Class #3, Start Submitting Yourself to Podcast Shows -- Here's How! VIDEO of Class

Ultimate Visibility Formula Class #3, Start Submitting Yourself to Podcast Shows -- Here's How!
1 hour 40 minutes
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Usually there's more people here by now so I was like well they fall and they'll fall in a sap really gets to you. I have like all these alarms on my because I get so focused on something that I approved. And again a lot of trouble. Yeah. absent minded Professor so I put up all of these alarms so that I'm like, had one. So welcome to class three Holy moly, this is the halfway point.

And I have so much good news for you. This is gonna be the like, class. You get to rest easy I have so much to show you. And the most important thing for me to start with is to let you know that this is where you actually submit yourself for being interviewed. Now what's amazing, this is like a an overachiever class which by the way I love because I met too. And why say you're overachievers is because some of you wrote to me and said all right.

I don't want to wait till week three. I'm ready. I did my Email, I did my media one sheet, I've got my talking points my headshot, I'm ready, baby. So if you could send it to me now I'm going. I also spoke to some of you because most of you have booked your private sessions, which is awesome. It's been incredible connecting with you.

And some of you in your private sessions are setting goals around this, which by the way, I'm going to take your idea and offer it to everybody. And so Jennifer, I think you were the one who had this auspicious goal. Why don't you share what that is? And I think you have a little bit of other good news you could share too. Oh my gosh, Debbie. Yeah, that's pretty amazing.

Um, first of all, thank you so much. I've been doing the best seller program with you and as of today, I am a number one international bestseller for my book and that is, I think Really beyond I mean, I could just Gree my world right now. So thank you so much I, it's blown me away, that feels really, really good. And I did set a goal. And so I set that between 30 to 60 podcast interviews to have done by the end of this year. So I'll be submitting to a lot more of those shows.

And hopefully, hopefully, I'll get booked on at least 30 to 60 more shows and go from there and just talk about everything talk about what I do talk about the book, but just want to give a shout out to the media sheet and the email that you had us do, because that's what I submitted myself for a recent one and they just took it and ran with it and they've used it to introduce me and it was smooth and seamless and easy. So it you know took a lot of the frustration and unknown To submitting gone best, it's all just done for you. You just plug it in and do you know, listen to the podcasts have have that behind you and then go in with that information and that you know, submitting is really easy. It works if you're working. I work if you work it, thank you.

That's a perfect testimony. And it's an auspicious goal. So first on your goal anybody else who wants to create a goal that feels really exciting to you? So you know, I did something really exciting this morning. I'm gonna gush a little because Tracy's on the line. I know she may be driving, but Tracy may be very proud of me.

But I know it's really important to switch up what you do physically. And I tend to take the same, you know, awesome classes. I need intensity because of warrior energy, and I've so much energy I almost have to. I came out of this class this morning, so calm, but I didn't do my regular class. I challenged myself to and I went into a classical, the Spartans trace, you may know this, and they said, you know, just go try it out. And this is working with a trainer, an extremely small, intimate group, only woman there only woman with all men in the class.

And I loved it because there were times when I was bench pressing, and you know, we went up in weight each time, or, you know, we had a circuit and I had a run Mk. I haven't run much because I have had two knee surgeries. And I did it. I did everything. And I just had this mindset, even when it was hard to push my mindset because I could tell the guy was there and he was shadowing me, you know, just in case I needed help. And I was shaking, and I saw them looking at me and all I could hear was this mantra and Trumpy.

I'm gonna do it. I'm doing it. It's how many reps on there, it's done. And it's such a good feeling. So I love that you've got this challenge ahead of you, which of course is good To change your life and career period, and I want you guys to each think of what can you do to stretch yourself. Because today you're going to be getting the list 20 pages front and back.

So if you just did that alone for the next three, four months, that's amazing. Not every single show is going to be for you. Also with the caveat that the truth is there are people who will last 12 weeks doing podcasts because they get into it going oh, this is right and like for my business, and I need to do this and they start doing and they go oh, nobody said it was any work. It's work. But for those of us who have minds like a two year old, why how, what happens then that's me. I'm curious, and to sit with you guys to sit with people that I bring on my show, man, it's a masterclass I have Dr. Su mortar coming on today.

Second time. I have a girl crush on her. I cannot tell you like What it means for me to sit with somebody like that in a conversation because it's going to change my life. So that's what you bring to the show, come up with a goal posted on our Facebook, private group, and then check in. Let us know how you're doing. Let us support you.

Tell us about your wins. Post your interviews. Right. We're there for you. So yeah, I think I think that's enough about that. It's all it's just all good news.

And the final thing is when Jennifer says, Oh my god, this is so easy. Oh, my God. I did what what you recommended and look what happened like, and she could see the immediate benefit. Exactly. Exactly. That's why we do this.

And I know in the beginning of a class, especially the beginning, it's a big thing. I'm asking for people like don't leave, don't run stick around. Because if you do this, now it's gravy from here on out. You got your message, you got your pitch letter, you got your media one sheet, let me tell you, anytime you see a show From now on, beep, beep, beep, you just send it out, and you will get yeses. Because you're showing up so professional, we're making it so easy for them. And you will only not hear back.

If you're not a fit or they're overwhelmed. They may be way over, but that's okay, you move on. There's tons of podcasts. So I'm going to ask a favor from each of you. And my favorite is that today you be fully present you often are so that's not a problem. But I still like to ask that you be fully present.

And if you're busy, we all have a lot going on. I want you to close Facebook, if it's open, turn off your cell phone, unless you're on it. watching those a log out of your emails right now just be fully present in this moment. So if you're here if you're ready to go, I want you to type in the chat box. I fully present. Just type that in the chat.

I want to make sure that you're alive and well. And as you know on the schedule, we're going to be here for Thank you seeing your typing. Thank you. We're going to be here for 90 minutes together so plan accordingly since we're going to spend some really wonderful quality time together. This is such an exciting group. Thank you, thank you.

I am fully present to so I'm gonna start off by sharing some success tips with you. So So former clients stories, you understand what works I'm ready to I had a woman come to me who her name is Jennifer, beautiful gal, two children widowed, young age widowed by the way and very traumatic story about what happened to her husband. Some of the gifts that came about because of that. And so she wrote a book. And she came to me and said, I want to work with you. But honestly, you're my last ditch effort.

And I'll tell you why I hired now this is quite a few years ago. So the price points in Los Angeles as we change, but back then she said, I hired a publicist. I'm paying her $3,500 a month, and I gotta tell you, she's barely gotten me on any shows. I am not only disappointed, but I'm broke. So I feel in my heart, you're it. And I'm going to invest in working with you when you teach me the system, just like I'm teaching all of you right now.

Get me out there. First of all, get me out there and second of all, show me how to get results. So I did work with Jennifer and I took that very seriously, especially somebody who's financially on the edge like that. And one of the ways I worked with Jennifer so she Had a sad story right? But to to rest your laurels on that, so to speak actually doesn't work very well it doesn't bode well because there's no arc to the story. You know, Joseph Campbell had it right for everything.

The hero or heroine story has an arc. There's someplace we all started, something we had to face. Something that was not right in our life or tragedy that occurred. We probably didn't well do well for a while back and forth, back and forth, attempts, failures, attempts, failures, and finally, it's like digging our heels in and saying, All right, you know, when you cried to God, whether you got resilience from inside of yourself, whether, you know it was that or die, it's different for everybody. But each of us said, stake in the ground. That's it.

I'm getting to the other side of this because this kind of life, not worth living. And the moment we said that everything aligned, it's may still not have been easy. In fact, the hero heroines journey rarely is it often includes a lot of struggle to get where we're going to go. And what happens is because we are so dedicated, we get all this wisdom, lesson, experience, wisdom, new information. And so when we come out the other side, we are the experts who are here to teach the others because of the wisdom we have now gained. And that was true for Jennifer too.

