Hello, it's Rob coming here. So I'm just checking in five days later to see how my new campaigns getting on. I started the campaign at the end of January. Today, it's the fourth of February, maybe five days ago, I have spent a total of $11 48 cents and the sales $21 92 cents. Now that doesn't mean that unfortunately, that doesn't mean that I've made just over $10 profit. That's the total sales, the TOEFL Kindle, and paperback sales, my royalty, maybe if it's a Kindle, around 70% if it's a paperback around 30% so I generally look for an a cost below 50%.
So by these figures, it means I'm losing money, however, I'm not too concerned Why? Because the campaign metrics may take up to three days to appear. I know for a fact that Amazon Pay Per Click sponsored products with FBA, they don't show the sales from the last two days. So here we've got five days worth of cost, but only three days worth of revenue. So I should imagine that that a cost is more like 40%. And therefore, I am making money on this campaign, but early days, and we're also trying to get books sold, and we're getting books sold.
So that's a good thing. And we can upsell to the new customers we getting so it's all good. Now let's have a look at the campaign. Click on that link there. So let's have a look at the data we have. We've had a total of 100,000 impressions.
That's how many times the ad has been shown. We don't know pay for that. But we have had nearly 100 clicks, which we do pay for the average cost per click a CPC is around 12 cents. So we've spent around $11. And there's our total sales again, the a cost, remember is the average cost of sales. So percentage of the sales to the spend, and that's around about 50%.
And as I say, that means we're treading water, we're probably not making anything not losing anything, but that's great because we're getting new customers. But the real business happens down the bottom here, we have the keywords here arranged in alphabetical order. What we want to do is to click twice on some of these columns to see what is getting the most impressions. For example, we'll click this column twice. And there we'll see the most impressions are given to that keyword marketing. Probably a bit too.
General, because we're getting clicks, but we're not getting sales. That may be one we'd want to pause. But I'm just going to leave it for now. Business maybe general a bit too general, too, we have got a sale there. But the A cos is over 50%. So we're actually losing money.
Maybe that one would be good to pause. But we have a key word here, Warren Buffett, which just shows you how important it is to add the names of other authors and indeed celebrities that may be relevant to your book. So here we've spent nearly $1 on nine clicks, and we've received maybe five to $6 in profit there. So that is a keyword that is really working for us. What we could do, of course, is increase the cost per click bid. Remember all our CPC bids are all at 25 cents.
I'm not sure if it actually makes any difference as the average cost per click is 11 cents. But let's put it up to 40. Anyway, because we know that keyword is working for us, we know every time we spend money on that, we're making more money back. So it pays to have our book appearing as much as possible for that keyword, because we know we're going to make sales. We can find out more about this by clicking on the spend column twice. And here we'll find more of the highest spending keywords that are not performing well.
We may want to turn some of these off. Of course there is the marketing and business keywords there. Again, I'm going to leave these on for a little bit longer and take the hit because I really think it's important to get more information before we make any decisions. Again, let's click on the sales column twice. And then we'll see what's doing really well, Warren Buffett, Dale Carnegie, very interesting that again, we're getting sales from the names of other authors Udemy doing well there. And the book is about making video courses on Udemy.
So I'm really pleased about that. Again, let's click on the A cos column twice. And we get the same readings. So actually only seeing sales on four of the 350 or whatever it was keywords. And that's the way it is at the moment. We were only getting sales on a handful of keywords, despite the ability to put 1000 keywords in there, but we're gonna stick at it.
And there's many more keywords as a guessing impressions and guessing clicks. We may find some of those converting well for us later on, but we still got space for more keywords. And I'm going to show you something I didn't show you later, as another way of getting more keywords. So all we have to do is go to amazon.com. And search in books. For now, for the keyword we most want to display for the best describes our book.
So I'm going to go for passive income. Now I'm sure that is a keyword that is very competitive. You know, wouldn't you like to be the first book that appears there? But what I find so interesting is that three or four books down, we have some Kindles here that don't have many reviews. But anyway, what we want to look at here is four books that have been written by people who are really good at Kindle SEO, which I'm not, but you can see by the titles here, they're very long and they're crammed with keywords. So Here we have passive income strategies and ideas, starting online business, financial freedom.
These are all keywords that people are going to put into Amazon and look for books about and this guy has put as many as he can into his title so probably knows what he's doing. And for this reason, it's really a good idea to have a look at their description, because there will be loads more keywords that you could find here like making money while you sleep, make more money, work from home strategies, tips transform, you can see this guy has done his keyword research on our topic. And we're going to take as much information and keywords from him as we can even his name as well. And we want to do this to all the books that are here on the first page of results, even more interestingly is that there are some books here that have, obviously aren't very successful 13 reviews, my book has 50 reviews.
And yet this one appears in the results before me. This is because these people have done their keyword research and they've put all these successful keywords into the title, the subtitle, and the description here, the book description, as well as the back end keywords. Of course, remember, you've got those five or seven back end keywords that you put when you're uploading your book KDP what the important thing is to get these keywords here from the description and the other titles here. And this is what I've done here. This is my list of keywords. Remember I had about 148 I think, originally, and what I did is I went through a few of these books that were doing very Well in search results, and obviously were written by people who've done their homework on their Kindle SEO, and I found a bunch more keywords over 50.
In fact, so copied them all. Let's go back to our campaign, ads, keywords, paste them all in. And remember, back in Excel, I did remove duplicates. And because I've done that, hopefully, this will all add into our complaint. So let's go for it. Add and sure enough, there is an issue, and I'm just going to get rid of those quickly now.
Paste them in again, and add. Oh, and there we go. We scroll down to the bottom. Now we have 399 beforehand. 348. So 50 keywords added a successful campaign.
Let's leave it for another week. Come back and see how we get on. My name is Rob Coburn. I'll see you in another video.