So now I want to add color to the top of the jalapenos. gonna mix my color first. on my palette, I'm going to put some dark green in a little bit of this car mine red. Then over here going to mix a little snappier I'll switch to my smallest brush, my number one brush. Now start at the top here. Gonna take some of this pigment, this green.
I'm going to create the shape and I'll do another one, leaving a little gap between the top of the jalapeno and the actual plant itself. Got a nice amount of pigment in there. Then I'll go back in. I'll do two at a time, so it doesn't have a chance to really dry. Pick up this brown and I'm just going to dab it in the center. I'll go back with my green.
Do two at a time this one around. Then I'll pick up that brown, dab it in the center. And then we have one more to do right on the label. Pick up my pigment, create that shape with that green. I'm happy with the way that shape looks. Just pick up that brown and drop it in the center.
And we'll let this layer dry.