Question three, why do people respond so differently to the same foods? We've all found we might have family members, one very slim family member, another overweight family member, and yet they seem to be eating the same types of foods. And it's difficult to understand why somebody can eat so much and they don't gain weight. And we eat the latest leaf, and we gain weight. So we're going to look at that in question three. What are the influencing factors?
In this particular question? genes play a role. And I'm going to go into that in a little bit more detail, hormones, whether or not your hormones you have flooding more actively, how much exercise we do, but not only how much exercise we do, also, what type of exercise we're doing also plays a role. Our stress levels that's actually quite a big We, we live in a society where we're dealing with a lot of stress. And I think many people don't realize how stress impacts on how we process food. And of course issues like toxins, enzymes and malnutrition.
In other words, poor food choices are going to have a role in how well our body metabolizes the food that actually comes in. There is no one size that fits all in our body, our bodies very dynamic and at any one time, the ratios of the influencing factors may change. So for example, our genetic makeup, there are no gene sequences that say, fat or thin, but our gene sequences may influence whether we are more susceptible to getting fat, or whether we struggle to lose weight. Firstly, genes are made up of tiny blueprint B called nucleotides that the body uses to pattern how to make up our proteins. These nucleotides are laid in sequences, depending on the protein that's being required, or that's being made. So we have many, many, many gene sequences.
And in fact, as humans, we have approximately 25,000 different gene sequences in our DNA. But we also have several million gene snips, and it's the gene snips that make a difference to one person, even within a family having a susceptibility to gain weight, and yet another person, maybe not. So what is the gene snip? a gene snip is when one of the nucleotides in a gene sequence is different now, the word snip actually stands for single nucleotide polymorphism and you latex is a very complicated subject. So I'm not going to go into in great detail, but what I am going to discuss will help you to understand. Each of us as individuals may have thousands of these gene snips.
In other words, these single nucleotide polymorphisms in different combinations. And this is not necessarily a bad thing, not a single nucleotide polymorphism is when one of the nucleotides in a gene sequence is just wrong. And what happens when the gene the snip has an incorrect nucleotide? It means that if say, for example, it's making up an enzyme, that enzyme might be just a little bit inefficient. Alternatively, with a different nucleotide, that enzyme may be super efficient. And that works with our enzymes and with our hormones.
So depending on the gene snips, we have will depend on how efficient our enzymes and our hormones are, how efficient our detoxification processes are. And all of this plays a part in how well we're going to lose weight. So as I said, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It offers variety in our human makeup and variety is always good. However, certain gene snips, and I'm only mentioning a few predisposed towards metabolic variances, that may increase our struggle with weight gain, for example, the FTO gene snip may be expressed in some people, leading to an inability to really feel full properly. So when you don't feel full, of course, you're going to eat more.
And you're going to be eating more than your base requirement and you're going to snack more and you're going to eat more frequently and that That in turn, leads to this constant flooding of insulin which can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. Another is the MC four R, which is also associated with increased hunger and poor satiety. People, for example, who have who have the FA BP two now that the fatty acid binding protein to snip, they may be more susceptible to triglycerides and sensitive to fats. And what this means is that they have more abdominal fat, they have a slower weight loss and they have a slower metabolic rate than somebody who doesn't have that gene snip. This particular genes that also increases the risk of insulin resistance, and I'm not going to go through all of the gene snips but another gene variation that affects cholesterol metabolism is the APS c three snip, and a p E. may make carrier two really sensitive to toxins, such as smoking and alcohol.
And systemic toxicity makes it very difficult to lose weight. You know, your body's very aware that toxins are less threatening. So it tends to shunt toxins into fats. And your body also knows if it allows you to lose weight, those toxins are going to be released into your system. So you're going to hold on your body will make sure that you hold on to the fat because the safest place for the toxins. So people who have detoxification issues are going to struggle to lose weight.
Now, in all of these, I use the word May. Because even though you have the gene snip, it's possible to affect whether or not a gene is expressed. In other words, we can change whether or not a gene sequence is activated, using good diet and certain specific foodstuffs. Broccoli and cruciferous veggies, for example, are particularly good with their positive influence on the expression of genes. And they affect what they do is they prevent the expression of certain genes that are negative or deleterious to your health. So just because you have certain gene snips, doesn't mean that you're doomed to be fat.