So rather than stay in that sad story, she actually needed to have the rest of the arc of her heroines journey, and all the things that happen. So we really worked privately to tinker, how she was being interviewed what she shared when she showed up. And Jennifer did such an amazing job. She was hungry, right? So she really listened. She took all the suggestions and not only did she start being interviewed very, very successful.

On radio shows and selling her books and her work out there. She actually started being booked on mainstream television. And I have pictures to this day of her she stays in touch. So what she needed to learn the lesson here is she needed to learn how to provide entertaining content. Her story was her story, but it needed to be tweaked. So that for us to fear it was really entertaining and had value.

Another story for you, gentlemen, that came to me by the name of Danny. He worked for the IRS. And Danny wanted to leave the IRS and open his own CPA practice. He actually had already been on morning drivetime talk shows, but came to me and said I'm not getting results, something's off and I don't know what. So I listened to his replays and we began to work together and what I was hearing from the few shows he had been interviewed on is he pizza talked a little too much. And he spoke in ways that actually were putting us to sleep.

Because there were terms we couldn't quite fathom and understand. And we didn't know how to apply what he was talking about, was clearly very intelligent clearly had enormous knowledge. But the way was being disseminated. We were getting lost. So I worked with him on brevity, soundbites, statistics, give me something I you gotta understand. I don't care of doing taxes or working with accountant.

Most of us know nothing, right? And if you could give us something that's going to save us money in time to be like this illumination we never heard of before. Bingo. And boy, did he run with that. And so I we work together. And about a year later, I was speaking and speaking to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, about their visibility in media, their books, the best sellers and how to be interviewed.

And Danny came to hear me speak and when he was done, he said My good gosh, I've changed so much. Would it be okay if I sent you a link to a show? I'd love you to listen. And I was, you know, I'm proud of you guys. So of course, I said, Yes. And I listened.

I just sat back. And when I don't even know who this is not the same guy. This is phenomenal. And I was listening as a teacher, but truthfully, I ended up hearing him as a listener, because he was sharing tax information, financial information, I didn't know and I'm like, Where's the pen and paper? So Danny went for brevity, he went for statistics. He went for compelling info like that didn't have to be a lot, right?

Interviews are fast. But even if I left with one point, I never knew it was a game changer. So he's a rock star. Last point, you need to be an attention grabber and you need to know how to work the system. I was Uh huh. Okay, so I'm telling telling a story about a couple they chattel.

And when I met them many years ago, they had actually been incredibly successful when there was a circuit. And the circuit was telesummit. And when people were doing TELUS summits in their heyday before, got all sacrilege, and everybody jumped on the bandwagon to make money, when it actually was just a very few amount of hosts, who were doing really wonderful work and exposing us to healers, and transformational people, it was big, right? And they all offered packages made me money. Well, this couple did very, very well. However, the tele summit world died, and they didn't know what to do with your career from there.

So you know, one went back to her career to keep going the other one back to his career just to sustain well running, what they did metaphysically in the background, and I met them at an event And thank God for people who are gifted, I don't have to do a lot of work. I don't have to sell anybody when I work with somebody like that, because frankly, the beauty of you guys who have gifts is you actually see me. Right? You see way past the flesh, you know, and have a sense or feeling of what's possible working with me. And they did. And actually, they insisted on a couple of pieces.

I never thought about providing anybody but they said, No, we know what you can do. We're working together. And sure enough, long relationship, I still do work with them amazing couple, and they needed to learn like to go from 10 years ago, and that modality, what's happening today with podcasts, so we started getting them out there in a huge way with all new skills. How can they grab attention in today's world, and they're rocking it I mean, they're really doing well, and now they've got their own channel. Besides being channels. They've literally got their own station and more and even more, so it's Very exciting what's possible when you use podcasts and interviews.

In this class, most people, a lot of people here, not everybody, but a lot of people here did the have done this class before and have come back. Almost all of them who did the ultimate visibility formula went on to the advanced visibility class. And the reason they did is because in that class, they learned how to get results. They talk in sound bites and statistics how to tell stories. So there is that for anybody at some point when you're ready for the next level of this to get like really sassy savvy and Pro. I like that stuff, the savvy Pro, and also in the future.

There's a three day live event that's going to be put together. This is very private. By the way, this is not a huge event. This is an intimate event because we're talking like really deep work. We're talking about taking The work you're doing in visibility and media in all forms to a way higher pro level. And we're also talking about the inner work because for, for everybody, we all hit a jar, we're really good to hear because we've been doing this like an accordion and we know this really well.

But when you think about what your dream is, and I know your dreams are massive, your dreams out here. So to get you from here to here with grace and ease, facilitates necessitates some help, some healing work, and that's what's going to happen to some really deep healing work. So the three day event only people take this class are invited and of course, you will know when that's put together with a lot of with a lot of time so we can all plan accordingly. So why don't we do what we do? media is everywhere. We are all broadcasters 24 seven and we live in this world.

Media centric world. Here's some statistics for you. Right now. There are 760,000 podcasts. You want to know how many new podcasts roll out every week? 3000 new podcasts every week.

Holy moly. There's 23 million YouTube channels. And I swear I got a, I gotta say preface this. This is right now, because honestly, if I gave you the statistics next week or at the end of this class, they're going to be higher. That's how rapidly things are growing. This is a huge industry There is.

There is no end in sight. So seven. It's actually I don't know how to say it out loud. So let me say it 706 comma 000 is the number of podcasts 3000 new podcasts every week? 23 million YouTube channels 45 million Americans listen to podcasts that is five times more than watch TV. Do you want to know why you should be remember once upon a time people thought like advertising on television was probably it.

No more. Like your greatest advertising is being interviewed on podcasts. So that said, all of these shows 706 comma 000 7006 thousand I don't know how to say that number. I'm sorry. But anyway, they all guess I know. This is my add Welcome to it and dyslexia, they all need guests.

They all need guests. They're waiting for you. What I know is that life doesn't get better by chance. It gets better by choice to choose this because building product, writing a book, it's half the job. But the other half is being your business, your books, Chief spokesperson, I cannot do it for you, but I can do it with you. And that's why we're here together right now.

Because there are people out there who may even know about this class and they'll go god that's so good god, I really need this you know, I gotta, whenever you know what, five eighth of whenever is never. But you're here. And basically based on I know the beginning, first two sessions together, it's a lot, right? It's a lot and it can create some worry like our what's my message? What's my pitch letter and what's my media one sheet, but man, you're over the hump. So even though people feel a call, they may worry.

You may join this class, and it's intensive. The beginning but hey, you've officially passed that you've built your pitch letter, you've built your media, once you've done some mock interviews, you've come up with your message, and like message ish, right? It's good enough. And I know most of you have an amazing message right now because those of you who already booked your private session with me, almost all of you worked on either branding and or messaging, and other things. But that was core. And all of you came out the other side with massive understanding and freedom around that.

So I just want to open briefly to say for anyone who did their session with me and came out with like, Ah, that's my message. Is there anybody who wants to just share briefly about that like a little before and after and how you how that will facilitate you? I can share a Debbie Jennifer Hi. That was, it was just beyond a message. It was a huge, I had a breakdown there for a little bit. And then I had a breakthrough, because I really didn't know how much I was hiding.

And this so it really brought up a whole lot of stuff that I didn't know was going to happen in it just like it just trends it transformed me and and took me over the hump in a huge, huge way. And so then now I can really embrace what it is I do beyond just being able to say it. I wasn't even doing it to the full extent that I could do it or even really be able to talk about it fully. And kind of just using my gifts but not saying that they were now I can say what they are. So yeah, it was a game changer for me. But beyond I can't even I can't even put it into words what it did for me.

