Hello, lovely ladies, I've decided to drop in late at night in the group, because there's a lot of questions that haven't been answered yet. And I just had some time right now and I thought I'd drop in. And to tell you you are doing so well, you're getting uncomfortable. You are feeling all sorts of emotions. We had a Skype session today, which is great. The Skype session was a small group.
But I now know that I can just give you a link and post it and you can just imagine we're making a bit of progress on how to get more flow. So definitely I'll do the Skype sessions and they can be recorded and I'm looking at improving my internet so I don't have the issues. So I thought I'd drop in and answer a lot of your questions and we had some amazing and Hello lovely peoples I can see you watching and you must see my beautiful mother's boy is a lot mom. A install eautiful I started classes, and he's always smiling and giggling and is always smiling. He just got a third person. However, he is quite a sensitive cat so you can't make loud noises like me.
But I love him so much. So yeah. So Hello, everybody. Yeah, I gotta get him off. Now. All right, so there we go.
I know he's so cute enough. That's like, you know, kid. Now let's go over and get some questions answered. We've got Louise saying her mother lives with her and is very in a very negative person. She's also very narcissistic, trying to address and deal with issues is exhausting and never gets me anywhere as she is always the victim. Plenty of them out there would roleplay work in this kind of scenario as well.
Where I have the conversation with myself so that for me the issue, whatever it may be, is resolved. Okay, so there could be a few answers to that Louise and it there's a message in it for you. How come you have attracted this What is the message for you to overcome? Now one of them? Well, it might be to be in your power or To be have better boundaries, and to be a better negotiator, a better interrupter. So someone that's like that.
And if you live with them well, and you could say this, you could do this. So there's many things it just depends on what the message is for you. And I would say this is how to create boundaries. So she's negative. So you come up with a when she says are winching about things. And you can say, either, I'm sorry to hear that.
So what would you like to do about it? What's the solution? So every time they want to dump on you, because they do, it feels bad. It's very bad for your energy and it sits in your energy field doesn't help your energy. So you need to throw it back by saying I'm sorry to hear that. So what are you going to do about it?
Like give it back? You know, and handle it back. And you all use you need to like it's very when someone's lying. This you have to be really tight with your boundaries. You say to them, okay, well looks like you're not you don't not want to hear what I'm saying. You don't want a solution.
So you get back to me when we're ready to resolve because I'm the solution. I want to get a solution. I don't talk about the problem. Things like that, Louise. So yeah, there's a message in it, why she's showing up in your life. What do you have to learn to grow and expand?
So that would be my answer there. And you'll you'll probably reveal it. It'll probably be revealed more as you go along. And I think you're a forensic healer. I'm not sure remember. Oh, you look like you are but but forensic healers get to learn that there's all these patterns that we can overcome.
And yeah, but it's very much about boundaries with narcissistic people. And don't you can't sit in it. You need to like, move more away and have tighter boundaries because That energy sits inside you. All right. So all right, so let's now move down to another question. I've got somebody that was someone got the flu hit them.
Okay, so that was Trish, when you get the flu and you become ill and I think someone else mentioned that means your immune system is run down when your immune system is run down. Usually you have stresses behind all of that. And you're susceptible you become vulnerable. And so when you start having to address more things, and you've already got a lot of stress in your energy field, then it can just get run down. And so it's about you know, taking off everything that's weighed you down Trish of the past and be in building a really good immune system. I actually don't get the flu or anything like that anymore.
It's like amazing, but I do not I did use When I would get the flu, I noticed I would have someone texting me with some energy. And it would knock me down their energy would, you know, I always noticed it was always a negative energy around. Okay, so we're gonna win Powerball. Awesome. That looks good there. Now keep going down and see what other questions I have.
This is Ellie, one of my money blocks beliefs I have, as a money worshipper is the more money I have, the happier I'll be. Yeah. And so therefore Ellie, you are placing your happiness in money. So therefore, it's an outside power instead of placing the happiness and finding within. And you'll never be happy because happiness isn't actually in the money. The money won't come if you're saying I'm not.
If you say I'll be happy when I get the money, it means that you don't have it so therefore you won't get it universe responds to You're not having it because you're saying I don't have it. So when I get it, I'll be happy so you'll never get it. The clue Ellie is actually feeling abundant already having that happiness. I know my mood organization at home, I say, Oh, we have, I'll be happy I'll be I know my mood or my mood organization at home. And by the way, is a direct reflection of my financial situation. Just wondering if we'll be doing more work discussions on this?
