We have art, lest we perish of the truth. Philosophy. You cannot say there's no such thing as truth. Because what you're saying is that there's one proposition. There's no such thing as truth that's accurate and true that all others are false. So if you contradict yourself if you say there's no such thing as truth out there, Nisha brilliantly gets around this by saying, we have art lest we perish of the truth.
And then to me in parentheses, that there is no truth. So if you think about art, and one thing about Rothko Oh, we were trying to I went to indicate right trying to indicate the divine through hundred hundreds of monolithic paintings that use sit in front of. And, again he's pointing, he's indicating towards something. And hopefully when you sit there, you can feel something regarding what he's indicating. So we have art less three pairs of the truth meaning that there's no such thing as truth out there, and all artists are working to some way capture. I think that's too strong of a word, because it's everyone with the capture of subjective but they're pointing they're indicating towards something that is greater than consciousness.
But hopefully, you can look at that painting or experience that artwork and taste a bit of the nectar.