So yeah, thank you so much and I feel so much more confident in talking about what Due to pod on podcasts and just people in general. Great. And, and I don't want to put you on the spot because you may not have it. You mean he's still business fresh for all of you. You mean, you want me to read it? I would love to I think that would be very helpful.

Yes. Okay. So let me just pull it up here. Here it is. And for anyone else who wants to share to pull yours up, should be just a couple of sentences. Sure.

Here we go. So Spirit works through I put it in third person. Spirit works through Jennifer facilitating whatever healing is necessary. She's a conduit for God's message to release fear and self sabotage, she finds people's blocks to heal them, opening pathways to the miracles waiting to come into their lives. Perfect. And then when you get up in front of a party, a networking event on stage and it's your turn You just changed that third person to I'm Jennifer.

I'm an international best selling author and what Coach or whatever your magical word is for your deal, and then launch right into that. Yes. Awesome. Daydream. Thank you. Anyone else?

I do. Hey, so first, I want to say congratulations to Jennifer because I just went through the book launch with Debbie, earlier this month on the fourth. And it was amazing. So congratulations. And I just had my call with Debbie yesterday and we she really kind of helped me get to the core of what my message was something that would make me feel like it was set apart from just the you know, like I said to her, I want I help people feel better. So so I just sent it to her this morning and she gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up So it says, I'm Tony Vaughn and number one international best selling author and life coach.

I work with strong independent women who have sacrificed themselves by denying their power and dimming their lights so that others could shine. I help them bust through their blocks so they can finally live the confident, unapologetic powerful and creative life they both desire and deserve. Damn right people. These are a mike drops. This is so good. I mean, really, I just feel what it's when you hear each person read, there's like, I don't know about you.

Me. I would go up to each of these people go. Can you know I'd hang out i'd mingle without a doubt. I definitely want to exchange cards and information I would want to connect with them. I would want to know more. I might even want to interview them.

Like this is such a beautiful invitation and so clear. And you are showing up so professionally when you can speak like this. So Bravo. Anyone else? Yes. Hi, I want to say you are incredible.

You're very intuitive. You have a lot of gifts. So thank you very, very much. You were a great help. And you helped me get a little bit more clarity what I do. You know, many of us know what to do.

We know how we do it, but how do we express it? How do we show it and just share a little bit with what you've helped me with? And I guess the theme would be unlimited life. And then Dr. Michael Gross facilitates divine healing for emotions and physical issues that I talked about my book, but really, that was very concise. I love the way you put it together. I love your intuition.

And thank you very, very much. You're very helpful. Awesome. That so with Michael? So you see a little distinguished difference. Michael was most interested in branding.

And of course, branding is huge. Why? That's what we put on our website. That's what we put in our resume. That's what your podcast is called. If you ever have one.

That's what your book is called. That's what your business is called. That's what your online course is called. Michael is known for unlimited life. If If I felt like jumping up and I don't right now Forgive me, but I have a bracelet from Michael and Michael hands these out when you meet them, and it says unlimited life. This is branding.

And this is how you think about him. Also, what does that conjure up inside of you? That's a damn good life. Right? Amen. And then the clarity about what he creates for people in what's possible working for him.

That's his tagline. So simple. So simple. Like if he had a booth if you sponsored something at the back of event, just think picture the banner unlimited life. Dr. Michael Gross facilitates emotional physical healings and digital. Boom.

Right? There's just no guesswork. So excellent. for you guys. Anyone else? Oh, I'll do it.

Okay, so I have the, my my 32nd and then I'll give you my little brief bio thing. So hi, my name is Karen Abrams and I'm an expert in helping women finally master money instead of having money mastered them. And then, for more than 17 years Karen Abrams has helped professional women gain confidence financial security and personal fulfillment with theta healing, powerful technique that unhook self sabotaging habits that held them back from the success they deserve. As a master theta healer and gifted intuitive. Karen works with clients and groups worldwide to reprogram their subconscious beliefs release trapped emotion, trapped emotions, and create new understandings that bring about financial security and personal fulfillment. Her keen sense of humor insight and healing abilities have made her a rising star in radio and the International telephone circuit and human potential move.

So that's like, you know, fabulous. And if that was your bio, if that is your bio, it's actually not a mess. I would just throw sprinkle it with a little bit more magic about some amazing things you've done. So, that's a great bio, though. It's very compelling. I mean, I would just for your one or two sentences, everything's there already.

I start out with, I'm Karen Abrams, a master theta healer. I help people do the money piece, and you know, end with something else that was in that. So when you and I work together, and we have a session Coming up, we'll do that and more and we'll just make it really, like hotsy toxic. Okay. I mean, everything is there. Right?

And what I love about that too, great. Great other example is, this is something that's like that writes a paragraph, bio fad or intro for radio show. Probably a little small. For radio, short podcasts, but guess what? She could pull a sentence here and boom, it's a message. So this is how you want to think about how you do this because it shouldn't be like, Oh, I have a bio here.

I have a message there. But Brandon here, no, it has to be like, so cohesive. Why? Think about? Ah, gosh, I don't have equipment. But if I showed you something that made copies, you would call it a what machine?

Copy machine. Xerox machine, right? branding, you know, anything you can think of? Just do it. Who said that? Thank you.

Perfect. So I want to have like, unlimited life. Dr. Michael Gross. That's what branding is about. That's why we pull and we keep everything completely cohesive. So yeah, yeah, yeah.

Good job. Anybody else Okay, wait, wait, wait. Anybody else? I'm the only one left. Okay? So I'm like, come on.

Now I don't I don't have my sentences down. But I want to say thank you so much. Because when we had our session, you asked such amazing questions, too. I was channeling like she was asking questions to all the healers and everybody just sort of bring things down. And they've sort of got me like a couple different directions right now. And I'm narrowing down because they're asking what is it you want to do, man, the human element.

So thank you so much for that. So I will be posting my sentences in Facebook and getting feedback. It's just a matter of a couple of different ways I'm thinking of going, but I'm sure that probably helped or didn't help but thank you so much for asking all the questions of all the healers, and bringing me great clarity. And Jennifer, congratulations. I'm so excited for you. You And that was it.

Thank you. Well, first off, thank you. Awesome. Yeah, she has a great message. And what was so fun about that session is you know, you work with someone, like y'all with your with your gifts is just boy, what Michael said is exactly correct. And by the way, it's the majority of people, it's almost 100% of who I work with.

You're so amazing at what you do and offer and yet to find words to articulate. And it's a big pain point. So I don't want to under play how rough that is, and how when you discover your message, the freedom, like you're done, move on with life, right? But it's a big jump. It's a big gap. And was lovely because her her PR team, if you will, on the other side, boy, were they clear.

And it was really wonderful, really a wonderful discovery session. So she'll post that and you can really feel her as well and her gifts. So excellent, everyone. And yeah. If you haven't booked your session, by the way, I just want to say, it really must be done soon I am leaving. I'm trapped leaving the country right after our last class.

And I, as you know, we have two classes now final week, and I have a lot going into leaving the country. So these really they were supposed to been booked by this week. So you'd have to reach out ASAP. I don't think there's many others of you who have not yet. But if you haven't just know it's available or you know, use it lose it, it's completely fine to me. So, this shows you what's possible.

Right? In the beginning, there was a lot of Worry, worry about a message worry about filling in the templates. I get it, I get it. And I'm so proud of all of you. And now it's time to let go of all the worry because we're on to good times. And take a deep breath and just remember you are good company when you worry because, hey, even Moses started out as a basket case.

Michael, I feel you were such a Michael joke, but it's unlikely you could borrow that one. So I want to know some of you did mock interviews. How did those go? And this is just popcorn fast chime in not along share. But did did people do mock interviews? Did you learn stuff?

