I will tell you why. So shall my anticipation perfect no discovery and your secrecy to the king and queen mult no feather. I have a blade but wherefore I No no. lost all my math. I forgotten all customer exercises and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame Yeah, seemed to me a sterile commentary. This most excellent canopy the air look you this brave of a hanging, foment this majestical roof threaded with golden fire why it appears no other thing to me in a foul and passion and commendation of vapors?
What a piece of work as a man how noble and reason how infinite faculty in form and moving how express an admirable in action how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals and yet To me What is this contestant the man delights not me. No, no a woman neither. But while you're smiling you seem to say so. My law there were no such stuff in my thoughts. Why'd you back then when I said man but that's not me to thank my Lord. If you do like not in man, what Lenten entertainment the players shall receive from you.
We coded them on the way I can speak hyperbolic play, but I think that this is the greatest poem or paragraph ever written in the English language. And I equate it even though it's written 400 years ago with jet because there's so many different intonations and ways to emphasize the alliterations. And also, you know if you can look at that on so many levels, just like john Coltrane sax console, so I you know, it's this is great. The thing for me to say, but the origins of jazz are this a little played by by talents because he really is going in and out of testing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern who had been sent by the king and queen to see if he was mad or not. So, Hamlin knows this and he's fucking with them. That's the best way to put this.
But the way he's doing it is is like, I may be crazy. I've lost all my merde. So I'm depressed essentially. And, but let's look at it another way and you know, and it's so fascinating because it's just, it's the language is so delicious. You can just taste it. Anybody who recites this, this speech can just feel like you have the outline of the solo or the melody and then you're just surfing and I again, I know I speak hyperbolically but This is the most beautiful thing ever written in the English language.