Inhale, lift the energy up. Breathe dry gradually from the belly to the ribcage into this chest x hell. Turning your wrist, looking up inhale and exhale from the lung level down. Relax the whole body down, feel the weight of the body. As you turn the hands you bring the energy first into the lower back, upper back, in front of the chest. Exhale and sink the whole body down as you go down.
Inhale exhale inhale. Exhale and Ford fold your mind going very deep into the center of the earth, and ah up all the way to the sky above. And there's different energies that you bringing from both from the earth. you line up yourself with the energy of stability, confidence, power and healing. from the heavens, creativity, inspiration, freedom of thought you bring. As you come up the last round, you bring the left foot to the right, and you round down, exhale.