Hello, in this video I'm going to be showing you the if else if else statement. So this is an extension of the if else statement, which was an extension of the if statement. So if you haven't checked that those videos, feel free to check them out. So we have a if statement, and you're basically like hello guests and my favorite color like red. So if the guess was red, then he would say Well done, you're so smart. Otherwise, we'll say you are incorrect.
But maybe we want to have different sort of branches. So if it's red, we say well done. You're so smart. And I'm gonna say that is my favorite. Color. But what if I wanted to say that if the color is green, for example, I also love that color.
It is my second favorite for example, then what you can do is say else, if instead of creating multiple, just Normally, if statements and I'll explain the benefits of this, then do whatever the condition is, it doesn't have to be a condition that's similar to this, it could be a condition that use any of these comparison operators. So like the equal to the sort of the greater than less than the bushing, more based around mathematics, and then you know, not equal to as well. So if the guess is equal to green, for example, we can say again, still similar format with the curly braces, and we're just gonna say this is my second favorite color. And if I save that reload, obviously that changed because I modified this, but this hasn't appeared because what happens is it goes through the system and it says, if this condition is true, then execute this code and then if it is true Then every other else branch where with an outfit, or announced branch does not get checked.
So that's a great way of reducing the amount of processing because the reality is, if the guess in this case is red, then doing a check if is green does not matter unless the guest has been changed. So we say this is my second favorite color. And to prove that he works, if I change it to green, this will not get printed out this one, I'll reference that it will be that one. And if I modify to anything other than those two options, it says incorrect. And you might be thinking something. Okay, so we got this if we got elsif we got else could we have multiple elsif?
And yes, you can, you can have as many as you want. You can only have one, actually technically you can have many ifs things that you want, but they're not connected this separate, you know, branches, separate statements, but within one particular if elsif else branch, you can have only one of these, which is the first chair You can only have one of these, which is basically the default fallback option, but you can have multiple outfits, and the process is the same elsif. And let me just demonstrate that it does not have to be a similar style of check. So I'm going to say dollar number equals 10. And for some reason we're checking number instead here. So if the number is greater than five, we will say greater than five.
So if I run that, what do you think we'll get? It says, This is my second favorite color. So what has happened? It's gone to this. If the guess is red, No, it isn't. It's green.
It says elsif to get guess green, which it is execute all the code within the curly braces. Remember, you can have as much code as you want within the curly braces, and anything else that's out there. gets ignored. Hence why even though this technically is true, because one of the previous one was true, you can think of as like a hierarchy, they are almost like more important, then this isn't checked. And if I change this to other blue, for example, it says greater than five, because guess is not red getting a green. They say, is number greater than five.
Yes, it is. And well done. That's it. So that's the if, else if. Now, if else if else statement, if you have any questions, feel free to pop me a message is great for doing multiple checks. You know, based on user info, maybe you get some data from the database or a bunch of stuff.
And yeah, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.