Your New Writer's Life

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Hello, my name is William batten, and welcome to my productive writing course. This course has lots of really cool tips and tricks on how to write more like Stephen King, and less like George RR Martin. There's a lot of really simple things that you can do to really make the most of your writing time. Because for most of us, time is precious. And for most of us, we wanted to be writing more, we have a lot to say, more than we could say, in a lifetime. So it's important that we use our time wisely.

So a little bit about me, I write 14 articles a week these days. Just because I have two blogs, and each blog I upload an article every single day. So that's 14 a week. There was a there's the occasional week where I might double what one of those blokes does just because I'm promoting something cool. To really get the message out there. So I've written yet 25 articles in a week.

No big deal there. also write other books, articles. other really cool projects that require me to do a lot of writing, I have to script out things like this course, for example. And the key thing is that I do all of this in my spare time, I have a full time job that also involves writing, but it's not not writing this. So all of this that I write and record and everything else is done in those moments before work or after work or on the weekends. I wasn't always like this, I used to struggle to write an article used to take me days to put together 500 words, whereas now I can get that done in Cole at half an hour.

I just sit down, focus and get to writing. And by the end of this course, you will be able to do that too.

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