So I want to talk a second about the pressure that I would put on myself when I make a video. This is this is about making the video and it's also about getting good ideas out of your head. Think of it like those those good ideas that they're buried in your head and we got squeezed them out. Why do you squeeze them out? pressure? pressure squeezes out the juice, right?
So what kind of pressure do I put on myself? What are the two most opposite extremes of reward and punishment that I could use to pressure myself? Well, what I think about is I think on one hand, if I succeed, if I if I come up with a great idea, there is a bag with a million dollars with my name on it there will literally be handed to me if I think of this good idea. And I think that if I fail to think of that great idea, there's a trapdoor underneath me that's going to come out and I'm going to fall into an alligator pit. So there's literally a horrible death which is the worst possible bad outcome that could happen or there's this amazing reward, a bag with million dollars cash with my name on it just waiting for me if I come up with a great idea.