SESSION 1: Your Message + Your Pitch Email Template VIDEO

Ultimate Visibility Formula NEW Class Ultimate Visibility Formula, SESSION 1: YOUR MESSAGE + PITCH EMAIL
1 hour 40 minutes
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So welcome all of you to the ultimate visibility formula. This is the class, the program that shows you how to get interviewed on radio and podcasts. What I do out in the world is visibility. It's a thing I'm clear I was built for. It's a thing I do in my own life. And I've been doing since I was a little tight.

And it's the thing I still do. And frankly, it has changed my life. It's taught me so many lessons. I didn't ever start out thinking that I would do radio, and it would change everyone's perception of who I was out in the world. And then I would start writing books. And people would suddenly look at me and say, she's an expert and put a name to it, and ask me to be interviewed.

It never occurred to me that if I was doing Some kind of a launch. And I started to employ using visibility getting interviewed, that suddenly I was going to have this heightened awareness in people's minds. And when they were doing a panel, they'd say, you know, reach out to Debbie. Oh, we need a speaker for an event. Go get that Debbie. She's an expert at visibility and success.

I was sitting back watching this happening with a big who me over my head. And at the same time receiving, I was baffled and receiving at the same time. Well, that was about 12 years ago. And I have since had the good humble grace of writing the tale. The code of all of that out into the world is completely changed, who I am and what I do. So I am here to offer you the same.

I've been teaching this class for over 10 years and I've taught it under different monikers. It's been called the red carpet interview mastery class. It's been called Radio bootcamp when there was no podcasts, and all I taught was how to get booked on radio. And more recently, it became the ultimate visibility formula because I took time to connect with people. And by the way, I'm sure some of you are a little loud, if you would mute yourself, that would be lovely. Thank you so much, because this is being recorded for everybody.

So I did some market research, and I started to connect with people and ask them, what are your fears? What are your challenges? What are your issues around this? And mostly, I wasn't surprised because it's already what I was teaching. That's the great news. I was already on the right path.

There were a few pieces that were surprising to me. And what I did is I completely revamped what I was teaching. I gave it a facelift. I gave it a new name. I gave it a right now modern twist. And those pieces that I hadn't been addressing before I started to incorporate and the biggest one is the one that you Received right at the get go, which was, What the f is my message?

So people were saying, It's such a surprise to me. I actually don't know how to say out in the world in one or two sentences, who I am, what I do, what I stand for, and how do I stand out? That's everything. Whether you're being introduced to be interviewed, or to speak on stage, whether you're going to be doing your own webinars or workshops. And especially anytime you have to stand up at an event, and all of you, I hope have been to networking events at some time or other where you get to go around the room and stand up and you've got basically 30 seconds to speak. And I know it can feel like a lot of pressure.

But we all know that out of one to 200 people, they'll always be that one person who stood out. They might have said something funny and clever. You can't forget about what they do. Do, they might have said something really compelling. Maybe they used a statistic or a story, or a pain point and a resolution that made you think, I think I need their card or I need to connect with them and find out more and have a call. That's what you want to look for in crowds.

And that's what you want to emulate. You want to be that person that out of the whole crowd, people remember you. So I revamped the class and decided we start with messaging because messaging is everything. A lot of times you'll get booked on interviews. And sometimes the host will read your bio. And sometimes they may just lurch right into an interview and say, hey, it's great to have you on the show.

Jane, why don't you tell us a little bit about what you're doing out in the world? Well, this is not the time to go into an aria or her monologue, right? You want to make sure that you have the wisdom of your message tucked deeply inside of you practice so well that you can say exactly in a couple sentences that again, the listeners or viewers are leaning in. Same thing, you know, if you're on TV and this thinking of a TV interview is a great Litmus, because a TV interview. At best, we have three to five minutes to say everything. So what are you going to do in that time, that's going to cause the viewers to know you to like you, and to want to buy your book, feel your workshop, learn more reach out.

So that's where we're at. And we're going to be covering a lot of ground in this class, I want to be clear, we're going to be covering a lot of ground. I'm going to switch our gallery view right now. So it's the speaker view. There we go. And that only when one of us speaks, this will be focused on each person at a time.

I want to warmly and from my heart welcome each of you. You made it Right, you made it. And I feel like if there was ever a time, this is the time, it's the call of the wild. And man, it's the wild wild west out there right now. And for every one of you, and trust me, every one of you are a lightworker. You came here with such great purpose or soul that said, Okay, I'll take that on.

And for most of us, we've been like this right? Kind of submerging and checking it out and seeing what's going on and knowing we have gifts and wanting to go poof, but it's been a little bit of a splat instead, because we've had to be a little cautious. But for those of you who are very sensitive to the time and the elements right now, and I am as well, it's this. This is our blossom time. This is our time when the planets like okay, we are ready for you. We're ready for what you're here to give us.

And one of the great ways to do that out in the world is to understand how To exquisitely do an interview on radio and podcast. So I'm going to switch a little bit here to to our PowerPoint go and ultimate visibility formula. I am known out in the world as a media visibility authority and strategist. I help people to write their books and write a page turner that and I'm a coach for book writing. I also have a company that runs a guaranteed international bestseller. And finally, I do this work in a class setting where I teach you how to get interviewed in 60 days or less.

And if any of you at any point you are all being gifted in As you know, from the information you pre received, you are all receiving a free one hour session with me. So I can get to know you better. And I can help you in any areas where you need some assistance. And it's different for all of you. But it's really anyone who's done the class before and some of you have, it's probably one of the yummiest times of breakthroughs. It's pretty exciting.

If you should find that you need further assistance if you want to set up another private and of course, that would be paid outside of the class. I'm absolutely happy to do that with you during the class or after. So know that that's always available to you. And anytime you work with me, you always get a better rate because you're already working with me. Okay, so logistics every week, we will have almost every week. It is a six week class, but you'll see how I set it up is a little different than those of you who've taken the class before because this time because I know what happens is in the very beginning You're given the first couple of weeks homework, right?

And it's really great stuff. Because you've got a template, you basically fill in the template, and you come back and you've got it done. Easy peasy. I'm purposefully giving you all one week off during the class, and then we're making it up in the back end with two classes of mega support to make sure that we're getting close to the finish line you have got this. There will also be some coaching, some live coaching. So you want to attend live as much as possible.

Between the live coaching the bringing your homework and seeing what other people are doing, you're going to learn a ton. We will have 90 minute six zoom video classes, same link every week. And that bonus q&a is actually now become instead a bonus one on one gift for me. We've got our private group that is the group I'm going to ask whoever that is to please mute yourself. Thanks. And the private Facebook group, please go there.

That is your group. This is just us there. You can post anything you've written. If you've used a template, if you want feedback, accountability, support, if you want to work with somebody, there will be a time when you get to work with other people in the class, when we're going to be doing some practices. And I'll teach you how to do that, about being interviewed. And it's tons of fun.

So you just say to somebody I'd love to work with you exchange either resume or phone number, and you just do some trial records of mock interviews and you'll see how far forward so rather than me jumping back, yeah, if you could just mute yourself, thank you. You will get replays and what's great is for those of you who have already access the think if ik and gotten in and most of you have Please know, you can actually go forward because those replays are the entire class. So if you wanted to go forward and you're feeling really good at a quick pace, know that that's available to you, you can go at your own pace. I again recommend attend every session live. Definitely do the homework. This is probably the most important piece, because if you start lagging, it's going to affect you keeping up.

The best results are when you do it's pretty simple stuff, honestly. So as long as you fill in the templates and show up, you'll do great. I also want to give you an impart some information to say that this isn't rocket science. Don't make it significant. Don't make it so meaningful. When you look at the template.

