Welcome to day 20. We're now moving on to connection and tuning yourself and being able to feel messages and getting and feeling guidance. This plays a big part on abundance plays a big part on being in the right place at the right time. Because any entrepreneur, any wealthy person will always say, they make gut instinct decisions, they follow their feelings, they do it in spite of what may be the norms doing or what maybe someone might say, and have a little story in there about Henry Ford, you know, the manufacturer of ford motor cars, he was losing production. They were Yeah, the turnover was down. So he did something crazy, although he was like going out of business in 1914 what He did.
He doubled all of his employees wages. And guess what? Less turnover Plus, they all bought the cars. So, because he paid them all they went off and could buy one of his cars. And then so he became successful and it continued. But how interesting is that where most people would say You're crazy.
You're your intuition. Your guidance is like another sense and we underutilized it because we've been taught not to follow it, not to acknowledge it. And how often do we ask ourselves, how are we feeling? And I've done plenty of workshops where I've asked women I'd say, How many times do you ask yourself, How are you feeling? Or what are you feeling? And they'll say, I've never asked myself, I've never said to myself, how am I feeling?
Well, you need to practice saying how you feeling because your energy is telling you something, your feelings are telling you something. So if you are feeling something and you're feeling sad, go this direction, talk to that person, go do this course go read that book, go, whatever or just don't do anything sit and meditate. It'll always guide you or eat those foods or don't eat those foods or keep away from that person. Because you know that you can also be easily betrayed. With your money people can take your money, and there's some clues on victims of what they do. They buy the there's plenty of things that victims so they never see it coming.
Crime Victims never see it coming. I have yet to interview a crime victim who tells me I saw saw it coming ahead of time. They may have had a bad feeling but they chose to ignore it. So they had a bad feeling but they've chosen to ignore it but they didn't. They didn't see it coming, but they had a bad feeling. That's normally what what The survivors say our gut causes us to let down our guard for the wrong reasons.
Our guts for instance, often caused us to trust people based on superficial details. details that are generally have little to do with true normality. We trust people who look and dress like us who share our opinions and fit in. So your gut instincts need to be like revved up because you can trust around people who do just like you who are just like you, and those that are very skilled of betraying people know how to do this. And when you create or you practice or you develop, doing this skill of saying, I'm going to follow my feelings, I'm going to feel my feelings I'm going to tune in. It becomes a way of life and I will say my, my body is actually not my body is like this reflector.
What's going inside someone else, it just feels everything. If I'm getting antsy or angry, and I'm around someone, it'll be I've never realized, let's say a more normal and everything's good. And then I meet someone and I'm getting, like, aggro. I realized now that it's actually I'm picking up on their energy, and my body will automatically it'll go into this strange feeling. And then there's times where I just automatically start questioning people like asking them questions about stuff. And because they're a betrayer they're not telling the truth, but I just normally go into all I asked questions.
I've done that plenty of times. In fact, one time I had this guy, he was going around and finding kinesiologist source methods people and he was this is years ago, and he will he's going to kinesiologist and massage people and he made a booking with me and he was really slimy and sleazy. And he started off the conversation by going Oh, yes, well my can is your just went overseas or, and, and I and she possibly built a new extension because I went there so often he's giving me all this kind of stuff. And then he would call and say, oh, when I come to the front door, is there going to be someone there? Like he kind of knew you wanted to check out if I was going to be alone. So we started asking these questions, but I didn't quite pick up.
And when he arrived, I started asking him this question. So what do you want? He goes, I've got this pain in my grind. And then I start going all he goes from basketball, then I start saying, so Oh, basketball so well, you must be right into basketball if you want to, like get yourself well for basketball, and I'm questioning him. And he just said, I'll just let me go for a walk for five minutes. I just need to go for a walk and he never came back.
And then I found out from these other people that have been doing the rounds, but he never went anywhere with me because I was just, I don't know was asking him questions, but i do that i and it puts people after the lying and so he nicked off pretty quickly. So you will see you make it a natural way. pain of being connected follow your inner guidance is leading to you to greatness is leading you to your abundance is leading you to good things oh and is protecting you from the bad things that don't you know that will stop you and from getting to where you need to be. So there's there's an exercise in there that you need to do and it says from the moment you wake up set your alarm le on the hour write down your feelings this can be very revealing as most people spend their day unaware of their feelings.
So you just Okay, so you wake up to how am I feeling at 6am? How am I feeling at 7am? So every on the hour, you're just going to jot down and just tune in and go well how am I feeling? Let me feel let me feel and practice feeling and acknowledging that you're feeling and stop being disconnected and robotic as some people are. But this will take you to the next level. I mean, we're we have so many levels of consciousness and so many ways we can connect to others.
You know, realities are the dimensions. other beings we can connect more when we're feeling more and going inside and becoming all one when our mind, body and soul it's all one we're all unified what we think what we feel what we say everything like this is all all our senses are all unified into, you know, a congruently. So we can go I feel this I see this I write, you know, it's all so together, there's no conflict, then you becoming really super connected. Alright, great exercise, take care and I insert let's see, here's an action for you. What insights did you gain from this exercise? Feel free to share them in the group so I look forward to reading them.
Okay. See you later.