Was it good? Yes, Renee and I did mock interviews together. Fantastic. I worked actually should say Renee worked on me too. She did a session with me, so mind blowing, she's amazing. I knew she would be but even beyond what I expected.

So on top of that, doing the mock interviews is fantastic. So listened back to them. Again, because I got so much out of it. I'll pop off. Thank you. That's exactly right.

So if you have not yet done mock interviews, know that easy peasy grabs a friend, a family member and just say, here's my phone, let's record this, you will hear a ton. And you'll be able to love yourself up and say, gosh, I'm so good at that, that and and a great way, right? You want to know you're good. And you got this. And if you hear a little things like, oh, there's a bunch of us and arms are like big hesitations, or I got all the funnels or who knows what, none of that. But whatever it is, we can always help level our work.

I still listen to every show I've been interviewed on and I've been interviewed over 1000 times at least. So it's so helpful. Keep doing that. Again, you can post in our private Facebook group and just reach out and say, Hey, is anyone available? Let's do it this week. All it takes is 1520 minutes, right?

It's very easy. So let's talk about finding podcasts. And we want to find each of you and you're each different a podcast that you can listen to. And I because my, my I'm on the pulse of what's possible and what's out there. I mean, I get a lot of stuff I'm on all the right list. Even this morning, I got something I peruse a particular publicity email that I receive and boom there was something said looking for clairvoyant or medium for Oprah Magazine.

You must be a clairvoyant you must be a medium and we want to ask some questions XYZ, boom, I caught I don't need to do it. It's not a client but a copy, pasted it and sent it to a friend and said, if you want to be on Oprah Magazine, and oh my god who doesn't, it will change your frickin career. And I had to say to my friend, because she was in my first class, do not hesitate because things like that. This I mean, in general, any PR thing if you see it, so go, Oh, well, you know, I gotta take the kids and I gotta go grocery shopping, maybe I'll do the barbecue, whatever, you're going to miss the opportunity, stuff like this, there's going to be thousands of people submitting. And generally for PR, you could check out maybe the first 40 and after that, it's just going to be like thanks for sharing but you don't have the capacity.

So you want to be the one of the first people submitting Guess what, besides answering questions to simply and easily exactly as they asked, which is all you need, but you could actually add your bio, your media, one sheet, you know you you have everything so you can like that answer. Once you identify the type of audience you want to reach, there are ways to find podcasts outside what I'm going to show you or offer to you and here's some ways to You can do this on your own. You may have a book launch coming up, you may have a product launch and workshop launch or whatever maybe like, you know, often for an entrepreneur, your business is like watching the stock exchange, right? You're doing really, really well. You have a slow time. Well what happens if you have a slow time?

Why wouldn't use interviews to like bump up your clientele? Right. So search for your favorite podcasts using specific keywords. You can browse an apple podcast directory by category. You can do a Google search. So for instance, you could search under Google for podcast comma HR.

At this point, you can search for podcast comma accounting podcast comma real estate podcasts. comma spiritual. What have you got even deeper spiritual, you're probably going to bring up a bazillion pages. But what if you made it so clear? Like for Karen, what if it was spiritual comma money? Oh my god is that her target audience or what?

So consider things like that. You can browse online in podcast directories like caste, dot market and I just realized, let me just copy paste some of this information so you could just copy paste off of our chat so much easier. You can just be here Okay, cool. Yeah, cast up market. And also there may be somebody you've had your eye on and you say gosh, that is an influencer. I really want to work with so You can identify somebody in authority, a podcast or an influencer.

And then to scout out the podcast they have appeared on, right? They're probably working in your same vein. Use that. So use again, the magic Google search and follow up with people who have been doing the same kind of work as you, where are they appearing? How are they getting the visibility that you would like to have? reach out to those shows because you already know you're a write guest.

So whatever it is you choose to do, you want to end up with a list of podcasts that you want to reach out to. So the first thing I'm going to do is show you the back end. And I don't know how many how many of you have actually been in our back end yet. Whoever that is, I'm gonna mute you. There you go. So let's go ahead and do a screen share.

And I'm going to show you the back end of my platform. Here we go. Do you all see this? It says ultimate visibility formula. I'm just unmute yourself and say yes if you do part of it so you don't see where it says right? Let's try share again, Sunny.

Share and let's go to this. Let's go to chair now do you see it through that's very well. It's garbled Tia might need to take a minute to become clear. There we go. Yeah, that's clear. That is so interesting.

I don't even know it could do that. I'll just talk to this and it's perfect on my end, but of course it's because it's my screen haha. But here's what I want to show you. It's just not that deep. So but I want to show you the back end because this is where your replays are ultimate visibility formula. So when you see you VH ultimate visibility formula, session one, all of this up here.

This is the entire class one through six because the class has been done before, but you might prefer to go to your class. Here we go. And this is us right here. So this is only being set up as we go through the course, here is our session one video. Or if you prefer to do audio, here's that. Here's our chat here is I gave you a gift, a booking sheet.

So you can write things down when you're being interviewed. And you can keep it in one place, if you like that. This is the PDF that teaches you how to do the pitch letter and the elevator pitch. And this is a bonus gift for you. I think I actually gave it to you twice. So I must really love you.

So this is a workbook. It's really fun and easy. We're not talking about a you know, 50 page manual by any means. This is I don't even know if it's seven pages and there's cartoons on it. And there's just little friendly reminders of how to do this and how to show up. It's fun.

So that's my gift to you. Then here's session two again the video portion as well as the audio portion Here's our chat text. And then here's the media one sheet template. And then here's today, which of course, the audio and video is not up yet, because we're doing it right now live. And this is how to start submitting yourself to podcast shows. And here we go.

This is the PDF for how to be interviewed on radio and podcast shows. So let's see if I can download this real quickly. And basically, you'll see it's 20 pages of material. Yeah, I really don't receive this. So I'm just gonna get out of that. I'm gonna go over here and see if I can open up really quickly because I would love to show you it's very exciting.

This is everything. For our class just I'm really letting you see the back end of things which is great in case you do your own classes. And let me know as this pops up if whenever the PDF opens you can see this and so basically I'm going to ask you to go through this and just highlight what it is that you know you're a fit for. And you guys can see this give me a yes or no. It says radio or podcast shows so you can guess like, you know, no, yeah. Yes, very specific.

I guess every single time I share. I have to completely go back into zoom and then bring this up. Okay, now you can see it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what kind of system you're on because it's definitely showing.

There we go, it just pops out. Notice, Okay, there we go. So this is what you've gotten your replays. So look, I started out with something very polarizing, because most of you are not going to be ready for this. But some people who take this class will be, but the most important thing is, you know, if somebody stops doing their show, at some point, most of the people on this list should be pretty legit. Right?

They've been doing this a while. But here you go, moms on the right. That's a show. There's a show for everything and everyone seeks conservative guests. So probably not most of you. That's okay.

We keep going. Next one. Everything teaching is seeking financial industry experts. I don't know Karen, maybe you could parlay yourself for that. And you have to see like if they're like completely not Whoo, it's probably not. Right.

But if there's some opening there, fantastic. Look at this for so many of you our heart. I can't even say it radio. Thank you for authors and speakers, perfect. writers. And I know some of you have already been on Terry show.

She's a friend of mine. She's a massive business person out in the world really brilliant art of the extraordinary 66 business owners and artists. Now, here's what's interesting. Some of these you can cross over. There's many ways you can take what you do and you don't have to keep it so streamlined. You may not be doing readings on me.

We don't want you to be doing readings on every show. Maybe you can actually speak to being a business person because you brilliance there or being an artist or being I want you to start to have some fluidity about where you can show up. Your audience may also be in these pockets as well funky thinkers. You get the idea Yeah, people over 50 like this is look at what's possible jazz artists. I wanted to have a real feel. Tony, darling, you were asking us for that paranormal talk shows.