Like if you're the kind of person who gets out and gets overwhelmed. That's your default. Don't just you know, look, you're also gifted us what you have. Just don't go there. Make this fun. Remember when you were a kid and you did Mad Libs, like you didn't sit there go, oh shit what's now Damn it.

You just filled in the Madlib and you read it back and you cracked up and had a good time. Make it like that. Here's the reason. Like everything we do in life and especially as entrepreneurs and business people, every single thing we do in life, we keep tinkering. As we go forward, we learn more we Tinker we learn more, we tweak. So allow yourself the grace of knowing that anything you write up is good enough, and you'll use it and then something will click and you'll have something new to put in its place.

I still do it. 12 years later, and I'm quote unquote, an expert, but my message always gets better. My elevator pitch always gets cleaner. So whatever you put together is going to be perfect for today. For right now and trust. Keep up with the homework, I will hold the intention for you.

And I'm asking you right now to hold that intention to that during weeks three to four, no later, three to four earlier if you like, you will have already submitted yourself for interviews, I'm going to ask you to intend to book at least one and you could do way more, because I'm going to give you that much information of contacts, radio or podcast interviews while attending the program. So if you would, please write in the chat box right now. I commit to submitting myself during class for interviews. And every week, I will propose homework and ask you to set that one goal and allow it to be scary. be okay with being uncomfortable, and you can be accountable post in the Facebook group. It's awesome.

Place in space where there to love each other up and support each other. I would ask people to to not coach each other. Right? If they're meant, you know, look, I think everybody here basically is a coach. And you're all amazing and brilliant, we're going to find out more about that going forward about all the great things you're doing out in the world. And what I want to say is, let let me be the coach so we can move everybody forward.

And you can still be in the learning position of appreciating your fellow student and where they're at and where they're getting to and learning something from, where they're operating, and where they're up leveled. So you're all in the right place. This is the best decision you've ever made. I promise you that this program definitely opens doors and opportunities. And as always, there's only one great time for new beginnings. And that's now that is right now.

And you are here right now. So congratulations. I will lay out the entire strategy for you. I'm going to help you learn what your message is. In this class, you're going to learn to build your pitch letter, which is an old fashioned way of saying an email. Because there are no pitch letters anymore.

Nobody really mails, anything out in this business, this media, PR publicity business, it's all pitch emails, and also your media press kit. Why? Because when you want to get interviewed, that's what you need to be seen as being successful, and as being professional. Anyone in my business and I've been on air over 12 years, I'm an award winning syndicated radio and podcast show called dare to dream. And by the way, if you would like to listen to wonderful interviews with people, much like yourself transformational folks, go to my website, w Click on radio show and you've got a day Decades of amazing human beings you can pick and choose and just sit there and watch.

Some of them are on YouTube. You can also go to slash w dash anger. spreaker Dare to dream with Debbie dashing girl, there's tons of places, whatever is easiest for you to listen, start listening, start hearing what amazing people sound like and why and notice what you love about them and why they're compelling what you're getting out of it. And if there's ever somebody it's like, that's not really working for me, or that was an interesting moment. Make note of that too, because it's all really valuable information. So where I was starting to set starting out to say is that I know being in this business a long, long time and my fellow podcasters and talk radio show people will all say, we know in two seconds when somebody is an amateur By the way, they approach us.

Maybe they're trying to reach out on social media go Hi, I just wrote a book. I think you should interview me like really? Probably no because we What's in it? For my audience? That's about you and your book? Great.

You wrote a book, so did everybody else. But what makes you stand out? Also an email, same thing. If I get an email and I do, I get hundreds every day. And I know in two seconds, who's a pro, and who's an amateur amateurs go in the trash pros, even if I don't have time to interview them, I hold on to their information. Because rarely, but occasionally something happens where I need someone to fill in.

You need to show up as a pro and I promise you in this class, you will learn exactly how you will probably 98% of the time when you mail out exactly as I'm going to show you. You're going to get a yes. You're going to get a hell yes, come on the show will schedule this now. The only time you will not get a yes, because I'm going to teach you how to open that door. Two things and it will never have to do with you. I want you to know it will never have to do with you a you're not a fit for the show.

So if the show is about real estate and you talk about healing hands they're not going to have you on so we have to find also the right fit for use you go to the right shows you're speaking to the right tribe. The second reason they will say no and only reason is they are so overbooked. I can speak from experience My show is often books six months in advance, right? I could easily go way far further out, but who knows what life is going to bring after six months so I don't do that. So no, those are the only two reasons you'll get turned down. You're not a right fit your subject is all for their audience.

Or they're just so overbooked and over scheduled, they don't have capacity. And if you don't hear back from somebody and you really want to get on and you feel like you are a fit, wait a couple of weeks ad reapply, just say hey, you know, I know you're busy and maybe this fell in spam. Just wanted to reach out Thinking about you. And then if you don't hear back, you know, move on. And sometimes you will. We will learn in this class to practice mock interviews.

And that's where I said, you'll want to look at some of the people here. And just start making note of anybody you feel like you'd like to work with. We've got some beautiful, powerful individuals who wants each of you and I say with such great love, when you start rocking this out in the airwaves, I cannot wait to hear you. I already know. I already know what's going to happen for you. Because you're that amazing.

You will be booking real interviews you will learn where the shows are. I am going to give you a list and I build this class like architecture, I give you a really strong base and foundation. And each week we build a little bit more of our visibility house upon it. I'm not going to cream you with stuff. I'm not going to throw a million things at you at once in one class. I go at a very distinct pace so you can absorb and apply and Come back and get more.

During the interview, you're going to learn how to be very present, how to stay calm, how to be confident. Of course, if you have any questions during this class, I would ask you a little later after this intro, and in any class, any class at all, you can unmute yourself and ask a question. I welcome your questions. I want you to feel like if you've done an interview and something went awry, you can address that with me and we can come up with solutions for you going forward. Or in general, if you have questions, and I will try to cover so much that you may not have questions, but you know, you're always welcome to raise your hand. how some of you who are quote unquote Woo, how you can be that and get great results.

That woo is actually your gift. How to be vulnerable and powerful and why It's okay to be an introvert. Frankly, anything that you truly be is delicious is perfect. And there's no need to think you need to be anything else other than exactly what you are. Once you've been interviewed what to do after the interview, because there's a whole afterlife and I'm going to teach you that one of the most important things because you're all successful business people, and you know this, one of the most important things we have all learned, at one point or another, we've each run into someone who is an influencer and changed our lives. They took us under their wing.

They were kind to us. They gave us something. Maybe they gave us radio interviews, maybe they gave us tell us summits, maybe they gave us Healing Sessions. Maybe there's some way they extended us or brought us to a party. We got to meet incredible human beings. Whatever it was, it changed the trajectory of our life.

Well, what if it was wasn't just now and then just sort of happened. And like that was awesome, but really didn't happen much after that. What if, in fact, we could have control over that and part of it was being interviewed on radio and Podcast, where we do meet influencers who are worlds we don't even know yet and are not tapped into. But people who are connected with those we really want to be connected with. This is about the after the show the before, during and after, there's a whole system that you can align yourself with to really develop relationships that will have great positive impact for you and make your life and business so much easier. We will do coaching, tweaking, you will have critiques that are always kind and loving.

And one of the things that are very important to me is weekly celebration and wins. You can post them anytime in our Facebook group. And I would ask you to find your Facebook group on ultimate visibility formula, asked to be brought in and I will Okay. All of those Feel free at the beginning of each class to say I have a win and this is it. This is what happened and of course, regarding visibility so knowing who you are and how to reach out I think a good place to start here is about your message. And why we all employ visibility.

