Welcome to this financial abundance webinar, I'm going to explain to you why you struggle financially. Why you are in the same place you were five years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, even right back to your childhood. I'm going to lay all the cards out and give you some information to show you why you do the same old dance. Why? The universal laws are rewarding you, you might not think they are you might think life's unfair. Well, I'm going to break it down for you.
So stay tuned, and then I'm going to give you some ideas that you can implement to shift this struggle. Now why am I qualified to speak on this? Well, I'm My name is Marisa reso. I'm the founder of forensic healing. I look at energy fields and whatever senior entity replicates, attracts creates. And I have come from a childhood of abuse of low self worth, emotional abuse, physical and sexual.
I'd had to overcome. Dark not so many times my souls been bound up on the matrix. It's been ever I feel like I've gone through everything. And there's nothing I will not try or do that takes my soul off this matrix frees my soul makes me be a creator and an empowered woman who also runs a successful business but my, I feel like if we're to look at society, what I do is undervalued and underrated. So not only am I a woman, I'm also in an industry that generally society doesn't have placed a lot of value on. So there's a lot of things that I've had to overcome.
And now I'm a highly paid therapist. And I have shifted from working from somebody else to now running my own business for the last 10 years. And I've gone through all those struggles, I've seen my own patterns, I've seen other people's patterns. And I'm committed, I'm committed to being free because there's nothing that I want more in this life, then is to have a free stall. There's nothing more important to me. So I worked it, I've challenged it have overcome.
So that's where I'm coming from. So you might want to stay tuned and follow through some of the things I'm going to talk about some of the things you may have heard of, but you haven't really applied them you haven't really looked at it in a way that you need to be conscious. Alright, so you I do you struggle in your finances, and you'll have a patent with them. It'll be like you some people talk about how they make money, and then it just goes right out again. Or they say that they're always in a struggle with money. Or they might say paid, always just make ends meet.
Now, all of this comes from energy belief systems. And yeah, generally how you've been programmed. So this file, I'll go back, let's go back to your childhood. And in that childhood, you'll see everything that program do. You need to look at it this well women need to look at, what did their mothers do? What did they say?
How did they act? How did they value themselves because as a child, you will and you're a girl, you will look at your mom and go, Okay, that's how I need to view myself. That's how I need to place value on myself. And they're your role model. So you look at that. And a lot of women do struggle to make money because they don't see the value in themselves.
They can Be good at making money for somebody else. But if it came to making their own money and placing the value on what they do, they struggle because they undervalue themselves. Recently, I had a girl in one of my classes and it was just perfect. I'll never forget this one as a lot of healing, so to forget, but this one I remember people thought, there it goes, that she said, her father would say, Don't worry, it will work out. I don't worry about money. It will work out when she was a little kid.
So she heard her father not stressed to say, Well, you know, what the universe will supply it will provide. And she, you know, probably I think she's around 40. And she said, Well, no, that's just exactly how it does provide for me and that's what I say I said the universe will provide and it will work out and it always does, she said. So I thought like it the program has replicated in A good way that she's always provided and all the money always turns out. So basically, I just thought it was brilliant because it was merely a belief system that creates exactly what she believes it proves her to be true. So this is why you need to have a look at what you really believe and how you look at money.
And every moment you look, you look at a bill and you go, Oh, God, I don't have the money to pay that or I can't afford that. Well, you were just keeping yourself on that little hamster wheel wheel, you're just rotating and back on it. As soon as you put the same energy that you had about money. Again, you replicate it, you keep rolling over and you stay eternally in the same state of your finances. So that's what I always go back. I always go back to this blueprint.
And then you'll see, well, men in general, find it easier to make more money, they value themselves more and they, they they see their fathers do it, hence why it's replicated. Well, that's what you need to pull apart, you need to pull apart and look at, okay, so where did it stem from? Like, I've got a client and he's wealthy, no issues, but he has other issues. And I go back to his childhood, nary why he had his parents had money. But the child His childhood was horrible. It was terrible.
