For our last lesson covering sliding double stops on the first and second strings, we're going to move to the second and third strings. But one more before we go and this is the ultimate. This is the second solo from the song 30 days. Now, when I was young 17 years old first started listening to Chuck Berry, I heard this tune and I thought, Wow, that is the coolest thing I've ever heard in my life. And I've always wanted to play it and I just kind of messed around with it here and there fiddled around with it never really sat and tried to figure it out. I just never thought I could play it.
And guess what, I still can't find it. But what I do know now is what he's playing. And so I'm going to show that to you. I'm just going to show you the pattern for this not call play as much as I can. One of the problems I have is my guitar doesn't have a whole lot of space, you know, way up here on the neck and I can't it's really hard to stretch My fingers to get some of the licks he's gonna play. So I'll show you the best I can.
So we're in the song 30 days KFB flat, and he starts out. Again, I can't play this, I'm going to show you the kind of the pattern and what I figured out, you've got some time, got the tab of it, and you can, if you want to learn how to play this, go for it. But what I think is valuable here is even if you can't play this, I can't play at least you can see how it uses these double stops and he uses two or three different patterns. So think of all those patterns that I showed you. He uses all of them. So he starts out playing this, which is the B flat, here's B flat and then second position, the flat bar chord, he starts out with something like this.
And when I think he's got to do here, and I've got my first and second fingers, and I just do that my habit, I think you got to play first and third fingers here. And so you got to play it like this. Why is that because the very next lick he's gonna go he's gonna add this melody. And to do that you've got to be able to get the 15th fret of the first string and then 18th so we play it slowly for you that's basically what he plays just not play this fast. And then he's gonna go so he's gonna keep that first black where he does the play that again game speed, as they say is pretty tough takes a lot of practice, I haven't practiced it enough. I have no use for it right now playing live or anything, but I'm just showing you this is how he does it.
So he starts out, let's start over. So he keeps us going check the tab and he goes, he's gonna go. I think he's using his ring finger and getting the 15th fret of the first strike. Back to the 11th and 13th frets. Now, I would still keep that shape with those two fingers. Don't use the ring finger, but you'll see why here in just a minute.
Depending on what kind of guitar you have, it's pretty tough to get all the way up the neck the way he's going to do it. So let's do that whole first part again. Oops, try it again. So it's more like real fast parts of this I can play parts of it I can. So now we're using remember that we played over the second position barre chord. Remember that 30 days In fact, in the first verse of a solo, he played same lick now, but we're starting from the second position B flat chord.
And I should correct myself before he gets to that, he's gonna go to the D shape, B flat, which is on the 10th fret of the first string, 11th fret of the second string. So let me do that again. Let's take it from this part. Gonna go on the 15th and 16th 16th and 18th. Let's take it from here is the 18th and 20th fret on the first string so it's really tough to get totally out of your normal form. And once he gets there he's gonna come back Once he gets all the way, he's gonna go back here, which is the 16th and the 18th.
We've seen that 15th or 16th flat back where we started the second part of the solo. Let me walk you through the entire thing. And again, there's no way I can play this the way Chuck Berry did without screwing up trying to play it that fast but I know what he's doing. So he starts out it's really hard to do that. Wrap it up. But it's kind of hard and then this part to play it smoothly, it's tough if he listened to the recording, but he played it and he plays it at remarkable speed.
Now that gives you something to shoot for. If you can play that without screwing up, you know you've got this stuff, no problem. And take a look at that. So we've got actually three different patterns going on. See if you can identify the patterns and there's one that I didn't explain yet. We're going to take a look at that a little bit later when we look at some of the lyrics from some of these other songs.
Alright, that's the last one on The first and second strings now we're going to move into the sliding double stops on the second and third strings.