If you think of anybody you really admire in your field, who's doing work that you feel I wish that was my career like not in a competitive way but in an admiration way. I love what they're doing. I love who they're being. I love where they're willing to play. I like some of that, please. That's who you can become through visibility.

It has changed my life has changed my clients life. I can promise you when you use this properly, you become sought after and known as a go to expert in your field. makes everything so much easier. Lots less work, you can be as interviewed as much or as little as you want. And I would invite you again to be uncomfortable because self doubt is fine. It always comes up before you do anything new and go out on a limb, right?

So it is perfectly fine to feel any doubt. But just keep showing up anyway and doing the work and trust this process. You will not get everything in one week, but the light will start to come on and that's really what matters. Okay. So how many of you would like more exposure for your business? Some of you are not on camera.

So I'm just going to assume you're raising your hand or Hope you are Ah, otherwise this would be a really weird class to be in and how How many of you would like to become known as a go to expert or authority in your field? And how many of you would like both? Yay, high five to that. So you are in the right place. And I thank you for being here. It really shows you're committed to your path.

So let's start by talking about your message. You all received a video that I put together for you about a just under 30 minute video, and I really go through several templates. None of them are the template, but any of them can be used. And frankly, there were two different sizes in there. So it's not one size fit all because there'll be some times when you do have those 30 seconds, and you just have to be able to rattle off really quick with great conviction, right? And potency.

This is who I am. This is what I do. This is the pain point. This is how I help people. And this is the kind of person who comes to me. And if you'd like some help, come see me love to help you.

Then there is the one that's just a little bit longer. It's a paragraph, and you'll have the good grace. Maybe sometimes you're being interviewed, somebody asks you in a 30 to 60 minute show. I'm curious about who you are in the work you do out in the world, who is it that you help, then you'll have that paragraph to say, you don't want to go on and on and use your entire interview to be talking about that. So always keep it concise because two things can happen one, the host decides to move on, because they have a lot of other questions for you and you have a lot of other territory to cover. Or to you may say something and this is certainly happened for me many times as hosts.

I've heard something in someone's bio. I'm like, really, that is so intriguing, and I can't wait actually to deep dive right there at the beginning, and it could be really great conversation. So before we talk about your message, I would love to get to know each of you and each of you to get to know each other I would ask you to unmute yourself one at a time and just say, who you are, what you do, and why this class Why now? What is it that you are hoping to achieve? Or create by being in this class? And just go ahead and unmute yourself.

Sing out. Can you hear me? Yes. Hi. Hi, Debbie. Okay, so I did the message.

I help individuals that are. Tell us your name. I'm Tony Vaughn, Tony Vaughn. I help individuals that are struggling to grow and progress in their lives due to their emotional blocks. And I provide insight and tools to drop those blocks so they can build a desirable and fulfilling life they deserve. And I actually just did my first radio Interview yesterday.

And it was it was way easier than I thought I was nervous, but it but it turned out just fine. Why do you say way easier? What was easier? Well, because I've never done it before. So there was that unknown factor of, you know, a little bundle of nerves. I mean, it wasn't too bad because I knew she was asking me questions about myself and I know the answers.

So, so that part wasn't difficult, but I guess I was nervous. I didn't know how the whole thing would unfold. I didn't know if they just jump in live or if it's recorded or not, you know what I mean? I just didn't know any of that. And so so I did it and found out it's gonna be gonna air until January so so but yeah, it was much it was much easier and I just I wanted to get one out of the way. You know, so that I wouldn't stress about the following one to have another one on the 17th This month so brave soul.

And what did you want to get out of this, Tony? Well, as you know, Debbie, today is actually my book launch day. And I just I want to be able to reach as many people as possible. It seems so unnecessary for people to be suffering the way that they are. And, and the answers are so simple, and I just want to get it out there to help ease some of that for people. And this is a great platform to do that.

Fantastic. So I just a couple of things. I just want to reflect on something you said is because it's a great learning piece for everybody, every radio show every podcast completely different. Sometimes somebody will send you a zoom link. Please always reach out and say is this on camera, or is this just audio because people sometimes host won't To provide that information, but it's so important especially well under dude, let's face it, like I've gotten really fully made up and showed up and like, oh, sorry, it's just audio and you're like, really. So it's nice to know.

And plus, you know, it's a different energy of how you connect energetically when, for me, it is hugely so to not see somebody to see somebody is like, my comfort zone. So synergistically, it's different. And the other thing is exactly what you said. There'll be times you'll show up, it's a live show. There'll be times you'll show up and somebody say, Oh, don't worry, I can edit. Mostly, you'll never find a show that will edit but sometimes, yes.

So it's really good in the beginning to get as much information as possible because it actually is calming. If you have a calendar. I do everything on my google google calendar. So if I have it set up and it's all color coded, I will include every bit of information, so on No, I always get everybody everything they want on time because I know how much it pisses me off as a host when people are late. It's really an unkindness when somebody has a well nurtured audience and they're saying, Oh, I will promote you to them and I will give you this amazing listenership that I've been nurturing for however long, five years, 10 years 12 years and also promote you on top of it, you know, you must be kind if they say a week ahead three weeks ahead, whatever adhere to it, because you already have the materials I'm going to teach you that here.

Always get them in on time. And if you find once you read through what they've sent to you that there's any gaps Oh, is it audio and video? Is this pre record? Is it live? Is it 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 10 minutes, one hour, like, get as much information that is your right and then include that so you have a lot of clarity especially When you start being interviewed a lot, or you're launching a workshop, or any kind of work out in the world, and you need to know, oh, I'm on this show today and that show today, you really want to have something so accessible, so you can look it up quickly and know ahead of time, how you're showing up. Also, always listen to the show, because that'll cause all the nerves to go way down, you'll have a sense of the host, the rhythm of the show, and all of that.

And lastly, I want to say you are brave, I am so proud of you for pre empting this and putting yourself out there that's the way girl and I love your message. Good job. It's perfectly and we're gonna whether it's in my private with you or as we keep working, we're going to uplevel and I'll tell you how I'd uplevel your message specifically, which is you talked about empowering people to go over their blocks twice, and that then it becomes pedestrian as opposed to something really marvelous. I want to find a more compelling word for you that describes the pain point. Or, you know, something really specific that people are going through that is such a niche market. And you'll know what that is like, okay, work gift, and something that's such a pain point.

And then what is the complete opposite? And here's a little secret people. I'll tell you why. We know most people disempower themselves and say, I don't know, I don't know what that is. But I'm going to tell you the truth You do know. Because you're your own client.

You actually know the pain of this because you yourself have lived through it. And you know, the other side and what it feels like to now be you because you chose to took on a very take on a very difficult, painful healing process to get whatever your wound was. Go through the journey and come out the other side and now you're whole and healed and you're like, oh, I have this wisdom I can share with people. Omg. Right. You're born.

Yeah. So yeah. So use that, like personal wisdom to understand how to express to people. I know who you are, because I'm you. I was there, trust me. But I did this.

And it completely changed my world. And now I'm that and I can show you how to be that too. Okay, cool. That sounds great. Thank you. Yeah.

Thank you, Tony. Thanks for going first. I appreciate it. Great example. Okay, who's next? I'll go next.

Okay. Hi, Karen. Hello, my dear. How are you? Good. Great to see you.

Good to see you too. So I had I did a few different ones. And so I don't know if you would like me. I'm sorry just tell us all your name first because I want everybody there okay My name is Karen Abrams I am I've been a what's called a theta healer for the last almost 18 years practicing alright master theta healer master theta healer yes I think let's use master because that first of all is very applicable to you and your skills. And second of all it way takes you out of a lane that's just say to healers, it's like you are this? Yes I am.

