem you see the businesses all the time not hiring the right people, not not having an aligned team or cohesive team. And so whatever way you would describe that in just a word or two in a sentence, get to that pain points show up. Perfect, and then you that is like I would want to work with you? I wouldn't want to pull you into my business because you got that HR thing handled and I need that. Okay, thank you.

Thank you so much. Great example. Thank you. Anyone else? Okay, there's nobody else on me but I have to get to a spot here. Sorry.

Okay, so I can just kind of go give you a rundown here while I find this better place. I played with the writing and I wrote down I teach people how to set their pride aside and listen to the still small voice inside. Let go of ego and go with the flow of divine guidance. Okay, awesome. So this Such a great example. And I'll tell you why.

Because people who are behaving this way out in the world have no idea that they have a pride issue. And they have no idea that their egos even involved, like their reality is their reality, even though you with your gifts may look at it and go, yeah, right behind the scenes. So if you were to speak to somebody like that, it wouldn't be received as their problems. So let's just take that, because it's there, but we're just going to look at it through different glasses. And the different glasses are going to be what is their pain? Like?

What are they walking around? Not even wanting to be on this planet? Because it's so often their space, what are they feeling? What you know, it's just the inability of To find their purpose. You know, that's that happens over and over and over again for my clients. What am I supposed to do?

What am I here? For? What? Why are we even here? I mean, the biggest struggle has been What do you know? I feel like I'm stuck and not doing what I'm supposed to do.

I don't like this job. I don't like this relationship. I don't like this where I'm living. Where am I supposed to be? What's my purpose in life, you know, that I'm not fulfilling. So but let's see.

So how do you how do you see I teach people how to get them done, but that get rid of the nice rhyming stuff there. Okay, don't worry about your rhymes that's later. So here's why. This is such a great example for everybody. I'll tell you why. If you'll notice what happened with Kathy, what's happening with Jennifer, when you just throw out the template, right?

We just hang out and talk You literally Tell me what you do. I'm not making it up. You literally know what you do, you know, the problem your clients have. So I would recommend each of you just spend time talking. Right? And it takes like that.

So the reason why I did this while you were speaking to me not reading up, it's speaking to me is because you did say something that is huge. And when you have something like that, it's so important to say that because that is a big pain point, not knowing someone's purpose. big one. Yeah. So you can keep that very succinct and just say, I work with and we'll use the word people for now. You'll you'll know your niche.

I work with people who feel stuck, or don't know what their purposes next slide Okay, and then I, you know, you do have to take out the ending thing about the ego. So remember your client is you, you went through a heroines journey. And so whatever you had to go through to get through to the other side to become who you are, like you didn't come out the other side and go, you know, there was ego involved, but I'm so glad that's gone and like you actually had to go through a situation. So the end result is there's something significant that happens to your people, and it may be an antonym to the word purpose. And just look up with the antonym is meaning the opposite. What What does a purposeful life mean?

I mean, that's an okay word. But there's something more powerful that lets people know I'm clear and I'm on track. I mean, you can use, right? It's always, you know, one of the biggest themes and what it teaches, you know, tapping into that guidance, the divine guidance. And then it seems that as they begin to learn how to do that, they start to align. Yeah.

And again, for you, however much, you want to also bridge from mainstream, you can have two of these, by the way, one they use on spiritual shows, which is fine, and others that you if you're on something more mainstream, you're not going to talk about tapping into Unless, you know, you don't want to get on a religious show. But basically, I would take out the divine guidance and just have that switchable so that, you know, you have so much inner personal clarity. Yeah, and I and I couldn't move the divine, because, you know, we're also our inner GPS basically is divine guidance. But, you know, you don't necessarily have to attribute it to divine Because it's already there, you know, it's already within. So, you know, tapping into that internal internal guidance. You know, we have that internal wisdom.

We're not talking about the journey to get there. We're talking about the outcome. So even the tapping into a part, I don't even need to know that. In fact, nobody wants to know that. Isn't that amazing? All we really want to know is what are you going to give me?

