Our next intro is for the novelty 10 Jojo gun. We looked at this song a couple times already, we looked at the chord progression that he plays. We also looked at the Phillips and now we're going to take a look at the introduction in the KFC another introduction, but this one again has a different twist to it. kind of neat there he's combining. That's typical CRF that he does the same with that blues turn around that we've seen before we saw that and so it's 12312312 and then he's gonna go So what I'm doing, you can just check the tab on this plan this little turnaround over the first position C bar chord, my first finger just stays in that double stop, and my pinkie goes to the 11th fret of the second string. I just walk it, walk it down.
So one more time. Something like that. So there's the intro for Chuck Berry's Joe Joe gun and the KFC