I've been doing this for 18 years. I am a master healer. And I help professional women in their 40s 50s and 60s who are struggling with making enough money and being fulfilled at this stage in life to reprogram their money story so they can finally master money instead of having money master them. Okay. I'm sorry, I would normally let you keep talking but I just gotta because I that ending was like a frickin train. It was so good.

So good Can I make one tweak suggestion? Absolutely you can make seven if you want seven this one Yes master data healer you got to own that girl because you so are that second of all, I would condense the beginning because it gets very wordy and I actually got so locked in the ages of women that lost the end. midlife women. Okay, right just keep it super simple. What about professional because they are all professional that's why I didn't that's why they're all they're all professional women they're all you know contractors, entrepreneurs girl or people in Yeah, I you know so I'm going to just in order professional women in midlife. Yes.

Okay, cool. Absolutely. And you know what, it's a vet and I want everybody to hear this How funny those words are to professional entrepreneur. Nor businesswoman, I mean, it's all like somehow it feels like it knocks out a portion of the group. So I think it's fine to use professional and if you ever hear something or read something a magazine or something comes up for you just instinctively or intuitively then try that out all of this is trying all this is people, right? We're throwing in the wall.

But so the point is keep the beginning way simpler, right? Okay. And I feel something else is going to end up in the beginning to that is going to be a juxtaposition to the ending of how you end this with mastering money instead of money mastering you, I love this, there's going to have to be some kind of thing because in the brain, it's going to make it so clever if you have something that has to do with money and I don't know if the word is going to be Struggling midlife professional women. Mm hmm. But something that's going to tie into the end that's going to make the whole thing a big POW. Mm hmm.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah, the middle is a little wonky. It's just the two biggest issues that people have in my group. Shoot up. Yeah, it's getting out of survival mode and being fulfilled and seeing that financially, then they have anxiety.

So because of that, so the money and the fulfillment are the huge, the two that could be them financially anxious professional women. Financially anxious. Okay. That's different, isn't that? It is and I just, I know that you're doing 40s 50s 60s I totally get it or even midlife. I just don't know if you need the agent there because there's something about saying a professional woman just doesn't feel like 20 something them with emojis you know right yeah yeah I just actually added that I had taken that out and I just added it while we were talking but yeah it's that's easy to get out i don't i don't i don't have any attachment to any of this so I like financially anxious women that's interesting.

Beautiful so love it oh my god you guys I'm so happy I had such an intention for you this morning and it's it's being fulfilled so and tell me what did you want to get out of this class My dear. I don't want to get out of this class, you know to share my gifts with more people, honestly I just I love being interviewed I love I love that whole thing. It's really fun for me and I've been I was out of the loop for a long time and back and and as you know, the tell summit world pretty much plummeted into nothing. And I want to be on the radio more on the radio and in a podcast. It's just a lot of fun for me and a really great easy way to get them message out there and and just be there for more people.

So that's my intention is just to expand that out and enjoy while doing it. So, you know, radio interviews are just so much more bang for your buck, you're just sitting in your house and you're either, you know, you have to be made up or you can just wear this you know, and I just, I love people and I love helping them and I love being of service. And if I can do that at a grander scale, it's just gonna make everything easier and more fun. So that's what I'm up for. Well, that's what we're gonna deliver. And I'm so glad you're here.

And I'll just riff a little bit off of what Karen just said. And for those of you who have gifts, whereby you could be on a show, and have people call in and work with you. Yeah. want you to know you're on top of gold? So I know as being somebody who works with you guys, and I am a Claire sentience, and I have my own gifts, but I could not do that. I could.

I was once on James Van Prague's show. And James, God bless said, Deb, why don't we take some calls? And will each give them feedback on their questions? I'm like, dude, you're a medium. What did you it was big. It was like a lot of surrender for me to go, Lord Jesus, and all the apostles speak through me right now, if you ever did, because I'm up against James to give some wisdom here.

You know, and I just had a really trust the flow. And I have to say something that is amazing that surrendering to a moment like that, because we're all going to have them we're in a moment we're on the spot, and we just got flow, right? I actually got a client from that. Like, right Go figure. I got a book client from that. But he was so gracious to even think have me in that light and, and that's that.

So I'm just keeping it real. I know I've got gifts I know I could see things and all of you and understand things in all of you in a way that just works for me with visibility. But you all have other gifts to see matrixes and healings. And when you have that, and you can do that during a show live or recorded, have people call in or asking questions and in a moment, you can gift them with something. offer that you will get clients, you will feel workshops. This is a game changer.

So don't ever be shy about letting the hosts know. Oh, and by the way, if you wanted to set up a time where I gifted people with free readings or free healings or you know fill in the blank of what your gift is. Yeah, it's huge. So awesome. And Karen's been around a lot. She has done our radio and she has a Know the show, but we don't need to name all that.

But she used to be very big on the tele summit world. If y'all were following that, around 10 years ago, when people made a ton of money, and were very gifted, and it was a boy, it was great, till it became overrun with people, everybody else in the world who wanted to do it for little to free and didn't really have the gifts, the other telesummit hosts and people did. So it became what it did. It ran its course. But a lot of those people, actually some of them became clients of mine because they were stuck in knowing that world and suddenly had to extricate themselves. I had some a couple who were channels and suddenly said, I'm not making money anymore.

I don't even know what to do or where to go. And I don't know how to bridge the world into podcasts and radio. So just know that you can even be on mainstream. You can absolutely do what you do and be on mainstream. And there's just ways we can tweak that and play with that going forward. Thanks, Karen.

Okay, who's next Hey, Debbie. I'll go. Hi, I'm there. Please tell us your name. And then. Sure, I'm Jennifer Weber.

And I'm an intuitive guide and life coach. And I wrote out my I've changed my message so many times. So here we go, I'll read it out to you and let me know what you think here. I help people who are not absolutely clear on what they want out of life or how to create what they want to then create and live the life they love or only dreamed up. By using divine guidance. They take massive inspired action to consciously create their best life.

Okay, cool. So so the meat is there, just so you know, you just need to take that and make it this down. Okay. Yeah. So the two places where you you need to apply that like if you only had one to two sentences. That's what I would say to you without all those commas.

What would you do? So first of all, I shortened the part about who don't know what they want. I totally heard that and that was that landed. But then you went into creating what they want. So that isn't what, how, what they want, but they don't know how to create that, you know, they're just stuck. So I wanted to include that because not everybody doesn't know what they want.

Some people really do. They just don't know how to create that. So maybe what they actually lack is clarity. Okay. Let's see. So it's more about being clear about what they want and how to create it.

Right, boom. Okay, right. And, and the the ending to I'm trying to remember your words, but I want to take out something you said and instead put in the words offering, can you tell me the end again? Sure. I know what it is. divine guidance, okay, so it's not clear because right now it sounds like you're working with them and who, you know, somehow they receive it.

But that's not what happens. You give it. That's your gift, right? So you have to make it really clear. When I as I offer divine guidance or my gift is of divine guidance, and as I offer it, people have abundant clarity to create. And we have to come up with something powerful because it can't be like the life I choose or, you know what I mean?

It's very important that that get really specific. So Jen, again, I'm gonna ask you to think on your own about yourself, because you have definitely had a couple of journeys. And I would ask you to think about what was it like for you before you were connected to your divine guidance? What was it and what is it been like for you at times when you didn't have clarity, even around your job and leaving your job right? And what happened that was like that, click that went, Oh, I am moving forward. And this is what it looks like.

So even if you have to write a bunch to really explore that, and then just come up with like the nugget that that is what what was the pain? What was the turning point and what was the result. And again, you as well are going to say, I know what it's like to be you, I've been there. Okay. But I did this, you can too. And I'm going to show you how we're going to get you to the other side.