Like, if I work with you tell me the outcome. Are you going to create clarity and purpose? Because I can tell you I don't have it right now. You're gonna give me that? I don't. I don't care what you know, as long as it's legal.

We get there. Yeah, just right. You don't want to know the how you just want to know that you're gonna get there. So just have words like that at the end that you know, are the truth. if they'll trust you, you can get them out of that problem of being stuck and lack of purpose. You're the guide.

You know you've been there Yeah, for sure. Right? Yeah, definitely. Okay. Beautiful. I'm reading a ton of notes here.

Thank you and again also post when you you know, tinker with this and you guys well and you know talk it out loud you know? Just you know get a tape a tape recorder my god your phone, talking to your phone and just say, like, you know, this is what I do but it's not and then listen back to it. You will hear golden words from your own mouth. Beautiful Anyone else? Hi. Hey resell.

I'm trying to get My video to work but it's not working. So I apologize next. So I kind of went a different route and I don't know if this works, but I did the Did you know that Okay, perfect. So I wrote Did you know that the body is designed to regenerate and heal itself? yet so many people suffer from physical and emotional pain. So I've discovered and designed a technique that removes imbalances in the body so that it can begin to heal itself.

And what my clients are saying is that after only one session, they feel lighter, more joyful and the pain is decreased by a minimum of 50%. Okay, I love this for you. And super good. It starts out a really strong Did you know question definitely captivating Then you give some backup. So the place where I feel like it's sort of milquetoast is it removes imbalances in the body? Again, I'm not sure.

I'm trying to think of how to how to express more. Like you remove internal obstacles. Yes. Yes. Like you remove profound internal obstacles, trying to stay humble. No, just kidding.

Oh, thank you for saying that was so perfect because guess what? That Thank you perfect segue. Here's why we message the way we do. Because it's not about us. Right? Right.

If we could say it clearly we will attract those people. We came here to serve right? So say a girl because that is what you do you do remove profound it's not just body it's not just emotional I mean I would own that and then the ending to also was a little too pedestrian with the happiness and there's something else you do and it is a permanent and positive change. Okay in whatever area they had previously been stuck right? play with that those words like that right now and then just see how that feels go out and tested say it to people. The only thing I would be careful of is like if you start go out to family and friends sometimes going I have a message we listen to people like me Not even in the business world, they're going to start telling you Well, you need to decide, they're going to come up with stuff that's going to make you crazy.

I don't want you to be crazy, I want you to really feel solid in this. So, you know, explore with your people or just do it without people knowing, like, literally get up and say these things and start to see, but I would people step into your potency, so that the one thing we want is that in its way, all of you are humble, of course, but that you're and this is not about humility, right? But this is about this is really what I do. This is the DNA and the gifts that my soul came here to express in this life. This is how I identify the people and how people I have these problems identify me for some reason and over and over. And I definitely see when they walk up the proverbial dark door after working with me.

This is what's changed and this is what the super thrilled about. Okay. Love it. Great you took on the other template that really works. All right, we're going to need to move on so if if anyone else wants to jump in, let me know. Her Debbie.

Okay, love. Hi, Julie. Hi, how are you? I'm so good because I have that niche. I feel like Jennifer it's a little bit sometimes hard to articulate or try to you know what you're what you do. So I just put that I, people who seek clarity, direction and connection with themselves.

And that can be due to physical mental as we know challenges and then I tailor my mediumship to each individual's needs, honoring the truth and their story, meeting them where they are to benefit their highest good. I've had fabulous results through channeling specific tools and messages, resulting in increased positive outlooks peace within better able to shine in the world. So I am going to just tell you what I'm getting. I feel really strongly that if you have a story or a statistic, that would be really powerful for you to start, okay? You're not somebody has to worry that much about mainstream, because you're going to be you. Right?

