The final cause of writer's block is when you ignore feedback and information. So for example, when I first started writing about writer's block, I had a vague idea of what I was going to talk about, I wrote out a plan, it was going to be quite good. Then when I started looking into the scientific research, I started looking at what other people have written in scientific circles about writer's block, I ended up completely changing my plan. I think maybe 50% of the original plan survived to the end, maybe probably less. And that's okay, because I brought in new information and the plan was free to evolve. This is true Also, if you show your draft to someone, after you've gone through the free the three phases, you show your draft to someone and they have different ideas.
They have suggestions. Now, you don't have To take on board, every suggestion that other people give you, we do have to do though, is at least consider it. If you're rejecting a piece of feedback, know why he's rejecting it, have a very good reason for rejecting it, then you're free to do whatever you want. Use the feedback not. But you know, you're not just throwing it away because someone else said it or it's an attack on your ego or something. More information and more feedback overall will make your writing better.
So make sure you focus and pay attention to it.