Hello, it's Rob coven here. So I just want to show you a few ideas of how you can get engagement and involvement with people you already know when you're writing a book. Now, remember, I said that you have to tell people you're writing a book, don't write a book on your own, without telling anyone, you must tell them what you're writing about. And then you'll get ideas back from them. And I've done that. Best to do it with your list, an email list, always tell your email list what books you're writing.
And second best would be social media. Here on Facebook. Here I've got a post with three alternatives of covers, so people can say, which cover they like and also, which title of the book. I've got three different subtitles here, even though that the title is, is almost definitely going to be the new freedom. I've had 17 On this, now, most of these people probably will get the book somehow i'd either give them a free copy, or they'll buy it. And then they're very likely to do a review.
I'd always advise you to liaise with other authors join good Kindle publishing and self publishing groups on the internet. There's a very good one here started by Pat Flynn. I have been an admin of this group for over two years now. It's been very good in the past, I have to say, to be honest with you, it's going through a bad phase at the moment, there's not a huge amount of engagement. I say that but if you scroll down here is almost the same post that I put on my normal newsfeed and I got 10 comments over 10 comments of people giving really good advice on the book covers in the book titles, and of course, this Amazon best selling authors who are involved In these groups and so that you get some good advice, not only that you do get engagement with the project, and they're likely to either buy it or leave it, or review or both, do it anywhere, anywhere you can think of here I am posting in a group that I frequent, I post a lot of valuable content in this group.
So that's why I'm okay, posting a blog post this time. In the introduction. In the actual post, I say, Please give me an email address in the comments. So that's trying to find the street team there. And of course, here I've got a couple of guys who said looks in interesting as drop you an email, and you can send me a free copy of the book. There's so many questions you can ask people you can say, what's the best title of the book?
Do you like this cover? I'm writing a book about x. Do you think I should include y? Is there anything you'd like me to say in this book on this particular subject? There's so many opinions that you can gauge. And the benefits to You are so huge in so many ways you can get some great advice and great ideas from people.
But you'll also get them engaged, which makes it much more likely that they will buy the book and leave a review on Amazon which is so important. Also, they're much more likely to evangelize about you as a product creator you as a business person, you as an author, so they they will remember your name. They will recommend you to other people. And I really can't overemphasize the importance of getting people engaged in your products, and especially in your books. My name is Rob coven. I'll see you in the next video.