Right. Channel psychic medium out in the world period. And even if you get booked on talk radio, they're going to bring you on because you're probably going to do readings or blow away. You know, the people are you'll do George noise coast to coast like that's where you'll be. And so, I would start out really with who you are, but you could do it with a question. And I'm just playing here.

I don't know that this is the way but just you have the energy of it. Okay, so something like did you know That's psychic mediums who have a 99% and higher rate or 95% higher rate of got your number 95% higher rate of accuracy. Have throughout history changed the lives of presidents celebrities and Ah god, I'm Julie Lowenstein I and then say what it is you you do for people and all those words. There's something much easier to say there's something that you there are people you attract over and over who see I know one of your people who have had tragic losses of children. It's like hard to say. I know really is.

Ah, so that's one of your people. And then there may be others. Hopefully there's a little more levity in there. Because if you're going to do that with a comma and just pick the three most powerful, like, you know, you obviously do group and privates, but you also do these people, young children, and parents want to know, but there's other things you do. And yeah, using medical intuition using the channeling using the guidance from data. I have helped people who have lost loved ones.

Have limited life issues and have questions that are important to them to finally get answered. Receive that communication And those answers you know, have a 95% accuracy rate and then something else about a solution. And that's as simple as yours needs to be. But I would start out with a question. That is riveting. Yeah, and it's true, right?

Do you know that presidents have used psychic mediums channels and celebrities have use psychic medium channel that, you know, like, did you know that did it and with with their accuracy, they've actually guided their lives and careers on Julie Lowenstein and just be off and running and it's very compelling. Okay. Okay, thanks. A lot. Yes, yes. Because what I do is, you know, is so varied and into so many people's problems, and to say, you know, all across the board, and then I get into the medical intuition, and that's a whole nother thing.

And now I'm going to heal horses a lot. So that's a whole nother thing. You know, and then the children and then It goes on and on. Perfect. Thank you for saying that because that is true. And here's what's great because you can't fit and you don't need to fit all of that in there.

However, you may be going to speak at a particular place where it really is about animals. So, you know, you could even say all of that, and when you get to the crux, instead of talking about what you do for people, I talk to animals. Okay. And you know what the result is, you know, the, you know, and you can even use a story. I heal the horse who was pissed off at his owner, and was about to die and put out but instead because the communications we had, he is now thriving, and he's done it, you know, and they have a great relationship or whatever it is, but stuff like that is what we remember. Right?

And then if you go to another one, and you're talking about The children that you can communicate with who have disabilities. And you know, that's your audience, you can speak directly to that. Outside of that you and I both know it's in your bio, and that's fine. But I would say in your message, keep it like this, because people who have when you say that you address life issues, like life issues or things that people want the answer to things and it encompasses this too. And when people lean in, and they get interested in you and say, Can we talk, you know, you know, it may come up and you'll be able to say, Oh, yeah, I do that, you know, we talked about Okay, all right. Thanks.

Thanks a lot. It's very helpful. Yeah. So great. Thank you. Good exam.

Is there anybody else are we Yeah, good to go. Have your blessings. Okay, fantastic. So I want to talk about a pitch letter. And since you have done your message good enough. And if you haven't done it, do it before next week and share it in the Facebook group.

And we can all give you some feedback. The next piece is to create a pitch letter. So it's sort of hilarious that it's called a pitch letter. That's an old word because no one sends a letter anymore. So it's really a pitch email. And we still call it a letter, whatever that right So I want to share the screen with you now.

So you can take a look at this, and what is needed. So I'm going to scroll down a little. So you can first see an example. You have this in your Dropbox. So you don't have to write down unless you want some, you know, notes for yourself. So this is literally a template that you can use copy, paste, and then just fill in the blanks in general.

And I'm going to get very specific with this. But generally, you're going to write this once. That's the beauty when you have a press kit. One time there's something you'll tinker with. And I'll explain that another time. But the most important thing you could possibly hear from me is one time and it becomes your template.