Well, the, again, you're placing your le o be looking back in your childhood and looking at Did somebody put a value on the money Did someone say, Oh, we can't have this until Oh, I won't be thin until Was there some sort of programming in you to say that money is going to add to all of your problems because it doesn't you get the money. If you don't get the money, you just keep having trouble. Because you've not resolved it internally, the more research I've done on doing the abundance challenge, the more it's all the mindset seriously is the mindset first. So that would be my answer to that. Now let's have a look. And I'll go back over.
Here we go at some any I can, I can now see your questions, I think, if you have any three comments, a heart, okay, so no, no direct questions there. Okay, so just go back over on to what else we got beautiful stories. I hear you're having some great shifts with doing the stories. When you had that when you took the time to write that new blueprint of that childhood that has recessed rewire you and some people have had a hard time doing it, understandably. And that's okay. The more familiar the more comfortable you get with them.
This new childhood, the more it's an energy in you and you become a rich kid and be okay with being a rich kid with a rich blueprint and to have a it's a little bit foreign for some to be rich as in childhood. Okay, so this is Rita she's done feel better after day two been going through so much was irritated, confused and tired. sabotage my exercise and healthy eating clean a lot of programs around struggling not deserving your body's getting uncomfortable because we're we're going against what the norm what your energy field is contained. It contains a certain wave a certain vibration, a certain energy and we're saying no, that energy is going to shift you're going to be more and it fights it. Okay, so let's go down now and see if I can go to more questions. And more abundant childhoods and even when you when someone posts something like that, and you hear it, it goes in your energy field and you create it not only for yourself, but for others or yes to go back to I notice a couple of people had crises happen.
And I think one of them might be one of them said, I think everything went wrong but look like they weren't going to get insurance or the health insurance bill, but it turned around that they the insurance family did pay for it. I think that was Sharma and Charmaine, but I think it wasn't in the videos. When I read that in my mind, I thought, No, no, that's gonna turn around. Because when you described a scenario and you said that was a scenario in my childhood, it was like the Epiphany was already there. So when you get an epiphany of why your patents occur, it can reverse so you think it's bad, but it can be all fixed up and I've seen that time and time again, the actual when you change the vibration of an IRA Okay, yep, I had all these things went wrong with me now financially orders issue finances because that's sort of a pattern in my childhood.
I get it, I've got to shift this I've got to put my energy there and actually fixes the problem. Some of you haven't had a couple of you posted, not in this group, they went in the other group to post it things hit the fan there. That's not advisable to put a lot of detail in what goes wrong because you've just gone and grow more of what goes wrong. I get things can hit the fan and yes, you said that you understand it's better to write Okay, so give you a rule. You can say if what you crap happens, but haven't really brief don't have more than one sentence, maybe maximum two of what goes wrong. I want you to invest more time in the message and the focus of where you want to go.
That's the thing that you'll be learning is getting away from Okay, it happened. Well, it's an energy that created it. We don't want to put any more energy on what you don't want. We want to put energy on what you do want. So what you're talking more about the lesson, and where to focus and the solution. Cool, guys.
Thanks, Robin, your discourse so much. Oh, thank you lovely on YouTube. Okay, does that make sense people we get at the end. So you're noticing that so not a lot of people in our group write much about their problems. Because it's kind of group when we have it where you can in the other free group you have where you can post your thing that you want healed in the top post and we actually asked you to write what you do want as opposed to what you don't want. It's all an energy, and you start to be conscious of what you are saying where you're focusing.
Right? Okay, let's go down. Yes, there was a poster that said how do you view the world Yeah, well how do you think of the world? And for some of you, it hasn't been that great. And when you can start saying Gee, it's a beautiful world it's so amazing. And you focus on it you rise above what is and create this beautiful world that will reflect and then you are you are jumping timelines.
Piano says love the energy of this picture. This is the heart and the lightness feeling the joy. What a sweetie. Shana, You're so adorable. And I loved your message, Fiona about how you said, you went out of your way and put your daughter in a good school in a good neighborhood where she hung out with other people that were affluent or had, you know, wealthy, and she has that mindset. She thinks she deserves it.
Like, which is great. So great. And she gets in she manifests. So that's a really great thing. All right. So hopefully now I've worked out see this.
This is the first time I've done a 30 day group in Facebook, and I am loving how it all works. I'm loving how much you're forming and how powerful it is to do to be looking at this every day. Now, if you miss a day, don't worry, again. Now you just go to the unit now and now I know how to add the PDS properly. Instead of doing it as a comment I added in the actual unit and or you can log into the forensic healing side and go into the course because then we're putting it in the course as well. So Tammy gave us a story about her childhood and I'm looking near more more amazing childhoods.
