A similar cause of procrastination is not being clear on what you should be doing. It's kind of like if you're trying to build a business, there's so many things that are involved in that. And if you're new to entrepreneurship, most of those you don't even know that you don't know about. So it's really, it can be really confusing and vague, which leads you to just not taking any action at all. The remedy for this is similar to the remedy for the last last video. Have a plan.
Refer to that plan. If the plan doesn't feel right, like it's missing something, then do your research. And I hope that you do your research before you come up with a plan. And while you're following the plan to once you know enough about what you should be doing what you could be doing. It should be a lot clearer about what you could be doing right now in this moment. So like everything else, once you have a plan, everything becomes a lot clearer and a lot easier, more valuable.