Of course greetings and the first name that's going to be a hostname or the station name or the producer name in general, your writing to the host of the podcast or the radio show. You will have to fill that in please please, please Don't make the mistake to send something to Sam. But to forget to change the past name that said, Janet, right. So keep an X in there until you copy and paste it into an email. You may even create an email that you just keep forwarding, but just take a moment of breath to read through it before you press send and make sure I've had people send stuff to me like that. the wrong name the wrong show, not often, but I know what they're doing.

And it's just it's just not professional. So greetings name of the host. My name is your name. Now we're using a book here. It's not necessary. But this is just a book examples.

You can get the idea of this if you are an author, and you're going to do a book launch. And I am the author of x. And if it's not the book, then whatever your job title and expertise is, and guess what? We just learned that in the messaging that is so clear. to somebody who's trying to understand who you are. I've reviewed your show archives, and I believe it would be great Yes, for your audience.

Proposed topic. This is just an example, you're going to fill it in with your own headline. But it's basically something that if I were to book you on my show, I could copy paste it. And that could be the title, marketing your business by writing and publishing books and ebooks. story book branding, how to build a radical platform. How to create a pivot in your life that's positive during challenges.

I'm making this stuff up. But you can create your own headline, it's the distillation of what you do out in the world, and what you can really speak to and basically what you know about look, magazines radio copy, right. What's great about is it's basically a headline You're basically writing a great headline and the headline generators out there. You can always use them, you can google headline generator. And these things will come up and you put a word in there for what you do. And it'll generate these headlines and you can literally read through, and you'll find a couple you love.

Just copy paste them, so you can use them in the future and have fun with them. So after that, did you know that a recent survey showed that more than 80% of Americans would like to write a book at the same time businesses are looking for new marketing strategies and ways to stay competitive in a challenging economy. Promoting a business with a book can be a powerful way to gain a competitive advantage, and it's easier to accomplish than you might think, as a guest on your show, I would propose the following key points. And then you see there's 12345. And those key points are essentially talking points. Speaking points.

What is that anyone who's a speaker here knows what that is already. Or if you've been interviewed, you know what that is already? You're basically saying, I can address each of these, like you could bring any of this up during the show and asked me to talk about it. And I can. What's interesting about it is you don't want to just say, you know, I work for the city of Burbank and I, I am the liaison between the government portion of the people like, right, you want to see that actually have a headline around it. The voice of the government of Burbank I connect them to the people that they serve, like that's kind of more.

Alright, I want to know about that. So you want to take what you do and just give it a heightened idea. Again, you can try using the title generator. We need your speaking points because this may be all we use. If we book you on the show. Isn't that great?

Send me an A picture and this I could book you, I could have you on I'm ready to go. This is a Knock knock, that people will say yes to this and your press media kit. I'm just going to tell you my story. Because I've been doing a show for 12 years. Plus, when somebody reaches out to me on social media and it still happens ad infinitum. By don't have time, not professional, I totally get that there may be hosts out there who go great, you know, I live on social media, you know, come on my show.

So much work for me. There's no way and I have no sense that they're professional. I have on a daily basis, publicists submit their clients to me, agents, publishing houses of books, and individuals. And the majority of those hundreds that show up in my inbox daily, are really well put together. So if you don't have put together pitch email and press media one sheet you are stiff competition out there. You need to be distinguished from the pack this right away distinguishes you.

And then some of the wording distinguishes you makes me just interested to talk to you. Another thing that would make me interested if you send a template like this is have you really taken the time to listen to my show? Do you I've had people I've actually had an agent or publicist write to me like my client would be great for your show and he just stocks Do you know who I am? As a definitely not a right connection. And my listeners, that's not how my listeners are. So you really want to make sure it's the right fit the show that you are pitching yourself for.

So you have your speaking points. You can do three you can do five Doesn't matter more matters how compelling it is, then you go on to have a closing paragraph these are short by the way this should not be run on we have so little time to digest what you're setting we know right away who you are what you do. I have years of experience as a radio show guests, I can assure you that our time together will be well spent focused on delivering value to your audience. Huge. You just spoke magic and gold to me You just basically said the show is not about you. The show is about my audience.

