So tip number three, within your work experience section, you want to show off your promotions. So how do we do this? As I said before, in the employment history section, you kind of want to add at the top, your, your, your company that you work for the job description, and the present date and just have two roles underneath. So let's just say you became a manager, your first one will be manager, the second one be analyst, for instance. So you want to show this stuff, the best way you can, because I've seen some resumes that don't do this. They just clump, the title, clump the positions and the roles and responsibilities.
So you want to break it up, make sure that they know you're getting promoted, which looks great for you. As they're looking to be like, Okay, this person has initiative, this person has got promoted that means she you know, or he is a good employee. That's why they're willing to get promoted. And so you only need Name the name of the company wants within the two positions. So position roles and responsibilities, achievements, position roles and responsibility achievements and this is how you do it. And this is how you draw attention to promotions tip