He was sent away it was he was abused. And then what he did was put his energy into playing sport being a leader. And then I mapped this out for him as a child to go Okay, so here you are. The Why do a cross as I go, black boxes are all the negative things that happen to you and all the hearts are all good. things. And so I map it out and I go, here's you as a kid.
Now, let's take you to where you are today. And then we'll take a look at that. And then we just go, oh, replicated, instead of new now doing sport, you now put all that energy energy into work and do get your success that way. But everything else is totally the same disconnection here. And until you have a look at it until you know yourself, nothing's going to change you're going to be you might be 60. Now, you might go, yeah, I'm the same place that was 10 years ago, 20 years ago.
Well, what it Einstein say you can't solve a problem with the same mindset because your mind put you where you are. Now, look, it's not your fault, because you're brought up like this. You didn't choose to come into this environment or did you Who knows? Well, either way, you now have a choice and this is your opportunity to spiritually grow. If you look at money, this is just energy. It's just an extension.
Of energy so I look at it like I actually looked at the science of money finances who's wealthy who's not and the science is really obvious today and the science works even better than it used to why is it work better? It was better because the energies free to manifest for instance what works better now is good karma. So if you have good karma who then you can you know cash in your good karma go you know what universe on a cash in other a whole bucket load a great and karma sitting in my bank account let me cash that in. You need to cash it in, you need to know because universal law which are becoming more congruent, I used to go there laws were kind of corrupt in a way because they're sort of like on the matrix that's a bit like the banks are corrupt and all this kind of stuff.
So but now, things are coming off the matrix. You know, institutions Just the energy itself in a way that things are becoming. Now it's more fair. So you can say, you know, catch me up. I want my I wanna catch up. And, you know, I want my I want, I want my green stuff, give it to me because you know what, I've been a good person and I've been working and giving.
Now speaking. So I just want you to change your mindset and just go, you know what, I'm good. I'm a good person. The other thing is, if you do give away your time and your effort and who you are freely without asking for anything back when you have when you struggle financially, you saying that I don't value myself in the universe goes, Yeah, no worries, you don't value yourself and so I will give you exactly what you're asking for. You tell me, you know, you'll do things for nothing. You don't expect anything back or you do it and people just taking advantage of you.
That's what you say yes to. So therefore, I will make sure that you don't get caught uncited every choice you make and everything you do about your finances, keeps you in an energy. Now, all right, I'll ask you this question. How many people have you asked, that are successful? Have you said, so tell me then, who are you? How did you get your success?
What What would you say? How does this work? Have you ever asked that? Have you ever said to anyone, someone that you admire that's done well? Well, if you did, you'll find that there's a couple of things that will happen, you'll find that they probably had good role models. It's easier if you had a good role model that made money that's so much easier.
Another thing you'll see is people invested in how to educate themselves how to grow themselves. And I see this and it's the same, like I'm talking about finances. This is the same in relationships the same in your health, this is the same in self worth your career. So everything is, is paralleled the same theories and philosophy can be applied. Because I'll tell you this much. Someone that's either no money or someone who's got terrible health or a low self worth.
They never invest in themselves. They just decide not to, they'll just go, Oh, no, I can't afford it. No, I can't whatever whatever they make an excuse why they don't deserve it. So that I see consistently and in and they don't take a risk and going well, you know what, I've got nothing to lose. And I'll tell you those that do are successful. So we will ask the these people go what I learned, and I watched how other people do it.
I went and did courses or I got mentors or I read books or educated myself, and I invested energy in me. So if I'm investing energy in me Then it's investing in my business or in my life. And it's an investment saying I'm worth it, you say I am worth it. And I learned that from you see, I've been mentored by a guy by men, they've mentored me and I watched the difference in how easily they transition into the business world as and women struggle more and I look at their mindset and I look at how they look at the bottom dollar and they don't get emotionally involved in the the back end. They go nuts a business and because if they do, the business suffers if you start going well, I'm a charity we end up working like a charity which a lot of people like to think that because your your your offer spiritual services or energy services, that's what you should be a charity.