And by the way, my gift is, you know, I'm connected to x. And what comes through me is divine guidance. And with that, you receive the clarity to know what and how to move forward. Okay. Yeah. And I also, you know, not only give them that divine guidance or whatever, but I also teach them how to use that divine guidance.

They already have, you know, within. So I want to make sure that is clear. It's a lot. Yeah, look at how are you doing? To access the divine guidance, or I show you how to access the divine guidance that is already inside of you. Right, right.

Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, I mean, the funny thing is, it's not like I am not a 10 year therapist who's going to see you every week. Not only do I have divine guidance at my ready, that will help you and open doors. But I could show you how to access also the divine guidance in you. So you have that ease all on your own going forward.

Right, right. Exactly. Very good. Yeah. Okay. And why are you here?

Um, so, you know, with your guidance, I've been able to do some podcast interviews have been great. I really had some nervous energy and fear about getting in and doing that. I because I just really didn't even know that world. Not all actually. So after doing a few I really really enjoy it. I really like it.

It's it's actually really fun. And I'm with you on the not knowing whether I mean I had one morning I swear it was going to be just an audio and I just, you know, got out of bed and my coffee I was you know, working with my voice but I did not do anything with my hair and my makeup I just looked terrible. And she you know, she connected with me and we were talking and she she'd let me know. I was like, oh my god. Oh my god, you're gonna put me on camera right now. Oh my God, let me run into the bathroom really quick.

And I didn't know. So and then the next one I was totally ready. I was like, my hair is done my makeup and everything. And then it was just audio. Oh my gosh. So yeah, I really do need to know this ahead of time that would be don't always tell you, but usually they don't.

So that's something that is Great to ask ahead of time. Excellent, excellent. Funny story about that. When I worked in physical radio, right, I worked at a physical radio station the beginning before there really were podcasts and I worked in Burbank beautiful place. I think only Karen came all those years ago, several times. She was interviewed when I was there.

And well, I learned a very hard lesson as well. So I used to show up, like, as we joke in the voiceover world, you know, you put your hair in a ponytail, no makeup, you're wearing a T shirt, whatever, because no one's gonna see you. Your voice is being recorded. And I used to do that a bit. And I was not wearing a beautiful outfit. I definitely hadn't taken care of myself at all thinking someone was coming.

I was interviewing them and you know, everything was on radio, boy. So this person happened to be on American Idol. And I came out of the studio I got a call that they had arrived. I came out walk down the hallway into this beautiful lobby and had a camera as in a television camera in case Oh, yes. They said someone in the back says oh, by the way, we're doing a documentary about her. Is it cool if we tape your interview?

And of course my insides. I feel like my organs fell out of my body in that moment. I just want, Please, could I please have an image stylist in two seconds? This is a bad moment. It was terrifying for me. And of course, I had to do the complete opposite.

And this is yet another moment. What are you going to do in the moment? And so I just said, of course, that would be wonderful. You know, welcome. I shook everybody's hands and our producer and agent. Yeah, were there.

I led them all in and you know, Yes, in the back of my mind, I'm like, Oh, sorry. I never never went to the station again without being fully glam ified honestly, because then it became a thing. People wanted to take pictures all the time because we have this video. Step and repeat. Step. And repeat is a background that has a logo, like we had in D 100, which is our station.

So people wanted photos there so they could post them. They were so excited. And so I really learned a hard, hard lesson. And the other piece of it, of course, is how did I show up despite that, I mean, I was 100% you know, I had to be connected to this woman and her talent and young gal really, and, you know, make it work. Just make it a fabulous interview. So, it's so funny this business, but you do learn at every turn, right?

You just learn. When you think it's this, it's something else and you'll roll with it as best you can. So thank you for sharing. Okay, who else? Renee, I keep feeling you. I'm sorry, but you're screaming at me.

Okay. Hi, everyone. I'm Renee masaccio. I'm a certified Reiki Master Teacher. For over the last 20 years. I've spent in helping women 35 and over from around the world heal and release life's fears and setbacks that have resulted in uncompleted goals, unfulfilled desires, and a state of desperation so that they can live life again in the state of inspiration.

Well, I love the ending. That was great. So you know what's interesting? Thank you. I know that's your credential. That you're a certified Reiki Master.

But you are so much more like like so much more than that. I just don't know if I'm supposed to be putting that in there. You're gonna meet like, I thought that is supposed to be sort of like more of a Okay, here's a little thing and then if they wanted more information they do. I get because sometimes I just feel like it's sort of like me being like channeling a do this, they do that and it's just like, like, don't wanna hear about me. So I always do Because if you if I was standing up right and saying Hi, I'm Debbie dashing or immediate visibility expert, I help you write your book. I take your book to guaranteed bestseller, and I teach you how to be interviewed on radio and podcasts in 60 days or less with great results.

And I love how you I went to USC and I majored in, you know theater. I didn't tell you all the awards I want. I didn't tell you all my certifications and XYZ because honestly you don't care. Really, as a listener, there's one thing you care about is what's in it for me. And so you are so way up universes beyond Reiki. And I don't know how but there's a word and we'll find it that says who you be.

It might have even been in the session you and I did in the last class because we had that hallway session together where it's like, on fire, about who you be, and you really want to refer back to that and find a way Word or a couple of words, and come back and try it again. Because you are I would hear that and never imagine the gifts you have, but your gifts are like okay. Yeah, I know because I was first playing with the thing that that you wrote in I was like, Oh my god, there's just so much here. I don't even know how to bring it down into a something because I really wasn't sure exactly how much to say. Sure your that the amount you're saying is perfect. So keep it exactly like that.

Okay, if I play with this, can I post it in the Facebook group was the new whatever, and get feedback that Okay, that's perfect. And and if you need down the road, because she's already booked your private with me and folks do be sure to look at those dates and book them so you could get what you want as quickly as possible. So once it gets filled, it gets filled. And so if you want to bring that as one of the many things we talked about, we can or not Maybe to be solved by that and so you won't be left hanging just know. Right? It's always I want something so much more powerful about about really what you are.

And and you might even want to talk to Michael by the way Michael might be able to with his gifts suss you out a little bit and have a word, you know, a true source may give him something very for you So, okay, all right Great. Thank you. Yeah, and why are you here a second time My dear to actually hone in on my what it is I do. And really just get out there and help the world like I've been getting for years the message that you know, go global, and you know, I always said guy envelope, I work with people around the world, but they're like, Go Global big. I kept hearing that in here. Then I was like, okay, so I took the first one.

And I felt like it was so outside of my whatever. I couldn't really grasp everything I was really getting. And then you know, this one young to come Back again. I was okay. Now let me come in with a whole new knowing what I'm supposed to be doing. And get it that way to get out there and help the masses.

Awesome. And you were interviewed. I remember last time, was it? Was it just once? Yes. Just just with Sharon.

Okay, great. So as I realized I had after our last conversation I realized I had, which was a huge stumbling block. And of course, like this, I realized I had a belief that came in from childhood that it wasn't okay to be seen. And that was playing in the background. So when our last the very last one more you and Keith and I were there, and you were interviewing me, and to see how I'm coming up. I couldn't even say giving your life a voice for my course.

And you said you got to tap into your people and find out what's going on. When I did it was the realization that came from childhood than anything that I did was never going to be good enough for people. So once I got all that information Okay, let's heal this. And then it was so obvious. That's why I've done when I text you and said, Okay, listen, I gotta take this course again. Wonderful.

Well, I'm glad you're here. That's great. And, and I just want to say it's so powerful for me because some of you know that. That's one of the biggest things I stand for, is I can teach you technology and strategy, and you'll all get that. But I'm a firm believer and also that for each of us, right, we have a capacity right now based on beliefs and limitations and experiences and that go here. It's like a jar.