And it is about my audience no listeners no show. So I love that you're gonna bring content value then you say I also be happy to provide you a sample interview questions cut off and a complimentary copy of my book at your request. Thank you so much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you warm regards your name and always always you must have contact is how we're going to find you your email your phone your website. And you know these days sometimes people do their social media Okay, so that said, you're going to write a template that's like this, it can even be shorter than this. And here's the one thing I'm going to recommend.

And that is in the portion right here. There's one thing that will make a difference to host in this area right here. And I would suggest to be as close to the top as possible. Like I said, once you write this for yourself, there's no need to change anything except for there's no need to change anything except for the first name of the host you're going to be working with. But the one thing I would recommend, and this can, this is a great ball. If you were to write to me, dear Debbie, my name is john.

And I do black, black, black out into the world. I have been listening to dare to dream podcasts. And I particularly loved your show with Carolyn mace. Then go off and running and I know you are connected, you know, my show, and you even gave me a really nice compliment. So there's there's an engagement, there's a relationship starting to be born. If you can take the time to do that, that's a beautiful thing.

I also want to be really honest that sometimes, for instance, when we're doing a book launch, and it's herculean, right, and you're submitting yourself to a ton of stuff in the hopes of getting booked. You may not have the grace of that time unless you have a team doing this for you or a VA or something. If you don't have the grace, you know, doesn't have to be that but still always greetings first name, your name, and if you can just include I've reviewed your show archives of x fantastic. So this is Literally the pitch letter I'm going to ask you to put together before next week, and to work on so you've got your message you're just going to play with I'm going to test out in the world. This is your pitch letter, and I just will share a little bit more. I'm going to take your screen up here and talk about the pitch email that will get you a booking.

In the email, it's a subject line that grabs attention. We've already talked about you googling headline generator generator, I'm telling you it's going to be your best friend. I use it when I promote a show that I've just done. And somebody wants to see you guys this is very rare but somebody wants wants to present herself which is an awesome this is show me the dog she's the mascot of what I do. So in chanting headline you can use The headline generator to create that alright and the next thing is a personal greeting we just set it to your Debbie greetings Debbie like that I wouldn't say hey Debbie millennials love to do that Nicole a powerful opening that introduces you powerful we've already discussed that and now you you have a message that's good enough trust me good enough definitely already what you guys have tells me who you be what you do a compact body that highlights your story thousand percent again You can't send anything like this.

Like this is good. And some of your message may relay that some of it may not but you could be a rags to riches person. You could be I was a stockbroker who, you know what accolades and this and that and now I'm x. You could be Gosh, I had somebody who came on my show and I he's coming up right Now and I really fell in love with this guy. He, he created a medicinal company smart is whip guy. And he has the most amazing products and he was so cool before I came on the show.

His name is sky cubby. Before he came on the show, he sent me his products and Damn, they were good. And I'm kind of tough and skeptical about this stuff. I mean, really good. And impressive what he's created. Do you know that I found out a factoid blew me away, loved it ran with it.

He was an Olympic skier. Great factoids. If you've anything like that in your history, if you're the granddaughter of Maybelline, I don't care include stuff like that. So it captures us in your story. Doesn't have to be a lot keep it succinct, but go there and a convincing clothes to ram the point home, right. So why basically, should I have you there you can use the line about bringing value.

That's wonderful. Listen, if you guys have the capability and the willingness some of you to offer readings, gold, you guys are sitting on gold. You want to reach your clients. That's the way if a host can and will do listener Collins, you can let them know that I was also had, let me just see if I could finish that thought because another thought came in. You are sitting on gold people love Collins, you will probably do very well on a good show. And people want more and book sessions with you.