Tada. There are tons. Right? tons of them. adventurers, climbers, people follow their passions. Yeah, that's kind of all of you.

Family's health. Now many of you are great for this. Again, you want to do a little bit of background here. That's pretty big nursing department and a professor, okay. She probably probably may not be open. But even though she may not be open to knowing healing stuff, it's worth checking it out.

Because if she is, wow, what a great show for those of you can actually facilitate feelings. So when seeking experts in trainers, music industry, so I wanted to give you this huge amalgam of what's possible. And then I purposely gave, since I attract mostly spiritual entrepreneurs almost exclusively, that's my client. I wanted you to have spiritual and mystical podcasts, these are great. These are high end, you absolutely want to reach out in a very pro way and you will. And I also wanted to include some fun things for you.

Because some of you may say, I really would like to write an article, I really would like to submit a blog, I would like to, you know, and this is great. This gives you way more ideas. Maybe for some of them, they're so big for you. Bigger show and establish that you may want to submit an article first and then go back and say great, you know, you had my article on such and such a website or magazine. Now I'd love to be interviewed. I don't have a really good Like to stand on.

So again, these are more and even more podcasts. And these are great for spiritual people. And these will both laugh. So use these looks like Terry's on here twice. And as some of you know, when I get things, I share them with you, right? Because there's times when something specific may come up and I'll think of you and I'll send you something.

Or I may post something on our Facebook private group, like I did recently. So when I was away at this event, and I was speaking on stage effect, not just a fellow podcaster By the way, someone who owns an entire network, this woman's amazing. And she she came to me privately and said, I'm going to jam Can you help me? One of my hosts, I don't know what she was thinking. But she actually forgot to book interviews. And like we need like seven people.

Like yesterday, I sit on it. And I wrote to you guys and said, Oh my god, this is an opportunity. That's one of those, you don't want to think about it, you just submit yourself. And I know most of you submitted yourselves and already booked on the show. So this stuff happens all the time. I'll let you know now you know how to handle it on your own behind the scenes.

And now you've got a really yummy list to start with. So, that's exciting. And remember, whatever goal that you have set up for yourself, and wherever you're headed, that makes you feel really excited. Right? What What is it that you want to do? And what is it you want to create?

What are you willing to show up for? How are how visible Are you willing to be? So I think it's important to be in the right state of mind when you're interviewed and I know even for myself, when I started out, I talked about the jar earlier. So there's a jar for visibility, but there's also a jar for showing up to be interviewed. And I know even for myself, I was being interviewed quite a bit in the beginning when I finally understood the system, and I finally got it down and what oh, this is how you do it. Oh, that's how you get booked.

Oh, that's how you rocket get results. So now there's all this ease. But then, you know, like most of us are goals increase. And what I did my second book launch. I had my eyes set on post 103 point five. And let me tell you, I was scared shitless because the thing I dreamed of happened, and the station called and said, Can you be ready in 40 minutes?

Oh, and can we get your stuff? Thank God for media one sheets. Thank God for pitch letters. There's nothing I needed to do book done. However, I was scared and I had very little time. So it's really important to have something in place for those times when you start bumping it up that you're ready to rock and roll.

You know how to connect with the host and with the audience at large, you know how to be really present confident, really bring it in, and have fun, have some levity. So you may know techniques and if you do, use those hundred percent, practice presence. Connect. Check out your breathing is it shallow is a deep regulate it right we always want to start with the breath. It's so important. So let me offer you a quick manifestation technique that you can use whatever you want, and if this works for you, it's on the recording, you can pull it and edit it and use it In the future, but let me give you this because you can do this on your own going forward 10 minutes, 15 minutes before you connect with the show and host and always show up early, by the way.

I mean, sometimes when when people do zoom, it's a little funky. Because if they're doing another interview and you pop in all of a sudden, you know, hopefully they have a waiting room for you. Otherwise, though, almost always you need to show up early. Like you must be there five minutes early, period. So let's do the manifesting what you want. And I'll just ask all of you to get some of your hands just put it down.

Put your feet on the ground, put your hands on your legs, or wherever they're super duper, super comfortable. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes and clear your mind as you're breathing. And let this just be time for you. Do time. Time for you. This is your time claim your time because you're doing wonderful work.

You were saying to your soul and to the universe I'm here I'm ready for greater good bring it clear your mind and let everything go that happened before you think is going to happen after doesn't matter because now is all there is and we're each going to raise our vibration with breathing 21 time so softly to yourself out 21 in one Anyone wants me to this Real Time and at the end of your 21 times of breathing, say out loud. I am happy with who I am. I am happy with what I have. I am happy with what I received and allow yourself to just swim and be held by The space of happiness and gratitude. And now I'm going to ask you to set your intention to say it out loud or write it down whatever your intention is. So in the future, your intention could be to have an amazing interview, amazing connection with the host.

Deliver great content, feel at ease and comfortable. Be a wonderful guest. What is your intention? Hold that right now. Be as specific as possible. And now Daydream it, visualize it, see it happening.

And now let it go. There's no need to keep thinking about it. Just let it go. You can do this once or a couple of times a week if you like. But just do it once before you're interviewed and then let it go. See happy.

Keep your vibration up so the universe can deliver what it is you most desire. And know that it will happen. Believe it. Trust it is coming that it already is. Be patient with timing really can have what you most desire. It's true.

And by the way, if you're ever feeling like you're in a bad mood, just start describing what it is you're grateful for to turn yourself around. So come Back girl back now Great. So, you can use this anytime clear your mind raise your vibration you could feel that when you like immediately to breathing 21 times poof what is shift done? Say I am happy with who I am I am happy with what I have I am happy with what I will see. They happy and grateful. set an intention be very specific, visualize it and then let it go because it is done in the eyes of God goddess.

Okay. So why we are here is, is essentially to the interview right? writing a book for all of you written a book. Look, I'm writing another one Damn it. It's hard. I don't care what you say.

I will put you out there with anyone in any room. I've been in all of them with major authors. And it's very rare. You'll hear somebody say how easy it is. For the majority of us. Writing is hard.

But guess what? Talking is easy. Telling your own story through your mouth is so easy. Visibility begets visibility. There's a reason why we do this. And visibility is a branch on your business growth tree it must be there It must be so otherwise why are you doing what you're doing if you don't want people to know about you?

Keywords SEO writing all of that back stuff funnels, but it ain't nothing compared to being interviewed on a podcast. Why? Because 100% of the people who listen to a podcast actually want to listen to it. podcast is a 100% download, click through rate. You're showing up for highly targeted leads. Getting booked on a show and being interviewed is not the answer.

To the conversation, it's actually the beginning. You want to get your name your message, what it is you're doing out there on every board, every podcast possible that is right and light for you. You none of you have chosen your gift, your gift has chosen you. It's already in your DNA. It's the agreement that your soul came here for. So the fact that you're willing to be visible, and you're willing to put your gifts your DNA that has chosen you out to the world is right.

It's why you're here. Your core gift is actually insight that's wrapped in talent and then shared with others. So you all know what happens to your clients before you and after working with you. Remember that when you go on an interview that you have worth, right? people invest in you based on what happens to them after. They don't care how you get them there.

They don't care if it's spreadsheets, accounting, reiki, blah, blah, blah. They don't want to know that stuff. Actually. They just want to know what's going to happen for me. Was I fat now I'm skinny, was I ill and now well, was I in a terrible marriage. Now the free Woods did I have debt, and now I'm thriving financially and I can travel anywhere, all we ever want to know.

So remember that. So it's so much easier for you to be legitimate. The moment you're able to speak like that people invest in what happens to them after the results. And this is where the credit card slides over to you to take your course or to work with you. Every time you're interviewed, you need a free resource to offer to people So bounce them into your system. develop a relationship with them.

