Welcome back everyone. VTP version configuration again, no biggie here. We already know there's three of them by default one, but we saw that it was two when we looked at it. But here's how you would change the version right here. In global configuration, you would type VTP version one or type version two or version three. What's the difference there?
Version three, remember, is the one that can go from VLAN, one to 4049. And the old one VLANs, one and two, callin do from one to 1005. Okay. That's the only difference. That's the only difference but supposedly they're all backward compatible. All right, and you can have a whole mixture of versions.
I wouldn't do that. But again, you could. Apparently, you should be able to so don't don't do that. Don't do that. Okay, make sure everybody's on the same version. Argos, they will be looking at that it will be doing that.
But that's how you do it, look at that very complicated command VTP version, and then ask for it. But again, the problem is not the syntax. And let's be honest here is depending on the question, again, it's gonna be a straightforward question. There's another tissue. Okay, this is the switch. Why?
Because when you go out there, and you're having mismatches or Ethernet frame errors, or what have you, you're gonna say, Okay, what is the problem? That's gonna be the deal. So your show commands and what you're looking at and what errors are getting. That's going to be the important stuff. That's what you need to understand those concepts. Okay, why am I getting this message?
Why isn't this happening? Well, that's what you need to understand. Okay? So when you're talking about mixing versions, okay, or higher revision numbers, and all these things, or having them in different modes, ones and you put one in transparent or you pulling it off, and then you're not getting any information, or you forgot to trunk, a port or you have a Different encapsulation, these are the things that we need to see. So they're showing trunk show VLAN status show VLAN brief, okay, show interface or show switch interface, whatever and then switch port to take a look at all the things are happening with these ports. That is important.
That is really important. But yeah, just take and change the version on VTP shore VTP version which one you want to okay. That's it. Simple as that. Make sure that everybody's on the same on the same page. everybody's on the same page in the next