So let's do it together right now I'm going to do it one minute. So if you're sitting in a nice position, hard lifted, chin slightly down, whole body, relax elbow away. Inhale. Start. Continue. While you are continuing, just pay attention to my voice that the stroke is happening on the navel or below the navel Your chest is not moving, keep continuing.
Your brain is relax your tongue, your teeth, they are relax. There is an ease within the body. Continue and keep paying attention to your why's is it on the throat or is on the nose on the forehead. Continue at the same time see that your chest has very limited movement. You are not moving your chest much. Good continue and your exhalation is active.
Inhalation is passive without any noise is just soft in by itself. exhalation has the effort. Keep going. Now on the next isolation stop and look with him if your breath is stopped for a while Let it be there stop outside like the whole birds the touch of the wind my own presence is so clear normally normal breathing slowly you can open your eyes if you're closing and you're already open then look at me. So this is Capella hottie if you're taking care of these things, my dear Kabbalah mean had an poppy mean shine. Your body will shine and your soul will shine in the silence of your inner the fruit of joy and celebration will grow beautiful.
And this is what this technique for tomorrow, my dear friends thank you. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for joining me. keep laughing keep dancing. Keep celebrating your life. Never say no