So if you can provide that do that. Here's what I just thought of, and this is something you can use. I had a woman come up to me she's genius at what she does, has her own system. And she said to me, she was pitching herself to me in person and she said, You know I can come on your show around Valentine's Day. And we could do a whole show around dating, and just have people call in and tell me who their beloved is. And they can either ask a question, or I can let them know, these are the problems you're going to have.

And these are the things that are going to go really well or you're an amazing coupler. You might be a little careful. I just sat back and I said, That is so cool. Like she just wrote the show for me, basically, and she's providing huge content for the listeners. She was ago, she's been on twice. Okay, so you already know start with a good lead.

You want to be effective. It says here about news. But you know, it's not always going to be something newsworthy, although it could be. There could be something regarding HR that Kathy sees is in the headlines and she wants to capitalize on it. There could be a whole uproar, let's say in the HR world, or the whole paradigm is shifting in corporate business. She wants to capitalize it and get booked on a lot of media and say this is what specialty.

And and because of what's happening in the world right now I can address the paradigm shift that's happening in HR people will scoop her up. And beyond Radio Podcast, they'll scoop her up on talk radio, the scoop or up on morning television, news. I mean, she will be if she can address that she is gold. Any of you can address this news headlines, use it run with it. And yes, the last piece of the puzzle, your conclusion straightforward. It's a call to action like thank you so much.

And, you know, I'd really love to hear from you. And you're basically saying who you are you reaching out the support that you can offer. And and some of this is around what do you need going forward with? Some of this is speaking back to me. Do you need mentoring? Do you need feedback on your performance?

Do you need a private coach session before an important An event or an interview seems sore. So also, next thing, timing, your some of you have books that you're putting out in the world, you may want to really do this around your launch, it is perfectly fine. I have had really big names come on my show who have said, Dad, I'm doing a launch on my brand new book, this is the this is the release date, what's possible. And if I can accommodate them, I will. For some big names, I may shift things around to accommodate them. So as much as we can, we will line it up with your launch.

And you may have a product launch a workshop, launch, or retreat launch. So let them know it's fine. And also know if they can't, they won't. But they'll offer you another day. Take it because there will be enough shows that will say yes and support you. So yes, always, always include your email, your phone, your cell, your website, your social media, any way that they can start to follow you That's all you're going to work on this week.

As we go forward, you will have a package, you're not going to have it yet. We'll talk about more of that in the ensuing sessions. And you will have a beautiful bio, which you already have. And if you want to know how to look at your bio, obviously, your name your title, you guys all have that what you do anything that's noteworthy about you, your company, including awards, your website, contact information. So your ultimate package when you're done in the succeeding sessions, and weeks will be a beautiful headshot of you. If you have a book that too a picture of the book cover your bio, your bio is going to be on your media, one sheet, you don't need to worry much about that.

We'll talk about the press media, one sheet coming up. And then this pitch email, that's going to be your whole package. Okay, and now you also have your message that you're working on, or elevator pitch. And that's when you start a show. And somebody says, Oh, it's great to have you on the show, Greg, I'm really thrilled you're here. What do you do out in the world?

Tell us what you're up to. Great. My name is Greg. I do get it up everything you just learned. It's those couple of sentences. Add because it'll be good.

It'll either cause the host to lean in and go, Oh, tell me about that. That was really interesting. Or we learned she, he learned enough as a host. But they're ready to really dive into the subject as you're that you're going to be having a conversation about, but it is a beautiful way for you to introduce yourself. And if they don't ask that in the beginning, it will probably be an opportunity somewhere for you to do that. And if not, syllabi, no worries, not gonna affect your amazing interview.

So I'm gonna stop sharing that because we're good there and bring us back here. And I am going to reiterate about the weekly wins and celebrations that you bring those. I really want to celebrate you and I want you to be celebrated. It can be small. It can be I looked at this replay again, it can be I tested out my message in Starbucks, it can be anything, but bring your wins, absolutely engaged in fit in the Facebook closed group. It's just us, so only we will see it.

