Now here's the thing, there is risk involved in every transaction. Your job is to minimize that risk for the potential customer as much as possible. How do you do that? Well, you offer a guarantee. Most often, this is a money back guarantee. In fact, it's highly recommended you use money back, if you don't already.
It's important you have this in place, is it you'll eliminate questions or objections such as what would happen if for some reason I don't like the product right after the person has bought it? What if it's not a good fit for me and so let me give you an example. I will play a short part of my webinar pitch. Alright, so now, now at this point, you've got two options. Okay. Option number one is to do nothing.
Obviously, this is not a success mindset. If you look at resulting it will not increase your sales. It wouldn't grow your business. And maybe you remember what Pablo Picasso said action is the foundational key to all success. And the second option is you invest in marketing psychology masterclass today in see if it is going to work for you, which I'm pretty sure it will just give it a try. Because Because you've got absolutely nothing to lose.
Okay, you're covered with a 30 day money back guarantee, and that is an unconditional guarantee. I take this very seriously because some people would attach a million conditions to their money back guarantee such as you need to fill in all the worksheets, you need to do all the exercises, you need to watch 95% of the promo, I simply don't work this way. Okay, if you're not satisfied for any reason, you request a refund within the 30 day period. You will get it period. Okay. And because I believe I believe in the tools I created for you We'll help you keep the funnels and I will help you keep the checklists.
Even if you request a refund in it, this is how confident I am. Sounds fair to you. Okay, nice. Remember, this is just an example. You don't need to offer an unconditional money back. This is how I do it.
This is what works for me, but feel free to change it. For example, some people offer 14 days money back, right. Others they will offer 30 days money back, but clans must prove that they've implemented the strategies and saw no results. Still, other people would offer double your money back guarantee with the idea in mind that in this way, we don't just remove the risk, but we reverse it. Of course that refers to the monetary risk. Now people who have heard this type of guarantee double or triple your money back they rarely keep their word and honestly it sounds less and less believable.
So my advice is to Don't use double or triple your money back guarantees. As for the length of the guarantee, some tests have shown that the longer your money back guarantee, the fewer refunds you will have, which is counterintuitive, but that's the fact. The psychological aspect here is that when your prospects have only 14 days, they might feel a bit pressed for time, they might feel pressure, right? Whereas if you offer 60 or 90 days money back, they're more relaxed and they know that there is a lot of time to think about it, make a decision later. Now let's recap. Number one, winning a guarantee is a device that helps reduce the risk of the transaction.
Number two, state the guarantee in your cells view and give specifics. It should be clear and transparent. Number three, don't give promises you cannot keep number for longer guarantee equals fewer refunds. Thank you for watching and stay purposeful