In this lesson, we're going to take a look at how Chuck Berry starts off his version of Route 66. It's in the key of B flat, and the length that he plays is really made over the B flat first position B flat barre chord. Here's how it goes. And if you listen carefully, you could also play this in a simpler way and just play the bass or something like that. But if you listen to the recording when he does this, you hear that bass right there to me, and the only way he could do that is to have his hand like this with the bar chord shape and what he's doing. He's doing on the low end of the cord on the fifth and sixth strings, flattening the ring finger on the eighth fret second and third strings.
And he's hammering on with the second finger on the seventh fret of the third string, getting the open second string to get a hold that really tight. At least with my guitar, you Dave, so we got that comes down on the core. That's what I hear. So that's how he starts off route 66. Let's do it one more time slowly. So you just keep the B flat shape.
That's the one chord and that's where he starts. And there you go, and there's another fun chord berry or Chuck Berry song chord introduction.