And similar to that last cause of writer's block is making your strategies too complex. The idea with a strategy is supposed to be a high level guideline, the plan is supposed to point you in the right direction, not necessarily tell you every single step along the way. I've already mentioned that I write my articles based off often a few key words like one simple idea. While I'm planning, I don't actually know what I'm going to write. I know that it'll include certain things. I know that I'll use this argument or this metaphor or this, this structure to it.
But what I'll actually write will end up surprising me. If your strategy is too precise, if it's too complicated, if it's too locked down, that doesn't give you the freedom to move and breathe and just kind of get into the flow of writing. Now for some people they need plan this, this this structure this this complicated. And if that is your writing style as you're thinking style, then go for it. I find more often, people make plans that are too complex rather than too vague