Hello, in this video, I am going to show you how to get the data in the back end file for our Ajax request. So as you can see, we did the front end implementation in the last video, if you don't understand everything that that's in here, or you haven't actually watched the video yet, highly recommend that you go and do that. Once you've done that, you'll have this which basically sends data to this back end file. Okay, the name right here. So it's a simple number. And what we wanted to do is when we are typing in to square it, again, I know you can do that in JavaScript and do it in front end off, I want to show you a simple implementation.
And the next video I want to go a bit more in depth and actually do a database implementation and then you'll see where it really comes in handy and where you really need. And plus there's other things as well as sort of database that you could do, maybe you are a PHP library. Also, it's more secure in the back end as well. Curl is harder to hack back end compared to the front end. For the various reasons why you would want to use back end for data processing. Okay, and the other thing is, if let's say, you want it to be as fast as possible, and you have like superduper epic servers, then the data processing could you know occur on your computer.
Okay, so in here, just a simple php file. And we sent this a get variable sent to the post, we would do dollar underscore post book, get is dollar on get to get the value, you put the name of it, which is num, I'm going to copy that paste down here. And we're going to assign this into a number variable. And then we'll say dollar result equals dollar number time. So as of now if you reload in, talk something in it that this is code has been triggered. But to actually return data, you don't do anything like return like a function because it isn't a function.
What you do is echo sorry, got a bit of a cough echo in the AJAX context doesn't print it to the screen. We've coded it. So we will print to the screen, but let me prove that it doesn't. So if I was to comment this out, and do Echo, and say if I was to say echo, we want to do dollar result. That will literally return the result. But because we're not doing anything with it, I can just do a simple alert to show you that we can do anything you want the dot response text.
There we go. We get four. If I put you know 20 we should get 400. There we go. So I want to chain this up. or change it back to how it was that we just puts it into, you know, here, a fight per, you know, 247 mafia problem, when you do something like delete all of your personal finance essay, like a letter, basically something that's not a number, you will get a warning and he will just, you know, basically echo zero because that's the result that gets assigned in this calculation, I want you as an extra task to handle that.
So you just need to do a simple if statement and checking if it's a number. If not, you just echo something else out. But as you can see, 11 will be 121 football 13, Michigan 169. And, you know, we can play any number one, and he will square it dynamically. So that is pretty cool. Yeah, that's literally all you need to know regarding the back end code, the back end code will you know, you won't put any HTML in there for you.
Do you will only be to return some HTML, which could be, you know, injected somewhere in your front 10 code. But this isn't to display stuff. This is to process data returning then in the JavaScript, or you know, in jQuery, which is a JavaScript library, you would actually, you know, manipulate it or display it in some form. So that's a really simple example. So one way to do it, the next task is the what was the what was the What was it? One, I want you to make it so this accepts more than one number, and do some sort of times in by each other, too.
I want you to experiment and figure out how to do post send in and not just get to send it. It's pretty simple. And I think there's one other thing I wanted you to do. Well, Carmen Well, I think I mentioned the early in the video, but yeah, just experiment. upgrade it. And that's, that's the best way to learn.
So that's it any video on that any video on credit videos, any questions, feel free to pop me a message and as usual, I look forward to seeing you In the next video