As you're interviewed and through your free opt in gift, get their name and email for your database. So you can communicate with them, give them a free or very low ticket offer something very inexpensive and a good value. Why? This is the way we are saying, Please get to know me. I actually have something amazing to offer. But you don't know it yet.

But if I give you this, I'm opening the door for you to know me like me and trust me. Once that conversation begins, then much more can happen. So have something you want to have some kind of link on your site. You are going to talk about your products and services, but we're never never never salesy ever while we're being interviewed because it's like you've heard people like this click. You don't even want to stick around. We just are having you too.

Being you. Your Business lives and dies on visibility. As a guest being interviewed, it's about visibility. It's about leads, it's about revenue. As a guest, you're saying, Hey, here's a free resource. This is a way I can help you.

Okay? So why be a guest because there's no cost. There's no travel. There's thousands of free podcasts and radio shows, especially highly aligned audiences who want to hear about your subject, who want to hear what you have to say and why you're different, how you can help them. Take every visibility opportunity you're offered, and turn it into revenue, how you give them a free opt in and you start that conversation. And when you're on the show, think about talking with one listener, be vulnerable, be authentic Connect.

For those of you who have books once upon a time, we did this old fashioned thing across the country called book tours. That's really a very old model, because you don't have to do that anymore. Today, what we do is we do book podcast interview tours. It's a very successful, powerful model. So I recommend everybody invest now and have a lot of openness and willingness to learn how to properly do visibility. Yes, learn the strategy and techniques which you are learning in this class.

Yes, open up to healing, whatever is stopping you from full visibility and from shining out there and have freedom later. Invest in masterminds and coaching that get you results and move your needle like you are here because if you would have gotten there and been interviewed already, you would have your business boils down to visibility, leads and revenue. All of us have walls to climb, but the biggest wall you'll ever climb is The one you build. So we want to make sure especially with the inner visibility issues that there's healing there. So what is the secret? The secret is that the stars will never lie.

And the secret is, no one's ever going to come knocking at your door. The real secret is about moving forward, having that goal, I'm going to do 5060 interviews before the end of the year, I'm going to do I'm going to submit myself, you know, every Monday I'm going to take one hour and submit myself and see like pasta, what lands and I'm just going to start booking stuff at a rate that feels amazing to me, so I start getting results. The real secret is to take a leap of faith and to fly. So what I want to do and I'm really glad I remembered this, I'm going to open something real quick here. Just look at the desktop because Michael Michael submitted his Media one sheet, and I wanted to show that perfect. I wanted to show Michael Michaels before and after.

So let's open that because we'll all learn a lot from what he created. And excuse me, it's not as media one sheet, this is his pitch email. Okay, so let's go here. Let's go to share and I will show you what Michael created and then I'll show you what I turned it into. So he had a free makeover. Okay.

Here we go. So this is Mike with Michael submitted. We're going to read through this very quickly pitch, awakening from your deep slumber and achieving your unlimited life. That's not fabulous. It's a lot of words and sometimes it does. They're about the words, but it's more of the headline.

Is that a headline? In other words, if you were walking past a newspaper, would you go Whoa, gotta buy that newspaper? I don't know. Most people don't know they're in a deep slumber. So it may not stop anybody. But of course, he does have the magic words, unlimited life.

So isolation point, my name is Dr. Michael Gross energy transformation coach, author of the spiritual primer, applying the 12, spiritual laws, etc. I'm writing this to you because I would like to pitch myself as a guest on your show the Great Awakening Show. I've done extensive research online and listen to some of your episodes. Always spell check, by the way people really important. I'm confident that I have something relevant to offer to you and your listeners. But now you're probably wondering who is Dr. Michael Gross?

And I'm going to tell you right now, before I even go into this, he is so more fabulous than what he wrote here. So this was all changed because this is like, Are you serious? You're so much bigger than what's here. So Dr. Michael Gross is an author, professional keynote speaker energy transformation coach, and entrepreneur for more than three decades. His been in energy coach, intuitive healer, counselor and teacher through the guidance of spirit Michael's assisted others. You get the idea.

He lives in Lakewood, Washington. I believe I can open the door for your listeners to the path of starting to create an unlimited life, their dreams, your listeners, okay, so this is all way too much. Okay, because you can see how many pages This is. No one has the time. I mean, occasionally a publicist will send something out. But we all sort of have a joke about this when we're hosts like, Oh my god, you know, you could have had me at hello.

So, always keep them succinct. He does a great job of listening topics. But I'm going to make it way simple. You'll see in the do over. I've been a guest on many podcasts, including, this is great, too. Thank you listeners for tuning in.

I'm giving a complimentary 10 minute consultation the end of the show. Now, he's smart. He's got a great quote unquote, opted. He does not give how to do the opt in so that's missing but I also want to say what if you go on a show where people actually take action, and you have 10,000 people and 1000 want a 10 minute consultation, you might want to consider if that's too much, but you're welcome to play with this and see how it goes. Because if you do this, and you feel like Mamma Mia, I am in undated with frickin consultations, I have no life. You will No, this doesn't work.

And instead to give away a chapter of your book, or a report or an audio or maybe have a video or Michael you do those amazing calls on Tuesdays and fight them to the calls and then then that's a no brainer. You do this already anyway, and you'll start increasing the people who engage with you and know the brilliance of your work. Then he goes on very smart Of course, it will share this episode and all your shows to my readers and followers. You can count on me. Here's a peek and my audience. You can see there's a lot of misspells and it's fine because he sent it to me to look at but honestly be For this goes out to someone it must look professional.

Facebook, these are all his stats and his followers. Does any of the topics I've mentioned sound like a compelling conversation for your audience, I desire to share this great content with you and your listeners. I look forward to speaking with you Sincerely yours. He gives all his yummy information to desire for me to be a guest on your show. And then he says, I'll also be featuring a signed copy of my book, which will be discounted, man. I don't think you can do that.

I don't think you can do that. I I I wouldn't include that. Unless you're giving it away for free. Honestly, you can offer certainly let the hosts know when you book me on your show. I will send you a copy of my book. And that's something we all should be doing.

Right. So let me Why should save a bit okay. So let's go back to share. And now let's take a look at what I created for Michael. And I've sent this to Michael because he can use this. So I've given him a new email subject title.

All of you need to have this right here. podcast gets yes pitch. Why? Let me know why I'm opening the email. If I don't have that I have no clue what you're writing about. So then I called what he's doing spiritual soul energetic readings and conversation.

Okay, you're doing readings and can talk about those things thing Ding, ding. Plus, three more show ideas. Great. I don't have to be married to that high post name. I'm Dr. Michael Gross, author of the spiritual primer. I listened to your episode x and found what you said about x interesting, or I read in parentheses or say something warmer and more thoughtful about what you heard, because interesting is such a weird word.

I'm writing to offer myself as a guest on your show x. After researching your excellent program and listening to the show episodes, I'm counting If I have relevant conversation to share with your listeners, I am happy to collaborate with you on topics that will bring value to your audience. Here are some of the topics the ethics of healing. When I'm privileged to work with someone who has a physical, mental or emotional malady, I speak with their soul and ask for the best way to facilitate the healing in their life as I am an instrument of God that restores energetic frequency healing for sports performance, healing, memory and manifestation. So retrieval, past life regression spiritual soul energetic readings and conversation, understand reincarnation and work out your karmic debt live by 12 transformational laws, free yourself from the blocks in your life. I don't know about you, but by now most of the host should not just be interested in having him as a guest and interested in working with them because Damn, you can do all that.

I need me a healer. I have been a guest on many podcasts including parfait selling who dare to dream and love it last talking points boom must have talking points. What is the reason I I'm here, why do I feel lost at times? Why is my life a struggle at times? This, this needs to go. Because you already said that here.

