Our next introduction is for one of Chuck Berry's great Christmas songs. This one is Merry Christmas baby. And he kicks it off with the sliding knife courts, it's in the key of G. And if you listen carefully at the very beginning, he does have kind of a different progression to get into the one into the G. And let me just play the whole guitar part for the introduction and then I'll show you what I'm talking about. As the song kicks off, E. So the song is in the key of G and our chords are g C and D. But in the introduction, he kind of meanders his way into that by going from the e to the a and then to the D, and then to the G. So check that out on the tab. So that first slide. This one you could play with a flat pick.
And what I'm doing is I've really just got two fingers on the seventh fret third and first strings, my second finger on the third string, my ring finger on the first string, and I'm sliding on the third string to the ninth fret. And then upstroke and getting the first strike right back to the seventh fret, so the whole lack now I go over the a and I play this and that when I'm not so sure if he could play that with just a flat pick. I think maybe what he's doing here is using his second finger picking the third string with the pic Getting the actually the first fourth string with the pic and the second string with the ring finger and also getting the first string with the second finger. So we've got this we're sliding from the fifth fret, second, second and fourth strings.
Putting the first finger on the fifth fret, I hear this in the song fifth fret of the first string. Then sliding back on the second and fourth strikes from the seventh to the fifth fret. So the whole thing so far he's gonna take that same lick and move it to the five or the D. So that's over the five then he's gonna come back to the one He's gonna slide on the second and fourth strings from the fifth fret, third fret to the fifth fret three times and the last time he's just gonna slide back down to the third fret. So that is what the guitar is playing on the introduction for Merry Christmas babies. Let's do that again one more time slowly kicks into the sock. So there's another really cool Chuck bearing introduction, this time using those sliding knife core chips.