Hi, and welcome back. And here in this section we're going to be talking about design approach. And design approach is just a way of getting started your particular project. So there are generally five different design approaches that we work with. There is a rectangular rectangle of 45 degree design, arc and tangent design, radial or concentric circles design, and curvilinear or naturalistic design, and they all have their own strengths. And now by having this idea, and being able to work with design approach, you can approach any property and know what's going to be best for the situation.
The idea of design approach is to hold these concepts and theories that we learned about earlier together, how you combine your shapes and now how you import the idea of form composition. To expand your design and make better and better plans, when you have any design to work with. Now we know what each particular design approach requires. You have all of your lines forms, shapes to work with and relate to each other. And you also know how all of the components are supposed to integrate together. So now you're going to create a brilliant, interesting design.
And whenever you're able to have an elevation built into it even better, so we're going to have a look at all of these design approaches. And also some examples will be available to download. So you can keep those as references, use them practice and you'll be able to develop your own design style.