In fact, an outsider, somebody will I really I find that quite offensive that you would think that I should be a charity. Because here I am, you know, and you know, I would struggle more than most people because we're not valued and we're not recognized like other businesses. And I would think that you'd want to support the very fact that I'm trying to overcome break through the glass ceiling and trying to say that we're worth it, but you who are in the industry, even pull me down. And so I won't buy it because if I buy that belief system that here I am. I'll say that is an issue very spiritual, because you're not very fair to me. You want my service Well, you bought Well, I would think that if you go buy something in Myers, you wouldn't wear it, you won't go take it back.
So I have this mindset that I need to value myself and I'll value my services and I believe in myself. And I've I've struggled to do that. Yes. And it's this journey, you just don't wake up and go. Today, I believe in myself, although you could say that which is great. And go, I am full of self love.
I'm loving myself. I can't get enough of myself. Well, sometimes I'll say that I'm just going yeah, I'm like a May, I will like talk myself up, and I believe it. I totally believe in myself. But yeah, so you could do that. And then you get to the point where you do believe it.
So I'm at the point where I do believe that because I've looked at all the things that I've moved from getting up getting out of my comfort zone, which is staying comfortable, which means, you know, you just don't change and you go, Oh, I don't want conflict. Oh, I would need to like take care of them first. No, let them have it. No, I don't want to, you know, value myself. All of those things. Well, I've moved through it because I've realized if I allow people or allow people to do that to my energy That will filter back to my business back to me back to my life.
And I said the universe, you know what I'm not evaluating. Although it's uncomfortable, just just surrender to getting uncomfortable. Just go, I am willing to be uncomfortable. Because that means you're changing. Please, if you want more, you have to be more. So it's, this is the science and if you looked at smart people or people that actually you know, succeed, they go, you know what, you've got it, you've got to follow the formula.
And the behind the formula is all these things, value yourself, do not compromise in the way of thinking someone else is running your business, you are running your business and you take pride in it and value it and don't compromise in the way that and you know, come in and randomize in a way that a lot of people do. I find that they don't succeed in a business they fail. So I'm kind of kind of talking about okay business, but even if You're working for somebody, when you value yourself and go like I'm amazing. And you you shift all your this mindset, you're the one that gets the promotion. You're the one that gets offered the job. Someone headhunted you, because often headhunt people, I'll go, you know, you're interested in working for me, when I see them when I just see them.
When I've dealt with them. I thought, boy, that'd be an asset to my company. I'd like them working for me. So I often you know, that's what the energy is people feel and I see it and surprises happen. And that's how these things when you stop, like going give me the money, I need the money. It's when you just go I'm going to shift.
So you really have to know yourself though, because it's, it's pulling yourself apart. It's like, Oh, this is what I'm like this. I think this this is what I'm saying. in the morning. This is what I say at lunchtime. This is what I say when this happens.
This is how I feel. You have to know yourself. So you go you know what, because when I do Then you need to see what is not showing that you are grateful for abundance or you want abundance or you are abundant. Because if you're not feeling it, you are investing energy in tomorrow if you don't feel it, which you don't if you're not, if you don't have abundance right now, you're not feeling abundant. Because that's how it matches. And you can't say, I'll feel abundant.
When I win test lotto. You have to it's universal laws, right? And to do it, to change, change, who you are to change the whole feeling and to be conscious is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do. And I've, I've taught I feel like I've torn my heart out I there's nothing I haven't done though, to go to the depths of hell really. That's what I feel like I've done especially that recent eyewash good to remove suffering from my body to do it and ah, I now Like it's just shifted me completely to a new level of freedom. And it's just so amazing because I've had I've had suffering in my body my whole life, my past lives are all of suffering.