If you Anna says I keep seeing bursts of light when I walk around my house started when I started this challenge. Anyone else have some insights? My daughter says other dimensions coming through. Yeah, well we're going to jump jumping timelines are free and abundant. A loving timeline. That's what we're co creating together.
And we're up to I think $32,000 that were unexpectedly produced. And when you're around people that talk about these things, if you feel uncomfortable, just be okay with it and go, Oh, I'm not manifesting. You wait, you say I'm not manifesting it, you just need to go okay. I'm going to work on myself slow but sure wins races. It's, it's the small decisions that will matter up to a big decision. You are now learning to be much more productive with where your feelings go.
To now we've got a recess. I feel that I don't have enough financial wealth for my age as compared to others. My mom always told me, God will provide throughout my childhood. So this belief has taught me to rely on others to provide Yeah, I put a lot of effort into changing my financials. situation around in the past year and now I have savings and all expenses are covered and I'm now I've now learned to budget but the one stress is the credit card debt which I'm paying off also my mother deny gifts. Okay, so she denied gifts well she denied she gave them back which I've well yeah okay which I learned that was from her lack of self love and allowing herself to receive aren't used to be like that which I have this replicated through to my adulthood and I used to feel guilty for receiving Yeah, well the credit well you're doing well Ruth so the credit card debt it's almost about like receiving it's almost like the credit card debt is the guilt because debt is owing so you feel bad you feel heavy.
That when you start releasing this guilt of receiving and you'll be doing role plays energetic removing it, and you know, it's been your in your blue Prince Charming you've been doing it for many decades. So I'm doing it I'm rambling it will take energy and effort. But the path you're halfway there when you recognize it, Rousseau and start role playing Yes. Thank you very much. I'll take that. Yes.
And asking people can you give me this? That would be really great to do roleplay Can I Can you help me Can you give me I ask people for things. That's what I would be doing. I would assign you projects that every day you to ask someone for something. Can I borrow? Or can I borrow something?
Can I have a Dola? Can I have your Can I have some of your coffee? I that will shift it that will start getting you uncomfortable. But and then you because you you don't see it how they see when someone asked you for something. Then someone asked you for something And then they don't see it how you see it sometimes people like to be asked say like says Can I would you share some of your coffee and some people love it that you want that they can be interact with you, you gain some trust with people and you bond I assume that I will not have enough because mom was always saying that we did not have enough to buy foods for clothes schoolbooks. I was always in the poor line at school from my school uniforms and handouts.
I have compensated with my children, I'm so bad and things so as you're trying to fix you buy by doing that for your children at your expense. Yes, you've over compensated that's a common thing that when you're trying to eat you get so hung up on not hurting or damaging your children. you overdo it and it actually then damages you and them instead of healing yourself and getting more balanced in life. I was never taught to manage money or budgets. So I have no idea where the money goes, Well, I know where it goes, you give it out you, we know where it goes. And you could learn to budget.
You see if you knew where when the thing is, and you don't want to know where it goes because then you go, Oh, now I can't give to my kids because I'm giving it all to my kids. All right. I want to start my own business. Although although father, stepfather and husband was all self employed now unable to make enough to cover bills, my mindset of lack needs to be reversed. Yes. And a healthy energy bs all learned budget.
Definitely. I tell you, Angie, when you get over this need to make sure your children don't hear the words, Oh, I can't afford it. You get over that and get them working for it. Get them instead of giving it to them. You give only to the army when they've done tasks. You make them work for it, then they'll feel then you create a pattern that opens When they get older they will give out an energy for it to come back.
And that and have a different view of money get them focused on because it because you're you've had no education so you're not really educating them either. So become educated on and do write down where your money goes. But budget is basically writing down every day that you spend and writing down how much money you have for the week. And then when you do that, you can say okay, I'm going to I'm going to start saving some money and invested in a business and you definitely need to shift that mindset set. Okay, so role plays Elizabeth said she had an afternoon role playing with a buddy Catarina a few laughs Okay, that's great. Thanks for that she has beautiful role plays a really powerful because it it.
It puts you in a different energy once you play a different person. Okay, so I've got your story there, your birthright so we'll go to get really comfortable Having a birthright of abundance. Okay, so I'll just quickly scroll down i, where my questions are talking about all the issues. So we'll Jeanette says, I seem to settle for a mediocre income. The weird thing is, I can't remember any talk from my parents around money. I think we talked about that.