And if there are things you feel like you need to be accountable for I'm creating that scary goal. I'm not really sure how it's going to go. But here it is. I'm putting it out there and I'm going to do it. Right that and we'll support you. If you want to let us know how it went.

That would be great. We'd love that. And anything you're doing out in the world of media or questions, you have statements engaged there. Again, you've all been invited. You just need to say, yes, that sort of sounds like a big, deep life quote. And I want to end this by sharing something with you, which is basically my wish for you.

So you really understand where my heart is. And I'm going to make you'll have to let me know if you can hear what I'm going to play for you. So we're going to go back to share and go back here. And basically what we've been talking about today is, who you are, and how you going to reach out to be successful. So anything that's been Your way up until now, no longer needs to be you're going to get step by step the architecture to get you there. This is your example of the pitch letter.

It's already in your Dropbox. It's what we just talked about. And so yes, this is my wish for you. And I'm going to try to play something for you. If you cannot hear it. Then I will read this to you.

And I will be incredibly fortunate if I can read this to you. And I can get through it, because it is pretty meaningful to me. So let me see if I could head over here to here real quick So I'm going to head over to YouTube. And I'm going to pull up a video. And I am going to hope that this plays for you. And again, if it doesn't, no worries, I'm going to make sure that I do Ah, I know and I did something so genius so that we wouldn't even have to worry about this.

Nada. It was even smarter than I thought. Okay, we're going to go back to these beautiful words. And the only thing I want to do is play this music. And again, let me know I'll learn a ton seeing if this actually plays and you can hear it and if it doesn't, let me know So this is an amazing woman that I was recently introduced to. And can you just tell me if you can hear it?

No. Okay. Well, you'll see her name here. No worries. And I'm going to read these to you. Okay, it is a song called Read all about it and I highly recommend I can always post the YouTube in the chat box and I'll do that right now.

It is so worth it for you to experience her and her really beautiful energy. So this is the YouTube right here and you can copy paste that in your own leisure Listen to it for encouragement. And this is my intention for you to understand about why you're here and why I so want to see you being interviewed. Read all about it. You've got the words to change a nation, but you're biting your tongue. You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence.

Afraid you'll say something wrong. If no one ever hears it, how are we going to learn your song? So come on, come on. Come on. Come on. You've got a heart as loud as lions.

So why let your voice be detained? Maybe we're a little different. There's no need to be ashamed. You've got the light to fight the shadows. So stop hiding it away. Come on, come on.

I want to sing I want to shout. I want to scream till the words dry out. So put it in all of the papers. I'm not afraid. They can read all of them. It read all about it.

At night, we're waking up the neighbors while we sing away the blues, making sure that we'll remember Yeah. Because we all matter to if the truth has been forbidden, then we're breaking all the rules. So come on, come on. Let's get the TV and the radio to play our tune again. It's about time we got some airplay of our version of events. There's no need to be afraid.

I I will sing with you my friend. Come on. I want to sing I want to shout. I want to scream till the words dry out. So put it in all of the papers. I'm not afraid.

They can read all about it. Read all about it. Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people. So when did we all get so fearful? Now we're finally finding our voices. Take a chance.

Come help me sing this. Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people. So when did we all get so fearful? And now we're finally finding our voices. Just take a chance, come help me sing this, I want to sing, I want to shout, I want to scream till the words dry out. So put it in all of the papers.

I'm not afraid. They can read all about it, read all about it. And so it goes. And so you can feel the energy of that song and why your voice is so needed. Your message you're being interviewed has very little to do with you. It may have felt that in the beginning, but you felt a calling and there's a reason there's a reason why you're doing what you're doing.

And now there's a reason for you to reach people. If you want on a radio show or podcast and then 10,000 listeners that will be 10,000 new people you have never heard from before spoken to before who get to know about you. If you do that 10 times, that's 100,000 new people, potential clients, potential people you can serve. That's really what this is about. It's exponential eyes using your gifts and your messages out into the world. So next week, bring your homework post in the Facebook group, and I have really enjoyed this first session with you.

Thank you

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