And for some of you it's here for some of you depends, but we keep creating to the edges of our jar. And there are for some wounds around visibility for some is just unknowingness ignorance. And once that's over, it's like, oh, now I totally get this easy. I can fly. For many of us. There's sometimes we come back up against something This, and I'm a firm believer in doing the healing also for the inside.

So I'm grateful you brought that up. And thank you for being so transparent. And by the way, a lot of very gifted healers feel that way, for many reasons past life reasons, you know, where we were taught, do not show this or you'll die not so nicely, or, you know, be persecuted somehow. And also because most of us have not lived where we had to shut those things down and didn't understand them for a long time. And then when they resurface to became safe to explore and understand, the world wasn't fully ready for it, but now it is now we're ready in the world is ready. So it's really time to heal all of that.

The knowing the strategy, the technique, and also the inner work as well. So welcome, perfect place perfect time. Thank you. Okay, Michael, you read my mind. Thank you. What's your name?

I'm Dr. Michael Gross, also known as 12. Dozens. One gross, all right. And so my motto in life is you don't know where you're going, you can't get lost. And I wanted to share it with everybody. And you know, many years ago, my wife is deceased.

But she said to me, Michael, you do so many things. You don't even know what you do. And I went, yeah, you're right. So I found this very, very hard to come up with one or two sentences. But I'd like your opinion, I'd like to share it with you. And what I believe that will help I bring the most important elements into someone's life, to assist them in modern day living.

It's all about spirituality, not religion, but the aspects that make your heart sing well, Challenge Oh, here's what I think. That was beautiful. And it's clear you're a writer. It really was beautiful. It's sort of like a Hallmark card for what you do. Thank you.

I so you have a gift. That's awesome. And you probably can tinker very nicely with words. I'm going to ask you to go way deeper because again I don't have a sense from what you just said really of what you deliver. So here's the deal Michael, come up with the 123 things so with your the people you attract, there's going to be one prevalent thing over much like Karen said she keeps finding people come to her about money, issues and struggles. What is the one thing is it about love?

Is it about body is it about I I'm really hesitating to go to the word unhappiness because it's just so pedestrian. We need something very specific. Is it about sex is it about it could be anything. But very specifically people come to you for something. So write that down. Because you know, you see it over and over, even though you and I both know, there's probably 20 things that really come to you, but one thing stands out.

And maybe there's two things you can come up with. I would incorporate those, these are the pain points, I would have a better word. And maybe you and Renee might help each other but a better word that describes what you do because you're so much bigger than that. Your ability and what you can see and what you can perceive because for you, it's it's like beyond this planet. And so yeah, find ways to describe it. Here's what's interesting.

I can work with people and some people here have worked with me before will testify and they'll call me a genius. And I'm like, really, I'm not for Thank you. The truth is I just listened to you and you're actually telling me what you do is just when you don't have the pressure of trying to come up with something right in a template and you're just speaking to me off the cuff, you actually tell me everything that is your message. So if I were to meet you, Michael and and just you and me, let's put the whole thing aside for a minute, but tell me like really? Like, what's your gift? Because I don't understand it.

What do you do? Or who do you connect with? Or how do you connect? Well, Hmm, I connect with people who have emotional blocks and who are seeking their missions in life or their purpose in life. Hmm Okay. Awesome.

Emotional blocks seeking their mission. You don't need anything else that's so clear, beautiful, powerful, interested Okay, what do you do for them? That's the most confusing part. All right, if they're what I call third dimensional or not really used to what I do. So, you know, I'm a certified hypnotherapist I do timeline therapy. I don't use Reiki anymore.

But basically what I do is go into your body and see what the emotional blocks are, and then you feel a shift going on, I release them with you. And I do soul retrieval at the same time, or whatever else is necessary. So I'm very intuitively guided. Well, okay, I know it's kind of heavy. No, it's amazing. I'm just feeling into it for a second.

I mean, so for whatever reason, and I hear the words deep healer. Okay. And I wouldn't use the word see into your body because for some people that may be like, I would love it. I would feel actually relaxed because I know you got this I don't have to do much, but some people may have a reaction to that. So God I don't know, okay, I'm just going with what what I'm hearing. I have the ability to X ray, your life and your being to access what's really going on and help you release emotional blocks and be on track for your soul's mission.

You know, it's funny, you guys are so powerful. I am feeling you and getting puddled right now. It's really intense to be me. So play with that. And I'm using the word deep healer, and there'll be something else that will describe and somehow embody all of what you do. And maybe even ask James or Yeah, as James and his wife and just see if they have word, let them throw out some words, you know, because you don't need the litany.

Right? I like I actually love those words because I understand them. So you'll have people like meal go, oh, soul retrieval, oh, timeline therapy. Oh, that's awesome. But you really don't need that because what the truth is, you have enormous tools that you're an expert at, at your disposal. There's going to be something that encapsulates the potency of your gifts.

So deep healer is a great place to start and just see you know, when you work with people and and your clients and stuff, ask them Can you just give before we start a session, just give me a couple more Words that you would use to describe what I do and just start calling stuff. You all can use this, you know, as your own market research, get information from people, honestly, it'll cut your work way down because people will tell you exactly what you're doing out in the world. And why are you here, Michael? Well, first of all, I want to thank you for this wonderful forum. And I appreciate it. And I'm really honored to be with all of you just to make a desync this possible.

I have a very dear friend that's very famous medium. And she convinced me to do my akashic records with another woman. And everything she said, you write a book and so on and so forth came to fruition, unintentionally, it just, it's an amazing story. I won't bother everybody with it. Basically, my mission and goals are to teach people that we are the solution. We have to make a difference.

We have to change the mass consciousness. reconnect with what I call the true source. And basically, that's what's beginning to unfold. And I've been a spiritual teacher and doing this work for over 30 years. I started when I was one so you know, I'm still young. But anyway, I've been doing for many, many, many years.

So what I'm here for is to accomplish my mission and goal and to learn from your knowledge and everything you have to share and anybody else so I thank you. Perfect, wonderful. So glad you're here. Thank you. Hey pleasure. And I'm gonna I'm gonna get this a little bit short circuited because we still need to learn about messaging.

I want to get a little more clear on what your homework is before we finish. So Laurie, I know we have you Tracy. I know we have you. I'm trying to go through here. And Lisa, perfect. So let's do you three and if you don't mind to go quickly, and we'll we'll do do a power lightning round.

Laurie, you want to go? Sure. I'm Laurie cowling. I am the catalyst for inclusion consciousness. I use my expertise in intuition and my years working in inclusion conversations, to support people who have felt the pain of experience wrongness in difference. And we build connection with my organization called si uniqueness to help people to celebrate their individuality and their uniqueness in order to build relationships in their, their core spaces in their life.

Girl, you rock that? I have no changes. I don't and I know we worked on it before together. It's so right. And I and here's something that's interesting, and I you know, just everybody noticed in your own space. I felt deeply moved when she started.

Speaking part of it is that Laurie has a heart like this right? You could feel her heart when she said like she's so aligned with her message. And the other part is the message like I could have wheat, hearing the words uniqueness, and difference and wrongness. Any of us probably knows what that feels like to feel different. And so the fact that you stand for that is so beautiful. So the message, executive, I wouldn't change a word.

It's beautiful. And thank you for also including your business. It just makes it abundantly clear and already My mind goes, Oh, she could be on a panel. I could ask her to speak here. Oh, I could I could fit her into that interview. She'd be right for that show.

