The final phase of the three phase system is of course, the editing phase. This is where you go through your work and you scrutinize things, you delete sentences, rewrite sentences, rearrange paragraphs, tweak with the structure, all sorts of different things. And it's important to do this as its own separate phase. Because each phase requires a different mindset. With the planning phase, you're just sort of dreaming up ideas with the writing phase, you're getting down to work, no distractions is getting it done. The editing phase is where you start to criticize, analyze, critique, really intellectualize the writing process.
If you try to do that, while you're writing, most of us just trip out of our own feet and we don't get anything done. If you do this, after, you can learn to get into the right mindset for editing. So doing this as a own separate phase with each of the other things as they are in separate phases to really helps sort of clean up your own mindset with things. You're bringing your most critical self to the editing phase, and you're not judging what you're writing as you're writing it. Only when he has something ready to be edited, do you then start to edit what you've written