Welcome back, everyone. All right time to configure DHCP ipv4. Now, let's take a look at the topology, right. So we have a course, which is ports 22 and 2322. Going down to a layer two switch, and Port 23 going down to a layer two switch as well. And then going down to PCs.
At the bottom you see we have VLAN 100 and VLAN 200. What we're going to do things is we're going to create the VLANs like I normally do when I create the VLANs up here, are not assigned to create the VLANs. Create a VTP domain, we're going to trunk these two ports. All right. And we're going to come down here. Obviously, I'm going to go to hostname and all of this up when I come down here, this is a VTP server.
By default, the VTP servers switch. We're going to make these VTP clients you're hosting. All right work going to assign the proper VLANs or port or range of ports. All right, we're going to give the VLAN and IP address within that particular network. So in this case, it will be within the 200 network. This will be in the 200 network, we'll give it the default gateway, which is who it's this guy.
Okay, he's going to be our default gateway, he's going to be our DHCP provider. And then all the switches will have an IP address within there. Alright, so you go to the VLAN. You bring an IP address to your gateway within that particular network. That's how we're going to do it. But if you're not, I have it right here.
Okay, because you're going to lead through your hostname, crabby, last rabies be domain give the switch an ipv4 address per VLAN. Don't forget to trunk the ports. All right, and then on layer two, so you want to make sure that all switches will for those particular VLANs have has an IP address on there. So that's our default gateway. We're looking at 100 133 that's what I'm gonna use 200 200 that's a 53, and so forth. On layer two, we're gonna do the same thing here, we need to change the mode to clients so they can come down, assign the VLANs to the ports, I just said that give the switch a default gateway and give the switch an IP address within that particular VLANs network.
Once you get that done, you'll get assigned an IP address. Just because you trunk the ports does not mean and everything comes down doesn't mean start getting assigned. You got to do the rest of the stuff to make it work. But you'll see that in the lab. See you next