So it's that's what clarity creates, what's the next step how to put her out there how to use her phone. And why have you come back my dear? Well, I feel like the first time around. I was building have that confidence and belief in myself. And even just being able to say that message like that. I try to do that just based in my, my heart in the practice that I've been doing instead of reading what I wrote.

And my daughter and I just launched our children's book. And it's in the conversation of the uniqueness and the power of curiosity of yourself. So I feel like it's just such a great time to be out there speaking about this message. And I created a goal for myself to be involved in 100 interviews. So I want to just bring that power into it right. Wow.

That is very exciting to hear. I fully support you if you want to use this for accountability or anything that will support you to create that. And I cannot wait to see on the other side of 100 interviews how your life changes. Yeah, me too. For real Awesome, beautiful. I love people play big.

Whoo. Okay. Lisa, Lisa Lou. Hi. Hello. How are you?

Great, amazing as always. You You're ready? I'm ready. Tell us your name. First name is Lisa latia. I'm super happy to meet everybody and see everybody.

And you want me to tell you about who what I do and who I am. But of course, are we. So I'm the owner of an empowerment company called tapping into it and it's to help people thrive in spiritual ways. And I work as a business advisor to using my gifts to help people accelerate their process and making sure they don't suck things up really badly in their business. Because that's not my that's not my thing, though. Is this is just me just talking straight.

Okay. All right, so I'll read my notes I have spiritual seekers or I didn't know if I should say spiritual seekers or people so I'll say I help I help people who are in emotional pain and struggle struggle to monetize their sole purpose break the chains that bind them to failure to quickly become free to live the ultimate life they were born to experience and create great only thing i changes vines or whatever take that out it just it lessons everything that comes after but instead just call it what it is. Stop their pattern of failure. Nice okay. Yeah. Proud of you.

Oh, thanks. How does that feel? Feels okay. Feels good but you know like I'm I'm a clairvoyant I could do the hundred of these. Yeah, so mask you why you don't say that in the beginning. What that I'm clairvoyant.

Mm hmm. Oh, well, let me just give them their sort of pertinent information. All right. You know, I don't know that you need your company, although you can say it just because for those of us who are really familiar with EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique and tapping in again, you're somebody who's way out here with your gifts and abilities and makes you like small. Right? And you're way beyond that.

I personally if I would love to know In fact, when I first met you years ago, that's what you said. And I'm like, woo. For us. That was part of my end of our connection. I'm like, Yes, she is like I could feel your that and say yeah, I'm a clairvoyant who both a bit of a bit of a, you know. You're a medium to though, right?

That's always right. The struggle is there's too many words that could categorize me. Right? Absolutely. And you may have to come up with that specialty but I do think it's fine to sit because they are so distinctively different I find to say, I am a clairvoyant and a medium We help business people to stop the struggle the pattern of struggle and failure and how to create and then you're welcome to end it with my company is tap into it. You know, if you'd like to learn more, go to tap into a making up your website at something like that tap into a calm and you know, you can get my free report, how to how to start, right or, you know, and that this is good for everybody.

You can always have an opt in at the end of your message if you have the time. Oh, cool. Okay, Why is you here? Cuz you told me to be here. good dancer. struggle, like yeah, in Okay.

Thank you love. Okay and Tracy, welcome. Are you there? I'm here. You want to put on your camera? It's not on?

No Sweetie, you have to click something at the bottom of your screen there'll be a camera Do you see me now? Like Okay, cool. I have to first say I'm intimidated by the talent in this group. I'm like, Oh my goodness. So I'm really that makes me super excited to get to know everyone and play together so my pitch is full name if you don't mind Oh, I'm sorry Tracy glue hi h I'm a health coach and personal trainer in California NorCal my pitches that I help professional women over 52 age stronger and become high energy fat burning genomes without going hungry or living in the gym. Yeah that you know the only thing P and forgive me because it may have been in there but if it wasn't it got lost.

Because I it's funny how I picked up on the stronger and I love the ending because you're saying I'm going to help you do it simply you're not going to have to be a slave. I'm getting out of the gym and getting out of this and that it's going to be simple. But did you say weight loss or lose fat somewhere in there? Your mouth stalling. It's like, here's the thing. Let me just say this Because that's what they want.

This is the moneymakers. Right? Money. Anytime you talk about money, everybody wants what you have. Anytime you talk about a body, someone's body. Sex, love and weight loss.

Y'all want to make money. I'm serious, like, go to one of those if that's in your wheelhouse. So if you can create that, living in a nation, one of the most overweight, grossly overweight nations in the world, where people keep getting, don't eat this, eat that don't eat that do this, you know, we are so massively confused and Gosh, my boyfriend, I was just talking about this. I forgot where we were. But we were talking about food and he was sharing about how people eat where he works in Los Angeles, one of the most quote unquote, physical conscious places and he was in shock and I've had that Same thing where I've gone places and I'm like, I missing something. And I know my upbringing caused me because of my parents who were so health conscious and vitamin conscious, like I started researching as a young kid.

So maybe I'm the anomaly, but there's a lot of confusion. I'm not gonna even call it ignorance, massive confusion out there about how to eat the proper way to eat an easy way to eat, and so much overweight and body shame. If you can address those things. You must have it because this is why people are going to be like, Who? Who is she who does? Well, like my thing is, is that too many people break their metabolisms by trying to not eat enough and so that's why I focus on the high energy fat burning phenol so that they can actually burn body fat for fuel, get stronger and your body will naturally it will achieve a homeostasis That is good because you have to rebuild that broken metabolism.

Yeah. And you're a goddess, like, this is your jam, right? And you're the gal for this hundred percent. But this is the stuff that comes in when you get on a free console call, or you do a webinar, and you have the grace and the time to go into all that. But when you any of us euphemistically are saying one to two sentences, and that's all we have to captivate. None of that belongs there because it's too much.

The truth is, there are two things. One thing is the airplane, it's the flight how to get there, right? We're all in this plane. And that's what you just described. Like, girl, man, I'm going to tell you how to use all that hunk of chocolate you got going on, and actually use it for fuel to like, that's the trip. What people want is the landing.

They want to know once I get to Italy, what is it look like? And then you could say, oh, you're going to be lean. You're going to be eating more than you thought possible. You're going to lose the weight and fat, you're going to be so healthy like that's what we want. That's what belongs in your message. So do you like the word drop a dress size or like because like I know that when you're doing stuff on Facebook, you can't say they're really sticky about making claims right?

So I don't like drop a dress size I because you may have a man come to you and I would say you know and you'll have to play with this on your own but you know, use things like melting inches or something that seems easy. Or you'll get to the size you've always dreamed of. Okay, I think I my latest ad, I put something here I just posted it. It says attention high performing ladies. I'm looking for 50 busy women over 50 are looking to skyrocket their confidence and break free of emotional change. That dieting has bound them with in the next five days for free.

Perfect. What but but the one thing that's missing is for the next five days for free for the next five days What? Oh, there's more I just didn't bother reading it all too perfect. No, that's great hundred percent i love that pain point is universal diets are broken us. I wouldn't change a word. Yes.

And I'm sure you're going to get people of course who are interested. So no, that's that's perfect. It's just as far as your message like what you deliver is so much more than that. We don't need to know how we're going to get there that you'll tell us once you're where your client right? Or if you're going to give like an educational webinar, but what we really want from you is what if I work with you? What am I getting?

Like, what's going to change about me? If I'm if I've struggled with my weight, you have the answer. If I am exhausted all the time you have the answer if I'm like freakin hate the gym and I'd rather do anything else you're telling me you can get me strong, like these are things that people will pay attention to. So, and you can even address somehow in there how busy people are. Like, it doesn't matter if you have a crazy busy lifestyle, I can show you the way to utilize exactly who you are and what you have right now. And within three months, melt off inches have the body you really have desired for that I'm making stuff up right now.