And it's like my soul Finally, and it's woken up with real I'm sure there's more there's going to be more levels totally more levels, but I've gone to another level of zero suffering. And I've been working on practicing releasing the fees from all my body because the world if you look at it seems faithful and everything makes you just insecure about life, right? So that's why you have to force yourself to find security and to find safety within and therefore a producer's without, and the world is a little like this, your life will be like this. The world is chaotic. But in the world you look at new godis paradise, just people like on an island somewhere you know somewhere in town. Haiti drinking pina coladas just like blissed out, just not a care in the world.
But they're in Paradise and yet the rest of the world can be in tomorrow. Well, you see, you can be that person, you can be that person in the island of bliss. And the more of us go and create that and you said, you know, create that energetically create that vision, create, attract all of that, the bigger the paradise we create. That's really how that works. Because that's, well, that's how black magic is done. If you want to hurt someone, you just go do all the creations on the negative, but we were doing the opposite.
And then there are black was talking about black magic. Well, things like being baptized is black magic on you to be very, to struggle and to sacrifice yourself because you are coded to follow Jesus, and he lived a life of poverty. So there's all these, you know, underlying belief systems and code codes that you have in you to make sure that you're disempowered and you struggle. And if you lack self worth, you'll say, Well, when I give or when I struggle, then I'm proving myself to be worthy, because I'm sort of like Christ. And even if you're not religious, it doesn't matter. There's still this as underlying, you can't see it, but it's there.
It's almost like it's invisible. You're saying, I can't see this, but it's there, no matter what you do. So there's a lot of rituals, you need to take off yourself. You can have implants. I mean, the whole money system and the whole way it's set up is God is full of black magic and encoding to, like, keep you programmed and part of this slave system that you feel that you're in, you know, you get up you go to work is drudgery. You pay the bills, you feel stress, you got the mortgage or whatever it is.
It's designed so that you lose your power. And then you do anything for money. And a lot of people are so desperate for money, they will do anything because they need to pay the kids or feed themselves or they need to help themselves. And so that's where, if you if you knew how it was done, and if you saw how it's kind of a game, and if you can get yourself off the game and looking down and go, Oh, now I see the game. Now I see all the pieces now I understand all the moves and how it's all done and how we're all manipulated. And once I understand the game, and I understand the rules, I can get off it.
I understand how so so I understand how they put how I put myself there or they put me there we actually put each other there. We teach each other code each other conditioning each other program hurt all of that we do it to each other. Because no one could control the planet could they? So so we're trying to be so coded and it's very complex so that it's not easily not many people exit the matrix that easily. But a lot of people are getting are attempting they're doing it. They're freeing the overcome.
Well, getting off the matrix is when you just go, I have no fear. I'm a creator, I am attract an attractor of my life. And the universe supports me. It shows me that day after day, I love myself with all that emotion with all that energy. That's just how your life goes. And I realized this in my own life.
When I saw amazing things happen to me and I wasn't even conscious that I was created creating like amazing opportunities. And they just turned up out of nowhere, and I have the I've had many of them and just meeting people and or even meeting, you know, my soulmate wants back when I was, I mean, none of them really lasted because I saw myself pull myself back on the matrix or I had to overcome. I had to overcome my abuse. And I had to, I realized that I really had to overcome what most people go through. So then I will create something to undo it. So I thought all of this just happened to me, unconsciously.
What if I was conscious, but I pulled apart all these incredible opportunities and experiences that came up in my life. And I thought what precipitated at what was the state I was in what were all the things that led to that. And it all really it came down to really energy and cleansing my energy and shifting my energy there was all of that even meaning Oprah there was all and everything was energetic before you know, something amazing happened. And I thought that it's all in the energy and I took risk. I took a risk and all these all my opportunities, I think I pretty much yeah. And even there were times when I was also desperate like in the middle of Greece.
