Welcome to day 26. How was yesterday? How did you get through the day without any negativity? Did you do okay? Well, if you can continue doing that, for the rest of your life after a while, it becomes just a habit not to engage in it it becomes easier. So it may be challenging at first but the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the better your life becomes because you are not pulling in the negativity you are finding solutions.
Well, today's a day 26 creation day increase your income. So this will be where you tap into the universe. You tap into the universal matrix because all the informations already out there, and you're going to decide and create and plan things for yourself on what would you do if you had what would you do if you if money was no other So how would you spend your time what would you create? So there's a table there where that you need to fill these things out so that you are getting an idea of yourself you're getting some putting some plans into place and pulling in opportunities and you need to become the person that's ready for opportunities. This is preparing you for going forward and preparing you to be chosen preparing you to create preparing you to draw in abundance. What is your five to 10 year plan now did you have you ever had a five to 10 year plan Have you sat down and said okay, this is my five to 10 year plan and do you know put out some ideas and some things that you would love to do.
And of course your plans can change because they do and you just need to be adaptable, but if you Have a plan, then you've just gone and put it out into the universe saying, hey, I want this bring this to me. So what skills do you need to advance your life? So what would you need? You need to look at you and look at it the past, you know, past 30 days and say, Well, I'm fall short in this certain area. So I really need to work on myself. So skill set, you know, are you good at the computer?
Are you good at speaking up? Are you good at you know, describing what you do? You've got to look at the things that you need to improve. Are you still carrying the baggage from your past? Are you you know, you've got a look and say, find out what you need to do for yourself to be able to be more successful? Because it's a changing world and you need to change with it.
What creative ideas come to mind that would generate income so think about it, you go, what can I do so whatever your profession is, some of you are healers. You will So, basically, you'd be looking for clients, what could I do? Well, there's plenty of ways to go and you go to communities where you already find people that are interested in these things. You asked to do demonstrations, you start a YouTube channel, there's so many things that you can do that that's a whole other course really that I actually am creating. So that's a whole other thing. But you need to go How do I do this?
What are the people what are other people's What are other successful people do how do they do that? And you start generating some ideas on what you know how to create income, or maybe it's a course you would create or whatever, or a product that looking at thinking outside the box. energies everything. What are your plans to keep your energy elevated? Yes. So your plans, your morning ritual to make sure you You know, looking at your energy first just get your energy right all the time.
And if there's an issue, you know, get a healing, do a healing. You know, keep yourself invested in your energy, keep shifting your energy because that is the thing. That's Paramount because your energy, especially today in today's world, because it's very light energy and it's very transparent. So manifestations are very quick. So that therefore it's more in its integrity. So therefore if you work on yourself, you'll see the results.
What what are the three things to remember to keep you on track and consistent so you could write down three things that you will need to be consistent with. So let's say you don't, you know, you fail to work on yourself. You could write that one down, you write down all the points that are important to you, but you fail to do that are Your weak areas to make sure that you stay on track. Are you the type that once you fall off, you don't get back on the horse You know as to write those three things there and fill out your table. Okay, so that is to get you creating, thinking, planning and looking ahead at an amazing, abundant future. This, the process of not being abundant, actually stretches your soul and makes you evolve that makes you look at your fears and all of this.
There's always a purpose to whatever block that you have. Okay? So Take care and I'll see you soon