Welcome back. So finally, we are at the process, how to do a FTA. Before we get to that, at the end of this course, there will be so many issues dealing with addiction, death, fees, phobias, limiting beliefs, decisions, anything and everything. From that, that will be the first step. So you'll learn how to do it before you learn how useful it can be. Because we need to compile a list, at least of all issues, present past perceived future issues, issues with people, anything and everything goes on a little list.
From there, once we have a list, we write those issues from a scale of zero being nothing They have no impact on you at all, to 10 meaning they are extreme everything you feel, you see, when you wake up in the morning, the first things on your mind. From the after we go through every single one, we start stage one. So the setup from here, about halfway between your call though. There's a little limp gland. This is what they call the sore spot. So we're just going to be rubbing that sore spot.
Then we're going to be saying, as we go through our list again. Let's say for example, we've got three issues here, even though I have a fear of not being good enough. Now you might say a few more issues, followed by I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I feel running out of money, I deeply and completely accept myself. So we're just rubbing this point while we're saying these things. Even though I feel as though no one likes me, I deeply and completely accept myself fully by, I love myself.
I love myself, I love myself. And so that's the setup these issues and now running through our mind. So, beginning part one of the process. So when you're tapping, you want to be tapping firmly enough that you can hear, but not any harder than that just firmly enough that it's going to shock your body. Obviously, if you do it too light, you're not going to have that same effect. There was a picture provided with these guys with all the pressure points like had it on them.
So if you're getting lost, don't worry is a pitcher provided with all the points. So begin on top of the head, that's seven to 10 times the start of the eyebrow here, my bladder point seven to 10 times and out on the edge of the eye he gallbladder seven to 10 times under the law, seven to 10 times template. So right in the middle of that lip in between the nose and the lip seven to 10 times now in the crease of the chin here. So some people have a line here, some people don't. So roughly about halfway between where your chin starts to come in halfway between that lip once again seven to 10 times. From there, we're going to be hitting the K 27 can you 27 which is more or less directly Under the most bony part of the collarbone, towards the medial side of the middle of the body, it's not just happening under there, seven to 10 times once again, from there, lifting our arm up, we want to go more or less the hand space from Iran pit, so where my little finger is here, gonna come down to that point.
So here we're hitting the spline point once again, seven to 10 times from here on guys, directly where the nipple is underneath where the breast would be. We have the liver point. So he were tapping once again, seven to 10 times. Now, females it's a little bit harder to find, but it is a seven to 10 times. Now we come to the head. So with the thumb pointing up, we're tapping on the top side of the thumb there, seven to 10 times on the top of the finger here, seven to 10 times the top of the middle finger, seven to 10 times, we miss the ring finger and come straight to the little finger seven to 10 times.
Now on the little finger sign, or in this point he what they call the karate chop point, we tap seven to 10 times there as well. That's the sequence. What we're going with next is called the Gannett point. So in between the carpals of the hand here between the middle finger and the ring finger, we have what's called the gamma point. So we tap on the gamma point. We close our eyes, and then we open them again.
We closed them and we open them Then we look down hard to the left, first and back to the center, while keeping our head stationary. We look down hard to the right and back to the center, while keeping our head stationary. Also, while keeping your head stationary, we look up there, we make a big circle with our eyes. I normally say to my clients seeing the ceiling and the floor as I go through. So we go one way, then we go the opposite way while still tapping that point. Next, we get ourselves to count one to five so 12345 to have a song, a song that makes you happy.
I've chosen if you're happy, and you know it, because it's a simple song everybody knows. Mm hmm. for two seconds, Count 125 again 12345. And then we begin the tapping sequence again Now while this is going on, you can be saying reminder phrases. So, that fear of being poor that feeling that no one likes me. That fear of not being good enough, letting it all guy.
And tapping on that hand again, the fear of not being good enough fear of being poor, the feeling that no one likes me at all guy and that's where I'm one within several 50 different automation from here. I say back on the source spot. Even though I still have a little of these issues. I deeply and completely accept myself Even though I still have a little of these issues, I choose to let them go. All of these issues are all associated negative emotions. I release them completely.
I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. And from there we start the tapping. So right through the sequence this done, you don't need to be saying the reminder phrases is this time we want to make sure we completely forget about all those problems and issues. straight onto that cannot point opening and closing.
Looking down to the left, looking down to the right back to the center, making that big circle with our eyes one way and back to the other. 1234512345 and back to tapping. And that's it. So after that initial sequence goes, we write our issues once again, to see if they've loaded. Now if they haven't loaded, we need to explore that issue a little bit more. So, we delve into what's really behind that issue.
Think about it, think about it, talk about it, whatever it needs to be. You need to find the root cause of that. issue to get those numbers moving down towards zero. And that really is all there is to the process of EFT. Normally you do the two rounds normally that's enough to get stuff to move down. But if you want to keep going to everything's a big fat zero, be my guest more parity.
That means you'll be able to clear a lot more those issues will no longer exist to you once they're at that zero. But anyway, guys, that's enough on the process of HFT. Stay tuned, we'll learn how to do FFT on someone else.