The first bad habit that causes writer's block is following rigid rules instead of guidelines. Now there are a lot of rules out there about writing, and some of them are really good. The problem is that if you follow them too strictly, you can get in trouble. Now, I know a lot of people, when they think Can you have like an essay or short story or an article that think a lot about the first paragraph, the opening thing, because there are rules that tell you it has to be punchy, attention grabbing, exciting, has to be unique, it has to hook the audience in. Now, all of these are good things to keep in the back of your mind. But remember, it's just a guideline.
If you follow it like a strict rule, then no wonder you can't get started with your writing. You're going to write something and it's not happy with it because it doesn't meet these lofty, almost implied double standards. On the other hand, if you just start writing, and then worry about that later in the editing phase, you'll find that you get your writing done. And your opening paragraph will be a lot better than if you spent an hour just torturing it into into perfection.