And also I had no money and all these, you know, bumping just I was going to sleep on the beach by myself, which was going to be the worst thing, worst night of my life. And I bumped into some Australians that I met on the bus, so I slept with them that was you know that it's like, out of the blue of all I'm in this island on Crete. I know nobody and then happen to admit to girls on the bus. I don't know days before, who knows. And they're they I bumped into them on the beach now. I have had plenty of times like that my butt's been saved and plenty of amazing times.
So what I looked at the science and I realized it is all about energy. Once you if you get that if you get that your lie is run on energy and the energy that's in you is what you now have. And you know if you've actually started to change stuff you've invested in yourself itself and you've been conscious and focused, you've noticed a change and it gets better and better. We have plenty of pages that because we frenzy killings based on let's look in your energy field, let's see what you've done. Let's see how you're programmed in childhood. And let's shift it let's get it out energetically puzzle so you do your work and you get really big transformations.
So most people agree with that. And if you can, if you can get that a, you know, being more financially abundant is shifting energy and looking at yourself, then you will understand, you know, the processes that we do. Okay, so I'll just wrap it up now. So so to move on, I have given you a lot of clues it's if you can be conscious of every thought. If you Part your life if you like, take a look at yourself every second and decide to think differently, behave differently. Overcome.
Also if you've got pain and suffering in your body that needs to be overcome because that supersedes everything if you're suffering from childhood of abuse that overshadows and ability to really catapult you past into focusing your thoughts or Yeah, so that's a big one heal yourself. You definitely need to heal the past, get the pain out. You've got to get stuff out. And that's why I wrote you know, the book freemium. Love guilt was a process for people to progress because childhood trauma conditioning, that is what you're overcoming, by the way, because listen to this. What if you get up every morning and your mom and dad said to your mind the most precious Precious soul on the planet you can be doing have whatever you wish you can create yours You can be abundant as the sky You deserve everything you are so amazing.
I mean it's so amazing The world needs to see you shine bright. You my love of my life you are a beautiful, I cannot express the amount of joy you bring to everybody and you need to make sure that you know how amazing you are. Imagine if you were told that every single day you'd grow up gum. Amazing now I've met people like that. And they universe that they have no question the universe supply small supply them. They've no question of their self worth, because they're programmed.
So that's the key reprogram everything that was negative. So CEOs pay attention to to you Your childhood and then you'll see your adulthood. So this is why I'm giving you this little presentation to also let you know, if you feel inclined, I have a 30 day abundant Facebook workshop for women. So that for 30 days, we're going to reprogram reboot, reset, and shift the energy release go through, you'll get a personal heal a personal reading for me to tell you exactly where your blocks occurred in childhood and what pattern that was. Although each person and as a group, when you have an energy of a group that all wants the same thing, it pushes you forward. And we all have the same guidelines.
We're all like, I'll teach you all the rules and apply the rules and the energies amplified to help you and if you do it for 30 days, it's transformed. It will transform you because it's not one day it's not two it's it's 30 days, plus on To keep it in a course. So you can do that course again, have it for free and do it the next month or the next month, and you are investing in your energy field and you are reminding yourself, so I don't know if you're anything like me and and feel like you want to change your life. Well, that's the kind of thing that I do I go, I'm going to invest in my life and my energy. So that's my office, so there'll be a link to and there's a special it's on for another week. $67 instead of 97 Australian, so that's really cool for anybody from us.
So it's a global thing. So for women, you can join me and we are going to shift getting the cells get like down and get down and dirty and remove this lack scarcity, unworthiness and not value it sitting in our energy field, which reflects your financial state, and to get the universe working for you. Like it's ready to where it's working for you right now. It's just not working. You're not working properly yourself. So thank you for listening.
And we've already got the word or the group going at the moment isn't there already sitting in the group waiting to take off on first of January. I welcome you and I'll look forward to starting on first of January to shift and to transform and to free ourselves. Take care.