Inhale through the lung, exhale up. Inhale. Exhale. Now going to the side when we did before in the previous practice, and slowly roll your hips forward going forward fold, coming the same way the other side is one, circle, two and then you go to the three, you don't complete the three. As you come up from the three, you go up halfway, and then the palms are going to face the horizon. One palm is gonna be right here on the long one Meridian, and then the other one is gonna turn now when you do this, you feel that stretch From the ankles, so make sure that the legs are they're not locked, but you can feel the stretch throughout the body.
And you see how far can you can you reach here, you know, when you come back, this hand will hug the kidney. You move putting the fingers together with a thumb on this one, and you fold over, you look over to the sky. Holding a little ball here and going again. And then you go back you change direction. One to open the side of the spot. You change direction.
When you come up the third round here. You're gonna be on the other side now And you go into the second down again. So when you come up from this, you always go down and then you always go into the other direction.