What's the normal leptin response? Now during a lean calorie intake time where you're not eating a lot, where fat levels are now being burned as fuel and are therefore dropping, the leptin levels are also going to drop. Now, the load lifting message to the brain triggers a signal from the brain to the thyroid, to slow down your metabolic rate. And this happens over a three to six day period of a low calorie intake. When you eat again, and food is plentiful, the fat levels are going to go up. The leptin levels are going to rise with this.
And now the message to the brain results in an increased metabolic rate because the thyroid is triggered accordingly. That I can hear you say, I have lots of fat. If this is true, then why is my metabolic Great, so sluggish. Why am I tired all the time? And why if I eat even a tiny bit, does my body refuse to burn it? And not only do I lose, not only do I not lose weight, but I may even gain a score more and the answer to this is leptin resistance.