But you get the energy of what I'm talking about. That's what's most important. So my banner on my Facebook says I help women over 50 burn fat, boost energy and be strong in 90 days without going hungry or living in the gym. Yeah, post that in the Facebook group. If you would, I'm going to need to move on because Okay, yeah, sorry. Yeah, it's fine.

It's absolutely fine. We're just keep tinkering with this. I encourage you to do it. I grateful you're reading this because there's Something else. That's very interesting, Tracy for you to do that. And that is at some point, hopefully, this will get congealed, that you and you have great information.

And what's great about it is you get to see where it works. Oh, this thing works. Well, this is not getting attention. Okay, the verbiage doesn't work here. And hopefully you'll have one branding. You know, one sentence that is like your Kapow to people, like how could I not ask this woman more or get on our website.

So you have lots of great stuff, just make it like really your gift. And by the way, same to you, you know what it was, like 18 pounds ago. And you know, what it felt like to be you and the frustration and all of that. And then you know what it was like to harness the brilliance and the wisdom to change everything. And now you know what it's like to be you as a badass. Oh, yeah.

So use that because you're your own client. Okay, thank you. Yeah. Thank you. And just tell us quickly why you're here. Because I have a full time job that I want out of like yesterday, it's just suffocating me and it's not bringing me You know, I'm 53 like I want to do my passion and my passion is teaching women literally how to heal their bodies.

So that you know, it's like if you I read a book, it said, if you're not growing, you're rotting. And I know that there's so much people can do to change that they just don't realize they often feel stuck and you know, I just want to be a healer and help people. Cool. And so you are so like everybody else in this group, right? Nothing to be intimidated, intimidated about you're, we're all one of us. So welcome.

It's so great to have you. I am going to share with you guys right now. A quick PDF and She said looking for I don't know why I'm not seeing my app, my Acrobat for some reason. All right. So y'all received the template. And I think, look, I don't think we need to go back over much at all the idea of your pitch letter because you receive that in the mail.

So here's what I'm going to ask you to do. And I'm very curious why. Why this is not showing a PDF. Let's see if this works. instead. I'm going to try this and they go in the back end.

Okay, great. We got it. Yay for us. Alright, so I'm going to quickly show you this because you got this ready. I laughed earlier. And I said it's really not a pitch letter, it's an email, and it is an email.

And you receive this and I'm going to ask you for your homework to fill this in. And of course, greetings first name. You don't need a first name because you don't know the first name yet. You'll get that later on. But you just did it right now. You literally what you read is what's going to go here in this first line, my name is x and I am now this example says the author of x.

But what I would recommend you do is actually cut paste what you just said, that is so compelling. Anybody who heard any of you will read on. next paragraph, I've reviewed your show or show archives, I believe I would be a great guest for your audience. Proposed topic. This is an example. Give us a topic.

I'll tell you how to know a topic is like a headline. If you think about newspapers or People Magazine, there's a reason why people pick them up. Because these brilliant people are writing these compelling headlines and make you feel like oh my god, I got to open the mag and see what's going on. Same thing. You want them to keep reading the email, but you're also saying this is the value I'll give to your audience. So come up with a topic or headline for what it is you would offer what your expertise is, and you would talk about on the show.

Now, this is a very long email, I would urge you to keep them short. So pitch emails should typically be short and right to the point because we don't have time to go through the hundreds we get. This one has a question that leads to a statement. It's good statistics are great. Did you know that this is the example a recent survey showed that more than 80% of Americans would like to write a book. At the same time businesses are looking for new marketing strategies and ways to stay competitive in a challenging economy promoting so it goes on and on.

But it's basically saying, here's the statistics. question Did you know and then it's giving a reason, something I teach somebody teaches and what I would deliver to the audience, this is what I can speak to. And as a guest on your show, I propose discussing the following key points. You can have three, it's fine if you want to go as big as five, but make it so specific. You will never say the words, how to be happy. Again, what in the world does that mean?

But if I were to say, I'm going to teach you I'm going to teach your listeners how they turn their book into bestseller. I'm going to teach your listeners how to write a page turner book. I say things like that people are going to bring me on their show if it's the right fit for the show. It's very specific, right? So have very specific bullet points that you can address during the show. Then so important.

You want to make sure that the host or the station are produced producer. Rest easy. I got this you They want to say hi mom podcast. I've been doing it for X number of years. I also have a social media following of making up stuff here, folks, I have a social media following of 50,000. And I have been interviewed on several podcasts with great results.

Sometimes my students have names and you know who you are, have shows who you shows that you've been on television or radio or podcasts. If you have a name, include that. Or the station. It immediately immediately lets us know oh boy, not only will you bring it based on your key points, but you got this like you're going to be a great guest. Now, if you can offer something, let them know. I would be happy to provide you with a complimentary copy of my book.

I would be happy to do some individual brief readings for your listeners, if whatever it is that you might give Let them know warm regards your name and always, always have your contact information, your name, your email, your phone, your website, and then Tada. Okay, your pitch letter or email will always include a couple of pieces. It's the email which you basically will copy and paste over and over. It is good if you are familiar with the show because you do want to make sure you're a good fit your media one sheet, we will create that next week. A good headshot not something pixelated taken with an iPhone, a professional headshot. I don't care if you have to go to Groupon and hire somebody, but get a real good headshot of you.

And a bio. Your bio always includes your name, your title, what you do anything noteworthy about you and your company, including awards, your website and contact information. So this is what you're going to be working on. You have receive this. And again, this is a long version of a pitch email, you are welcome to make that shorter. Some things to be aware of is if you really have like a mega social media following.

And you know that by virtue of them having you on the show that you're going to attract people to their show, so you're cross promoting basically and gifting them. Great. have me on the show, all my followers are going to want to listen and then they'll learn about your show. Let them know absolutely include that. If you have something that is time sensitive, I'm launching this workshop, I'm launching this book, I'm watching this event or product, let them know doesn't mean that they'll have time or capacity to fit you in. But it's I always say ask for everything you want because nine times out of 10 sometimes 10 times out of 10 you'll get it.

Always include your information how they get ahold of you. So you want to let them know you're the right person to be on their show. You've got all of this right already in your information. So that is your next step. Please go ahead and read through this on your own. And during the week, I would ask you to access that and write it up for yourself.

And you can post it in our Facebook group, if you'd like to get some support and bring it with, we won't have time to go through all of them. Although if you have questions, absolutely, you can bring questions about that. But we're going to take that and move forward. So have that prepared. And I'm going to end our class today with and I apologize, I'll go just a tiny bit over but not much. So if you can stay I would ask you to stay.

And I would like to play this for you. And this is a song that basically says how I feel about you and what it is that I want for you. is a song called Read all about it. Her name is Emily Sunday. And there are very various versions on YouTube if you ever want to look it up highly recommended. So I will end class with that I will see you next week you'll have the replay.

And I'm super excited to work with every single one of you and for all you're bringing to the world and to this class. You got to spend some time stuff inside. That you say something wrong. So, yes, I'll stop it. And I will go ahead and post it in our group. Oh, you can hear it.

Okay, well, that was you all could hear it. Oh, well, I apologize. Then that's on my end. I'm sorry to have stopped that then and I'll go ahead and complete it. This is secret clinical. Okay, everybody.

That's it for this week. Thank you for staying extra. And I adore you all. Go do your homework, use the Facebook group, and I will see you next week. You are magnificent. And I know great things are going to happen for you in these six weeks, and I can't wait to be the witness of all of that.

Thank you, Debbie. Thank you, Debbie, everybody. Bye, everyone.

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