What if you don't have writer's block though? What if your What if your struggle is more fundamental than that? Because with writer's block, at least you make it to a keyboard. What if you're a procrastinator though, what if you have a history of procrastinating? What do you do then? Because it can be hard to even bring yourself to the act of writing.
I have identified eight different causes of procrastination. This is not something that I've come up with by myself. I've borrowed a lot of different ideas for this. But I find it's very useful. Because in my experience, your cause of your procrastination is going to be one of these eight different things. And this is really good, because maybe you already have a procrastination busting strategy.
And maybe it works for you 80% of the time. If so congratulations. That is awesome. You think Though if you have a different form of procrastination for whatever reason on this one day, then that strategy might not work for you. So here are eight causes of procrastination and some of the strategies I have used to overcome each of them.