Now no course on productive writing would be complete without a little bit about scheduling. I don't want to talk too much about scheduling because there's a ton of material out there, you've probably heard a lot of it already. And frankly, there are other people who are better at scheduling things than me. I will just cover these, just so that they're in the back of your mind, the next time you think about planning your writing. Having a routine is very helpful for most of us. Some people are really chaotic, and they just thrive on just being able to sit down and, and write whenever the inspiration takes them.
The problem is, is you rely on inspiration to rise you're not going to write as much as if you have a proper routine. So if you can figure out a chunk of time, maybe it's always in the morning, maybe it's always just before going to bed, whatever it is, if you can think of some time, where you know, you can set it aside and you really use That as you're writing, you'll really come out ahead. Other people, they need deadlines in order to keep them motivated. Because without deadlines, they find that their their time just expands and expands. And they work slower and slower, until eventually they're not really doing anything. If you're one of these people who needs deadlines than figuring out some way of setting deadlines, maybe you can be accountable to yourself, you just make a note in your diary or your your calendar, whatever it is saying I will complete this amount by the end of this week.
Maybe you need to bribe yourself. If you meet the deadlines, then you'll treat yourself to going to see a movie or something. Maybe you need an accountability partner, someone who will To put it bluntly will shame you if you don't meet your deadlines. Some people they thrive under that sort of pressure. Other people it makes them buckle Other people's still would wonder why anyone would ever need that. important thing is to think about you and what would really motivate you to really get these things done.
And finally, with these blocks of time that you set aside, it's important to have no distractions, as best you can understand if you have small children, you can't exactly defer all distractions, but you can at least turn off your phone, close off your internet browser, and just really focus on the writing experience during the time you've set aside for it.