What is the oversoul and soul? What does it mean to be on your life path? How do I know if I am on my life path? You could actually just what does it mean? And how do I know keep it simple. You want this to be short.

So no one's reading a tone, right? That's all you need. Bam. Good to thank your listeners for tuning in. I will give them with a complimentary 10 minute consultation the end of the short show excuse me, again, I said I'm not sure what that means. But you might want to think instead about giving out a link a URL for report chapters in your book or Michael for you.

You absolutely should have a sign in for your calls. And I'll tell you why. Everybody must have a landing page or a place on your website. Otherwise, you're missing revenue and increasing your database and people who want to work with you always find a way to grab people's email and to grab their their name and email period. That is the trade off. That's what we all know.

So be sure to do that. And then you can let everybody know about your calls. like Michael, I was on one of your calls. I never heard about it after. So I don't know where I go. But you and I talked about you hiring someone for little things like that that are actually huge game changers for your business.

Okay, of course, I will also promote the episode in your show to all my readers and followers, you can count on me to send a promotional email about the episode. And I would add this is so sweet. I would just keep it as well as social media. Last regarding the show, it's fine. Here's a peek of my audience statistics is super sweet. Some of You will have a lot more numbers different numbers doesn't matter lower numbers.

If you think your audience will enjoy spiritual soul energetic and readings in conversation I'd like to share what I know as a guest on your show. I desire to impart great content and engage in compelling conversation with you for your listeners vote hearing back Sincerely yours now I also as a gift to Michael Reid did his bio because he he's just way bigger than what it sounded like so this is a copy paste this is going to go on his media one sheet right? And I always love starting you know, look, this is just a Debbie isn't by the way. This is not a this is what it should look like ism, but I do it on my radio show. So I like saying Have you ever thought about how much your personal quest for self empowerment can create the life you've long desired and bring about your intuitive abilities.

Dr. Michael Gross is nondenominational minister and author, professional speaker transformational coach for more than three decades. Working with God the true source. He is a tree chief great success in this endeavor, as well as miraculous healings for others, including fragmented soul retrieval. He has a Doctorate of energetic healing from a RI and dual masters. Okay, you get the idea. I want people to know who this man is.

He's highly school. He's highly credentialed and certified. And then we go on to talk about he's traveled the world doing this work. Hello. Now we say he's been an international radio show host. Oh, I have to worry about this guy.

He already knows what it's like from the other side of the microphone. And what is he currently do let's give him a name, spiritual teacher, intuitive multi dimensional healer, Reiki teacher, thought field therapist, Certified Professional Guardian certified hypnotherapist etc. And his website. Done. Got it. So this is what we're looking for.

We want we want to show how fabulous you are. Why? Because you're up against me. Many other people, you have to understand every time you submit, there's tons of other people. Some people have hired publicist to do this for them well, and everything I'm teaching you, you will be saving like Jennifer that 30 $500 a month, which is now in Los Angeles between five to 15,000, every month with zero guarantee. I have tons of friends who are publicists.

And so I'm not. I'm not saying to not do that. I am saying that for most entrepreneurs, that that kind of money can be better used for something else. And I want you to feel like you can use that money for other things to get your business forward to start doing workshops, so you're not just one on one all the time that you can start delivering in however, your DNA, your gift wrapped in just the right way. is here. Not everyone's built for camera.

Not everyone's built to have their own podcast show. Everybody is built to be a podcast, interview guest doesn't matter if you're Woo. It doesn't matter if you're introverted. It doesn't matter what kind of characteristics are indigenous to you, you have a wonderful message that we are all waiting for at a really important time. So this is the week when you are going to start submitting yourself for shows and use the Facebook group to let us know we are there for all of you. So anytime you want to post and say I did this, I did that.

I had a win whatever it is. I have a question. Use the group, right use the support that we have here. So next week, we're going to be talking about some specifics. I do want to talk about being wound vulnerable because in my market research that came up a lot as a concern for people. So I am going to get into that.

I also want to talk about equipment. I want you to know what you should have. And I don't worry I'm going to give you a list and links I'm going to make it super duper easy for you. And everything that I recommend is very inexpensive, but you need it right you need professional equipment if you're going to be doing this. So we'll go through that and I will I got you don't even be concerned. And I I do have a little recording I want to play for you.

However, I also see that we have a couple of minutes which I love. This is all has a lot of breath in it today. So I just want to open this up to see if anybody's got any questions about anything you learned today especially, or in general, from this class or otherwise, well, don't ask me a plumbing question. But if you have anything that is specific to visibility, your voice being interviewed, please ask now this is your time. Debbie, can I ask a question? Of course I'm on Michaels pitch letter to me it read very much like his, you know, like our media one sheet, like when I did the pitch letter to the one woman, I didn't put like some of the topics and all that that he has officially it wasn't because it was in the media, one sheet that I also gave.

Do they cross, I guess, do we listen to them on both? We're like, I don't know. I'm sorry. Say that again. I mean, I hear you but the the germane of the question I'm missing the pitch letter seemed like it was pretty much the media one sheet to me, you know, everything was listed on what's the purpose of the media one? Should we really submitting that with it?

Does that make sense? Yeah, totally. And here's what I'm going to try to do is pull up. Let's see if we can show what Tracy showed us yesterday. So I'm going to go to the Facebook page and pull that up. So let me explain.

So we call it a media one sheet. And it's Yeah, media one sheet is what it is. And it's fabulous because you know, it's actually closer. It is not close to the pitch letter. It is actually closer to a speaker one sheet. Okay, so speaker one sheet is when you want to speak and get booked.

Okay, that said, the difference is that the pitch email is basically to say hi You don't know me? May I please introduce myself to you? Oh, and by the way, this isn't a cold call. I actually have been listening to your show. And I think it's wonderful. Now I know we're fit.

And here's why. And by the way, when I come on, look at what I can talk about that will be incredibly valuable to your listeners. And when you're ready to do that, just know I'm in this. You're not just promoting me to your audience, and I'm sitting back smoking a pipe, oh, no, I'm going to cross promote. I'm going to bring these subjects your people haven't heard about before. In fact, I'm going to even offer a free gift.

I'm going to send you a book too, if you have a book. And here is how to find me. And of course we spell it out. So it's so easy. That's what that is. It's basically an introduction.

No one is just going to click on a media one sheet, they must have something else way more compelling and it is the email and by the way, The email can be way, way, way shorter than what you saw today. It can be so right to the point. So think about that too because there's a lot to be said for brevity. I want to do a quick share here. And I'm going to share Tracy's in which she submitted. All right, so this is Tracy's and she posted this in our Facebook group yesterday.

So first of all, what I love about this Honestly, I love how easy this is to look at so for I'm so sensitive to energy that even how things look is ah, it's like a My world is a major funk thing sway everywhere I go. Even this feels thanks way to me like it's well done. is uniform. The colors are great for her. Right. I feel like they really fit her they wouldn't fit me I couldn't use pink, but they are beautiful for her.

You could see her name Really well, high energy girl, which is cool, because you look at her pictures like, Uh huh. And so, overall, this is great. It's good enough. But you know, I love fabulous. So what I recommended she is missing some things on the sheet. She does have a testimony.

And she goes so deeply into the book as though this is a book launch. But this isn't this is her wanting to be interviewed. So I recommend it, because there's great information here, right? So why doesn't she take some real estate back and use all these paragraphs she's got and instead turn them into talking points. And the only other thing I recommended is she talks about I think it's in the second paragraph that she's here we go. I have been teaching fitness classes at our local YMCA since 2010.

Don't want to know that. It actually makes you special. way smaller than she is. I don't I don't even want to think about that. I want to, I want to know how fabulous you are. So I'd rather hear her say, I've been teaching fitness classes for well over fitness classes and personal training for well over a decade.

