The most important part of learning how to snowboard is how you actually stand on the board. Now this is what sets us up for success and is the foundation of all of our other skills. If we have a good stance in the board, we can feel stable, comfortable and easily balanced Asbury rating. Now what we're looking for with this nice neutral snowboard stance is equal weight on both feet. We want equal band in those key lower snowboarding joints, which our hips, our knees and our ankles. We want to try and have the upper body in lane with the hips and the snowboard so we can maintain this neutral position.
Now when we're standing around with one attach, you can just slide your free foot against that back veining to keep you nice and snug and stable there. Some common crew positions that can happen when you're first learning how to snowboard. They'll really inhibit your ability to improve or being broken at the On the back foot, or counter rotated with a snowboard who your shoulders are out of alignment with your hips on the board.