Hello, this is Rob cabin. Now once you have uploaded an E book to Amazon, and a paperback, and even an audio book, anything can be changed the title, the content of the book, virtually anything. So this is a book I wrote about three years ago. And I wanted to update it. I have actually completely rewritten the book, it used to be about 12,000 words, and now it's about 23,000 words. I'm also going to change the title, because I've been making $5,000 a month for two years.
So it'll be better if I say 5000 instead of 2000, some changing the title, changing the cover, and of course, I'm changing the content. We go into KDP amazon.com and sign in and then go to my bookshelf, where I see all the books that I have uploaded and published, I've found the one that I want to update. So I'll click on that. And in the first page, here is the title, we're going to change that to five files and change the title. I've changed the description. So we're going to leave all these, leave the keywords for now.
And I'm going to change the book cover. I'll just show you the PNG there. It's 260 kilobytes. And if we look at this in Photoshop, it's 1200 pixels by 1800 pixels and 72 ppi. So we'll click Browse for image and upload or create a book cover and get that jpg. Wait a while for Amazon to upload it.
Okay, and now I'm going to upload a book file because we're going to be changing that as well. So I'll go browse, I could choose either the dot mobi Or the dot e pub, but I'm gonna choose the dot mobi. And this will take a while. So the book file, the E book file, the mobi file has uploaded. And there's six possible spelling errors. So we'll have a quick look at those.
And there does seem to be a typo there with two minute as one word, but I'm going to live with those and preview the book. Now, we've already previewed the book, in a Kindle preview called caliber. And also we've uploaded the book to my Kindle book using center Kindle and everything was okay, so we just have a quick check through the first few pages there. And we're okay with it. So we go back to book details here at the top left hand corner. That whole process of changing a book on the Kindle Store is just basically very simple as the process you do for uploading it the first time.
So we save and continue knew that page. And now we're going to the pricing. And what I'm going to do is put the price down to zero 99 US dollars. And in order to do that, of course, I have to have 35% royalty, and then it puts the price in all the different currencies for you. And that is it. All you have to do is check that to confirm you have all the rights necessary, which I do because I wrote the book, and then it's save and publish, and it says it can take up to 12 hours for English and 24 hours for other languages.
It will probably be a little bit quicker than that. This is Rob Cohen. I'll see in the next video.