All you know, all I need to know Mike drop, right? I mean, as she walks her talk, I mean, she's a badass, right? My passion is and that she's very clear about who she teaches what she does, and what she delivers the results. Wonderful. So this is a really good start. And I do love the book, by the way, I would absolutely keep a little book cover there that works for her and just add some more stuff.

And of course, you know, Tracy, you have podcasts. Like that should be somewhere on here. It is right at the bottom, the host of the fabulous podcast, okay, I didn't see that. So, so she does have a bio here she should have talking points. She should have a testimony, etc. So this is the sheet that once I book you I'm not going to look at it honestly spend that much time.

But if I, you send something to me and I want to book you, I'm going to look at this. Okay, so that said, Ask me a question, Debbie. Yes, of course. Thank you and congrats on your heavy weight lifting today. stronger. So I cow already after you're writing for different talking points, where would you include a testimonial because I have about 25 of them right now.

And I would just do a picture of a screenshot of like somebody's written up saying or would that be a testimonial video or why your testimonial should only be one person and a couple of sentences or two people one or two sentences each, it goes right down at the bottom. And if you look back at your template, and hopefully it wasn't the template, it should be testimonials face sort of where your bio is right now. But let me be honest. I mean, it's just sort of because it's at the bottom, and it's not the most important, your bio is more important. But truthfully, if visually you look at your media one sheet and go, No, I think my testimonies look cooler, you know, somewhere like, it was about 60% down, that's fine. It really doesn't matter.

I wouldn't focus a lot on that. It's just a non tech. Right. And I want to tell a story. I'm glad you're asking this question because I want to tell a story. So everybody can hear this.

My show is booked. I'm booked easily three to six months in advance and I will not book past six months. I know I'm going to be in this planet at that time. So, you know, I have so many people I'm way over populated all the time, and it's a great problem to have. However, one day I got this email from a girl, a woman who said Tracy never met her before. And she said, I have been watching.

I've been listening to your show. I love your show. I enjoyed this guest and this guest. And here's why. And here's why. Oh, and by the way, I put a five star review for you on such and such a podcast site.

And so she was basically she could have used all that real estate to talk about herself. But instead she was gushing about me. I got to tell you how rare that is. And when I came back from the event I was at I told Tracy story, because the man who was leading the event was trying to tell people, you have no idea how much podcasters want this. When you are building a relationship with an influencer? If you come to them and say, I want I need I want need you to all start engaging with us as though we're human.

I see you I know what you're doing. I appreciate you. Suddenly we're connecting with somebody else. So she writes me this beautiful email and doesn't include who she is and what she's done. Of course, you know, now did write a different email, but it doesn't matter. Because here's the upshot.

I didn't have a space, overbooked and I keep everybody's emails, I have an inbox. I'm not going to book 90% easily of them ever, but I've got it just in case. I had a rare reschedule. Guess who I went to? out of thousands that are sitting in my inbox. This woman who I never met, who probably honestly is not near as big as most of the people whose publicists had submitted themselves, but because she took the time to acknowledge me and see me, she came on my show.

This is like the greatest learning tool I can offer you like to show up as a mensch as a human being as a real person. Authentic, connecting You will supersede others. So don't worry, you've been to college or not to college, you're credentialed and not credentialed, or you have clients, you don't have clients, doesn't matter, the more professional and human caring, you show up, I am telling you, you will create an impact and we will want to get to know you so right. And sometimes people aren't as busy can be when you're way more awesome to cross promote shows when they're done. And you must cross promote, you must because that's where the magic is. So thank you for that.

And Tracy has lots of comments. I left on Facebook for you, so you can follow those. And hopefully Rene, I answered your question, but they're different. They are very different. And so at the end here, I want to play something for you. This is short.

It's from Oprah super soul Sunday, and she did a composition and I just wanted everybody To hear it because you're literally at the precipice. For some of you, you've been interviewed before. For some of you, you're going into territory in a big way you really haven't been before. And you've got all this like excitement and juice, or maybe of trepidation. Whatever it is. My show is called dare to dream for a reason.

I so believe in dreamers, but not just to dream but to actually do because you are the change makers. You came here for such good reason. So I want to support you in your dreams and efforts. And I want you to listen, you'll recognize some of these voices Yama, Van Zandt, I think, Tracy, we need to meet you. Young love bands that and Steven pressfield and Indiana are re there's big names here that she's speaking with. But listen to what they say and how real and vulnerable they are about trees.

There's beautiful wisdom in this. So I'm going to share this as the end to our class. realize the truth of our being until we've realized we are a presence and a person secondarily, we will feel estranged from our own me. Are you facing a disruption in your life that has you filled with fear, anxiety, some trepidation, author Steven pressfield taught me the more important an activity is to your soul's evolution, the more resistance you will feel to it. This was a big bing bing bing bing bing bing moment for me, it means that with every dream there's automatically going to be some resistance or clouds as I call them in the book, but your will, your sheer will can be strong enough to declare I want this If it's for you, you can have it and confront that fear head on. resistance as I define it with a capital R is that negative force that arises whenever we try to move from a lower level to a higher level, or we're trying to identify with our nobler nature with our higher nature, you're trying to get out of your own little petty ego, and and channel the views or try to get something wonderful out there.

So that elicits this equal and opposite negative force, okay? I'm fighting that part of me that says, You can't do that. Don't do that. And there's a part of me that says, Come on, we got to do this. And then the other part says, don't remember what happened last time. Are you gonna do that?

You can't do it. It's in me. And there's a part of me that's where the real battle will battle is. That is where the crux and the core of trust comes in. Those two parts of us, the part of us that would rather stay broke and miserable, complaining, you know, living in the whatever, the mediocrity and why, why? because we're afraid because we get to control it.

We get to control it. I know how to be broken poor and struggle and suffer and be angry. I know how to do that. I got a degree. But when it comes to being open and vulnerable, does he trust, the core ingredient of trust? Is vulnerability.

Yeah. What do you mean by let go now or fall? fear comes up out of your heart. That's a very natural thing. It's human. All right, you are watching you see it, you have the right to relax, let it pass right through.

If you don't do that, you're going to try and fix it. You know, trying to control situations outside so you don't ever feel the fear. And it all starts to bother you. That's what it means you'll fall and eventually you'll lose your consciousness. You'll forget your whole purpose, and you'll just be scared. Here's get scared.

I know this is gonna sound simple, but I really feel this, that your self worth is your job. It's your, it's your sacred space to cultivate. And one of the things I do now, after all this healing work I've done is I sit in my journal or my meditation time, and I say, what would I do about this thing? Whatever it is, sometimes it's the opportunity that I think I'm not ready for sometimes it's some body telling me that I can't or I'm not worthy, you know, something, and I sit in my private space, and I say, I really just play it all out. I can visualize it or write it. And I say, what would I do if I were if I knew I was 100% worthy of this?

What would I do? What would I do if I knew 100%? Or if I knew if I knew what I do, just what if. So that's the end of today's class. Thank you for staying All of that I really wanted you to hear. You're not alone.

Those are big transformational names and they're all intimate with resistance with wanting, and yet feeling undeserving with having a story with putting water on their own fire and brilliance, and still finding a way out to the other side. It truly is your time. You were given a voice and a gift for great purpose and it is your time Now. Now. Now to put it out in the world. I'm here to support you.

I'm here to cheerlead you, and I cannot wait to hear you on podcasts. So we will meet again next week. And anything you haven't done, make sure to handle it this week's you're ready to rock and roll look over your sheet in the back end of your platform. start submitting yourself right away. And if you're really ambitious, you now have some ways that you can look yourself googling and some of the other options I gave you that you can look up some shows for your own behalf and sky's the limit. You could be interviewed every day if you want to do here's to your visibility in your voice.

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