What gear Do you buy? I shoot on virtually the best camera possible I shoot 4k 60 frames a second a lot of YouTubers don't shoot 4k, you've made a higher better computer to render it it takes longer and more harddrive space a lot of complications with it. They say most people don't even have 4k devices to view it on why even bother? Here's why. Okay, you want to get every edge you possibly can over your competition, anything you can possibly do to give yourself an edge. And there's so much competition with YouTube these days shooting in 4k that even if it's a 2% over your competition, hey, that's 2% YouTube promotes they want to promote 4k videos more widely than videos that aren't 4k so you're getting more exposure.
So anything you can do to give yourself that edge you do it. The competition for eyeballs on YouTube is greater than ever before. You're not just competing with all the other channels in your category. You're competing with all the other channels on YouTube, you're competing with all the other websites on the internet. You're competing with Netflix crackle Hulu movie theaters, the real world outside To the computer for the people's attention. There's so much stuff, video games, all of that is screaming Hey, look at me, give me your attention.
You have to get their attention on your channel and keep them coming back. The equipment is very important.