In the video, we talked about that in the Skype, and that was where your mom played small, and there was so much going wrong. So it's not one as I mentioned, it's not actually one thing. If you look at what have I said, I say here, at this age, a sick event occurred or a period of time that created your current financial block. So over a period of time so you looking in, although there's not that one instance, a period of time where you watch your mom play small All right, going down Let's see, we go to Oh, here's a good one. We just said every time I go to the dentist you've already paid for your course. I always have paid them between 60 and 130 after the insurance rebate today do you was told the whole cost was covered?
That was the bill was $137 all covered. So that's like a great metaphor. So see, see when the more you invest in yourself you'll get your money back a million Bob because you're actually shifting your future to be abundant. Yes, what is growing up my dad used to be saying, which was if I knew which one of my things is like to work, I would cut it off. Weird. So when I was six I decided one day to decorate the kitchen I found some figurines and string I was going to hang them around the kitchen.
Guess what I chopped off the table. My finger with the scissors. Yeah, see how whatever people say, especially in childhood, it just is a program and someone had said so when someone said Oh, that's right someone talked about in this Skype session today that the mother said Don't be like me and the the mind doesn't hear the dough. It's just a basically a childhood. That's why when you say don't look at that elephant, you will look at the elephant. You say look at the trees.
Look at something else. Look at, put them Don't, don't put in that sentence what you don't want you. It's called NLP neuro linguistic programming. I'm still going through. I'll just go back over and see if anyone's chatting over there. Let's see.
The world is like a Christmas present exciting. That's great. That's good that you saying that? Robin, it's rubbing off on my hubby. He's getting lots of extra money too. And and actually saying more positive statements about money.
Oh Robin, but that's actually how it works. It's not your energy. Yes. Go into his chapstick. Oh, beautiful. I've started to keep a record how it's helping.
Yes. So when you do have a goal, we're going to go into talking about how when you decide certain things when you make we're gonna there's a day where it's where I've been looking at amazing stuff, creating when you create something and you do your research and that's what the beauty I guess I'm blessed of being a creator and you all are creators. But when I create I'm very much led to really amazing information and an AI researcher, I want to know how to get in and get deep. So I'm learning a really powerful thing. And you'll learn that down the track and decision making. When you make a decision, then you've actually pulled in their response.
It's an energy. That's what Bob Proctor says. And he says, he doesn't worry about the hell. He says, I don't worry about the hell because once I made the decision, the universe will orchestrate what I want. And he said, some people think that I'm crazy. And because he really he knows that works like that.
And he's built a life on it working like that. It does work like that. So everything is a belief system. So if you say to yourself, if I decide to go buy that house over there, of course, you'd have to have enough muscle because you would start with the smaller things and say, I'm going to decide to run your course or maybe something smaller, and the money will turn up and then you start getting bigger and bigger. I'm going to decide to buy that or do that. or invest in that.
And when you and then the universe keeps supplying to you. So you're going to learn about that one I, when I was doing that day on creating decision making, I loved Bob Proctor, he spent a lifetime of learning these laws. Marry, your miracles are an inside job. Go there to create the magic you see in your life. Beautiful. Thank you for those great affirmation.
So I'm going down to see if I can get to where I said post your questions. We have so much in this group. And it's great that you're interacting and you're doing all those things it's just marvelous some right to the bottom so maybe I part I'm maybe I'll pass my questions. Master pass my questions. Welcome going right to the bottom. Yeah, I must have must have answered some.
Okay. Well, I'll go check if you have any questions. Yeah, that's really cool. All right. So there was a post that had questions. So ask me a question under there.
So if you I, when I come back on to answer your questions, I'll go there. And, and if I've missed, go go into the post, it says, Ask me a question. And I will definitely address it down the track. And we the video we did today. I'm hoping to get it, it was an hour, so it took an hour, I'll get it edited. So that will be up and available as well.
So you can view what we did and in the Skype session, and we'll do another Skype session again. So, alright, so thanks for dropping in. And thanks for hanging out and thank you for being amazing, abundant buddies. And I'm very excited. It's really great when you use the science so just understand the formula and recognize it's an N energy. And I will I've got more to talk on it.
I've just sort of, well drip feeding you will not really drip feeding you. I'm giving you something daily. I'm keeping you busy. So when overload you too much now I will I will be back and we will chat, alright, have an abundant day abundant night and of freedom. And if you're not feeling the freedom, go to a feeling that you've had and that energy, you need to supersede the negative. It isn't it takes time.
We got to supersede our past or supersede all those belief systems and you've got the tool so if you do this daily, you're definitely going to change tomorrow and you because you've never really consciously thought about it. All right. So wish you blessings and love and all great things. Okay, so take care