So by this point in the course, you know, we've kind of talked about a bunch of different things. And I'm hoping that you're seeing that anyone can tell you the mechanics of how YouTube works, but no one's going to tell you the type of information that I'm giving you here. And for some of this stuff, I'm itani. You might think, like, you know, how is this relevant? or Why does he teach me this? Or why do I need to hear this, but just trust me this, this information is what makes the difference between 100,000 views and 100 million views.
This is the secret and really marinate on it, Think it over, maybe rewatch these videos again, let it sink in and just trust me on this and do these things that I'm saying? You definitely need to get some sort of volunteers or interns working for your channel, go on barefoot student comm go on Craigslist, calm, go on Mandy calm, make some really compelling creative ads. I usually look up the ads in Los Angeles in New York. That's where all the best companies are that are filming YouTube related. I look at some of their ads that they posted and I copy and paste some of their texts and I changed a little bit and I can pose a really compelling awesome ad that I put out there try to get volunteers and interns into my channel, having people that will come help you. You're going to teach them some stuff.
Maybe The stuff that I've taught you you could pass on to them and some people are just excited to be part of a channel you might ask yourself why would anybody want to come volunteer from my channel? I'm not big yet power of asking is amazing. Trust me, I had so many people come help me with fuzzy puppet before it was anything close to what it is now I had one girl who came out and she worked on her birthday from dawn to dusk spent her birthday helping me film one video people are just really excited to do this. And I think just the power of asking and putting it out there in the universe there are people who are out there you just got to find them If you can dream it up it can happen and I think that I I'm living proof of that I've had so many people come and I'll and the big YouTubers that that I worked with, I was essentially doing that for them.
I was given my time in exchange for the experience and from learning and then I went on to now do my channels and you know the people who will help you will do the same. I don't think you should be a negative person you shouldn't say you know, whenever you find yourself saying why would somebody come help me You should just replace that with Well, you know, there's a whole line of people waiting to help me and I just got to find those people. And the truth is there are there are out there right now just waiting for you to find them. Somebody who just started To help you take your YouTube channel the next level, I know when you're first starting out, you don't have a lot of money to pay people, you know. So you gotta get volunteers. So yeah, get creative guy, dude, you can, and maybe the volunteers come for a day maybe then some come for a week.
Some maybe even come for a month or two. I've had it happen, get as much help as you can from them and then if they leave, then you got to get someone else and just keep going.