You're perfect. And there's room for improvement. Roshi when he said you're perfect, and there's room for improvement, for me, I espouse Advaita Vedanta, which means that if you read the Upanishads, you'll find that at mon your personal soul equals or is really at one with Brahman, the universal everything is and then everything that we perceive through our five senses is Maya or illusory or ephemeral. And what we want to do if we're spiritual beings is try to taste the nectar of, of divinity of everything else. So, I love this quote, because you're perfect. And the paradox and there's room for improvement means that whatever part of you can step back and and apply Observe your thoughts you know you are not your thoughts, your thoughts are just you know that they fool you into thinking.
They're everything. So when you can step back, the part of you that kind of watch your thoughts is your higher self, your soul whatever you think mystery whatever is good for you. And then what it's gonna watch is your ego. And trust me, I have met very few people whose ego did not need tweaking. So I'm, you're perfect and there's room for improvement means that there's no there there as Gertrude Stein said, you're never going to be enlightenment and enlightened in a permanent state. So watch your ego afflictions and how your mind operates, and understand that you're doing it from your higher self.